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Thread: Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc

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    Default Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc


    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-14-2021 at 07:05 PM.

  2. #2
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    I associate all but the anime avatars with asshole NTs and maybe some STs. Anime has gotten pretty popular with Gen Z, from what I understand, so it would be more likely more people, regardless of type, would be open to using an anime avatar.

    fwiw, I use an anime avatar for my Steam profile (Kurapika from HxH).

    edit: Lurkers and creepers could be NFs too. Then again, I've met some NF edgelords, as well.

    So maybe it's not type-related after all.

  3. #3
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet42069 View Post
    Girls with anime avatars are almost always bisexual girls who spend too much time on Discord/Twitter. Either that or they're just SEI soft girls. Guys with anime avatars tend to be racist edgelords, or they might prefer 'darker' anime, making them ILI wannabe Enneagram type 8 lone wolf badasses (this is usually coupled with being on the spectrum and having Reddit views). If someone has an anime avatar and does not fulfill any of these criteria, then there's a good chance they're simply just a pedophile.
    You and @woofwoofl are artists at painting entire pictures of people from, like, 3 words. “SEI soft girl” — I shouldn’t know what this means but I know exactly what it means, lol. “having Reddit views” "bisexual girls who spend too much time on Discord/Twitter” “wannabe type 8 lone wolf badasses” lmao. Amazing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet42069 View Post
    Girls with anime avatars are almost always bisexual girls who spend too much time on Discord/Twitter. Either that or they're just SEI soft girls. Guys with anime avatars tend to be racist edgelords, or they might prefer 'darker' anime, making them ILI wannabe Enneagram type 8 lone wolf badasses (this is usually coupled with being on the spectrum and having Reddit views). If someone has an anime avatar and does not fulfill any of these criteria, then there's a good chance they're simply just a pedophile.
    damn I had a feeling I might actually be bisexual

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    Trolls = Soc-first/second, 6w7/E7 head-fix

    Edgelords = Betas and ILEs

    Creepers = Intuitives

    Neckbeards = Alpha NTs, Ti-LSIs and xLIs

    Lurkers = Sp-first/second

    Anime Avatars = introverted/harmonizing subtype
    Last edited by Averroes; 06-30-2021 at 06:24 PM.

  6. #6
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    Hmm maybe I should change my profile picture to an anime character. The only anime I’m familiar with is Sailor Moon though

  7. #7
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Stalker brand weird is definitely Ni.
    Edgelords beta.
    Trolls - depends, mb ILE's
    animu interest seems ILI
    Neckbeards.. I have no idea - overinflated sense of self + social awkwardness = sounds like impossible combo when I hear it
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 06-30-2021 at 06:52 PM.
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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username4747 View Post
    Why ILI? Any type could have an interest in anime. Especially Alphas...
    Maybe Ni egos or Ni valuing egos would do as well.
    Those characters seem to spring up associative qualities that they represent (RPG'ish admiration of powerful qualities or even becoming one). Why would Ne's want that beyond meta?

    Anyway, anime might be much more and diverse than that sort of cliché.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Maybe Ni egos or Ni valuing egos would do as well.
    Those characters seem to spring up associative qualities that they represent (RPG'ish admiration of powerful qualities or even becoming one). Why would Ne's want that beyond meta?

    Anyway, anime might be much more and diverse than that sort of cliché.

    ...Well, there are two major kinds of anime:

    1. "It's over 9000! He's going super saiyan!" (The action kind you mentioned that would be associated with decisive quadras.)
    2. "I will be your waifu senpai!" (The pervy kind most people are associating with alphas.)

  10. #10
    Doctor of Socionics First Class Socionics Is Not A Cult's Avatar
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    Trolls just want to have fun (direct link to .pdf file)

    Buckels, E.E., Trapnell, P.D. and Paulhus, D.L., 2014. Trolls just want to have fun. Personality and individual Differences, 67, pp.97-102.
    In two online studies (total N= 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.
    A multivariate analysis on the Dark Tetrad revealed a significant effect of activity preference: Wilks’k= 0.97,F(20, 1646.00) = 1.65,p= .03. Inspection of the pattern depicted in Fig. 1confirmed that,as expected, the Dark Tetrad scores were highest among those who selected trolling as the most enjoyable activity. Planned orthogonal contrasts indicated that the effect was significant for all DarkTetrad measures: direct sadism,t(500) = 3.03,p= .003,d= .27,vicarious sadism,t(500) = 2.91,p= .004,d= .26, psychopathy,t(500) = 3.09,p= .002,d= .28, narcissism,t(500) = 2.64,p= .009,d= .24, and Machiavellianism,t(500) = 2.78,p= .006,d= .25. A second multivariate analysis on the Big Five scores indicated that, as expected, participants who chose trolling as their favorite activity were higher on extraversion,t(413) = 2.02,p= .04,d= .20, and lower on agreeableness,t(413) =2.04,p= .04,d= .20, than others, but did not differ on conscientiousness, neuroticism, or openness,p’s > .21.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socionics Is Not A Cult View Post
    Trolls just want to have fun (direct link to .pdf file)

    Buckels, E.E., Trapnell, P.D. and Paulhus, D.L., 2014. Trolls just want to have fun. Personality and individual Differences, 67, pp.97-102.

    In two online studies (total N= 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.
    A multivariate analysis on the Dark Tetrad revealed a significant effect of activity preference: Wilks’k= 0.97,F(20, 1646.00) = 1.65,p= .03. Inspection of the pattern depicted in Fig. 1confirmed that,as expected, the Dark Tetrad scores were highest among those who selected trolling as the most enjoyable activity. Planned orthogonal contrasts indicated that the effect was significant for all DarkTetrad measures: direct sadism,t(500) = 3.03,p= .003,d= .27,vicarious sadism,t(500) = 2.91,p= .004,d= .26, psychopathy,t(500) = 3.09,p= .002,d= .28, narcissism,t(500) = 2.64,p= .009,d= .24, and Machiavellianism,t(500) = 2.78,p= .006,d= .25. A second multivariate analysis on the Big Five scores indicated that, as expected, participants who chose trolling as their favorite activity were higher on extraversion,t(413) = 2.02,p= .04,d= .20, and lower on agreeableness,t(413) =2.04,p= .04,d= .20, than others, but did not differ on conscientiousness, neuroticism, or openness,p’s > .21.
    I command thee, my loyal servants, to take heed to yourselves, that your hearts be not deceived by @Socionics Is Not A Cult, for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders.
    And it was good.

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    Haha, being a prey in the tamed dot of happenings on this speck of pale dust in the cosmic gloom shows rattling cheerleaders giving swoop engines to the frenzied jolt of the cocoon.

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    Trolls: STs
    Gadflys: NFs/NTs
    Edgelords: NFs/SFs
    Lurkers: Any
    Creepers: Any, NF/SF more common maybe
    Neckbeards: NTs
    Anime Avatars: idk ... NF/NT? some SF too though.

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    Cool thread

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    What does rat mean

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    Default Goals and Objectives

    In case u have trouble reading between the lines

    the purpose of this thread was to,

    --expose the current trolls / edgelords / lurkers / creepers / neckbeards etc in this forum.

    --experiment + learn as much as possible about different online personalities and how they operate

    --extrapolate / use this knowledge to potentially educate and better online communities

    better moderation thread, forum sanity, block/ignoring, rapport + gaslighting patterns/observations updated
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-15-2021 at 03:50 AM.

  18. #18
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    what even is this thread and why are people still posting in it.

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    I like how this thread went from “what types are most likely to be x thing?” To “hearing other people instead of sticking to your own perspective is psychopathy”.
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    sorry I'm late to the party what's going on? are we purging people from the forum or not?

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    Default Forum Sanity, Blocking / Ignoring, and Respect

    Forum Sanity Guideline

    Before people post things, u have to keep a couple things in mind....

    1) who is my audience

    2) what kind of response is expected

    like don't expect to dramatically turn any views around. it's just not realistic.

    do u really think people are going to respond:

    "Hey, that's a valid point! u really changed my mind about that!"
    Lol no. there's going to be a limit on the type of response u get so keep that in mind.

    The Double Standard

    "certain members" meeting certain demographics posting *controversial* things on this forum... is asking for a deadly disaster. expect to get ganged up on / ridiculed / diagnosed as mentally ill / bait and switched / threatened etc etc (if not directly, indirectly) more frequently than members of *classically protected* demographics

    Lastly, *if possible* please refrain from *intense* sex-specific topics, site moderation suggestions, religious and political debates (these tend to be the most triggering IMO)

    The point is, be careful, don't set urself up for a disaster.

    Or at least keep the expectations low

    Follow these guidelines. Your mental health will thank you

    Blocking / Ignoring Guideline

    Fighting back against harassment for self-defense is expected.

    Blocking / Ignoring should be implemented if the problem doesn't correct itself.

    1) Here are some Red Flags of Deception to Look Out for

    Watch for:

    --coordinated street theater, talks of "mental illness," (1, 2 )

    --indirect conversations / innuendo / comments that are intentionally vague / cowardnonymous / snake-like,

    --harmless trolling that gradually (or suddenly) crosses over to harassment

    --new/strange accounts (if < 100 posts + harassment, consider blocking right away) appearing out of nowhere and conspiring together, creepily talking about u like they've known u for years (most likely a past friend, coworker, or online member being two-faced and manipulative)

    --being disrespected several times. they will cycle b/t being respectful and disrespectful (and 99% chance it will most likely keep continuing)

    --it's also possible some users are running around impersonating older inactive members

    Also consider blocking if u see the following techniques frequently used against u:

    Other techniques

    Love-Bombing; used in the rapport building stage. often used to put u into a *trance* or suggestible state, dragging / misleading you into the deep-end before doing the bait-and-switch. trust and connection also lowers your guard, opening u to vulnerabilities (or attacks)

    Gaslighting; manipulating the other by questioning their sanity or reality. delusional reframing (especially when they're aware of ur demographic/situation),

    Projection; ex: being hateful towards someone but blaming that person for being hateful

    Ad hominem; focus is on attacking the person rather than the points / argument (1)

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    You are ultimately just a heretic in the plainest sense.
    Leveling; taking something u did and making it out to something just as horrible as what they are doing

    Smear Campaign; taking something small and *urgently* blowing it up into some negative narrative about u, like sharks smelling blood. may involve a "group discussion" involving some kind of mental illness (1 ,2 )

    Word salad; incoherent points scattered throughout a large paragraph of words. May or may not be infested with cognitive bias and inconsistencies. (1)

    Block / Ignoring Time Periods

    --First time consider ignoring for a short period
    --Second time consider ignoring for an extended period
    --Third time consider ignoring forever

    R. E . S . P. E . C . T

    today, genuine friendships / relationships hardly exist,

    if the respect isn't there, these things are especially meaningless.

    u either respect someone or u don't.

    it should be a process to get into your circle. the problem these days is that people,

    --give away their power and trust too freely and easily
    --disrespect people that shouldn't be disrespected
    --have twisted the concept of equality into this heresy, destroying any concept of power/respect
    in actuality,

    people will test how much they will be able to disrespect u and get away with it.

    this isn't anything new in this forum

    enforce ur boundaries if people constantly disrespect u.

    power / respect is foundational; without it, everything else falls apart.

    elevate ur perspective and factor this truth into your expectations.

    you'll save years of heartache.
    if you have a genuine question (and aren't rude about it), I'll comment.

    if you make a comment on something inaccurate or wrong, I'll comment if I think it'll be helpful for future reference.

    if u make a comment that's just plain dumb (or a waste of time / trolling), i'll probably not respond
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-06-2022 at 03:50 PM.

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    is it possible to block a thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Lemme know if there's a way to block threads related to @Adam Strange's hairy old ballz + sex life and pussy sizes
    Could you stop quoting me I specifically do not want to be reminded that this thread exists.

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    I'm a lurker
    If they ever tryna neck, I'll put my foot up in your caca
    Call your mama and your papa
    Like I'm finna take your dadda
    Turn that bitch into a soccer ball and rocka, rocka, rocka (brrr)
    Get into it like a suit
    And fuck a stack up like a broker

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    What type are all of these?

    BTW what is with all the fucking cat avatars? Are they all the same person? It's the same kind of cat...

    What type is that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    What type? Sociotype?
    Yeah I meant sociotype but I was just joking.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    You made the same points while glossing over what I had said before necessiating me to repeat myself proving you are not paying attention.

    I couldnt talk to depressed someone cuz they would get bullied for interacting with me and they had to conform to norms being unable to express themselves and communicate their problems because it's "inapproprite", "we are professionals we don't bring our problems to work" " they are attention seekin" "they are spoiling the atmosphere" You get bullied for getting bullied. Boss doesn’t help you. Conservatives tell you to man up and bear through it I don’t have screenshots to prove it rn. They speak to whatever group they are part of or someone particular close they can trust to not spread their predicaments and what did you do about that. When someone was complaining about being abused and neglected while being taken away the means for getting help you just speak completely unaware and entiteld that they are just making things up and seeking attention because you think they are socially inept and don't have the guts or decency to interact with others like normal people.
    They don’t want part in your abominable timebomb drama circles especially when they know they are gonna get targeted for being meddling preachy hypsersenstive SJW who makes excuses for everyone and is thus disloyal (also called MEDIATORS WHO WANT PEOPLE TO BE TREATED FAIRLY AND DON’T TAKE SIDES OF ABUSE).
    The SJW also gets targeted for helping someone whom everyone neglects and abuses or pretends nothing is wrong.
    In effect the SJW reflects the toxicity back by becoming confrontational and obnoxious because that’s all they get in return.
    One time I’m a pussy and don’t stand up for my self another I’m seeking attention people just want to see me burn they do not care.
    I made those points in another post of mine which you don't care to check. You were probably bully’s acquintance who just heard their side of the story and spoke up to defend them against accusations.
    You got yourself in situations which could have gone really south but you couldn’t process that and someone who actually can keeps away and when it happens to someone we get to the fat logic “you are just lazy, making excuses for not taking care of yourself” “I was fat and lost weight so can you” completely missing that there are different predicaments for that person where it’s not like that its not even genetics, but excessive stress causing them to overeat from constant danger that they are not protected from which again you completely miss and when someone needs to feel loved they get even more criticized just because they are fat. It could be so much beyond that but you just latch on “you’re fat”. You don’t see the person at all it proves you are not thinking about consequences and implications of what you immediately see.

    “And you ran away like a little bitch the first time JUST FOR BEING CRITICISED, NOT EVEN INSULTED OR ENDANGERED “
    “every sentence is literally a false accusation. i'm not gonna defend myself for something that isn't true / i'm not guilty of.”

    This literally happenned. You deleted your posts. Twice now. @bryanbone

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    yeah u expect me to have a nice logical discussion with this. i don't even know where to start. nor do i care

    every sentence is literally a false accusation. i'm not gonna defend myself for something that isn't true / i'm not guilty of.

    in short, this is the epitome of why america sucks. and very very dangerous to live in now

    i'm sure ur gonna take something small of from this reply and morph it into a witch hunt / smear campaign

    enjoy the temporary narc supply i'm giving u tho.

    something small lol why aren’t you thinking. You are just proving again and again you are impulsive your thoughts are disordered. You will 100% be a child or wife beater. You said it yourself you are too stupid to comprehend what I’m saying while being self aware at the same time you don’t even care to learn.

    “Smear campaign” my ass I’m exposing you because as we know conservatives like to lie and hide the truth, and mangle history, which you are doing twice now.

    The notion of harsh reality conservatives are completely blind to until it hits them and then they start telling “snowflakes” that they have to “grow up” when they’ve been facing the harsh reality forever. Fucking conservatard thinks he has learned something great and progressed so much.

    Your narc supply is toxic and I'm crying disrecpeting reality like that neglecting my feelings if they don't matter then what does.

    america is dangerous because you neglect and abused as I said people retaliate.

    You want to play your ego card “im suffering too” expecting empath ywhen you were not willing to give it before that.

    You push someone from grief and crying they scream stop then kick them when they’re down repeatedly they scream out choking on grief and now criticize and throw insults in rage then with your hypocritical shortsighted inconsiderate presumptive “feelings wrong, use facts and logic “ why would you expect anything except aggression. Only then you beg and cry. You need someone to one up you, to become worse than you. That’s why I said in one of my psychopathic posts, there’s no point in giving someone empathy and understanding when I know they won’t give it back. My whole criticizing you was to admit your fault which is in the base of your reaosning and cognitiononly then I would verify that you actually care about me. You eesponded with mockery instead.

    Crying communicates to you you’re doing something wrong but you take it asa hint to push the knife further in. You don’t need to devalue my suffering to give significance to your own. Doing that, that’s oneof the most vile things conservatives do that’s the center of their character. I recognized you didn’t make the mistakes you made intentionally. When accused you just keep lying cutting off your wayto being forgiven. You put yourself always above others. That’s what psychopaths do.

    That’s what the degenerate parents do, feeling depreciated when their kid is suffering, they take it as it being “ungrateful” meaning the kid doesn’t care about their efforts, which they punish the kid for(knife crying analogy up.) “I’m not crying so you shouldn’teither” yeah but my crying doesn’t push my suffering on someone else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I mean you said it in the post itself that I would do that. What you did now makes no sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    called it.

    guys he called it guys. look who's fighting now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    The one who was complaining about others fighting.
    How do I even gaslight a post tho what does that mean.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    Gaslighting is a colloquialism for a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is successful in having the target (a person or a group of people) question their own reality, memory or perceptions. There is often a power dynamic in gaslighting where the target is vulnerable because they are fearful of losses associated with challenging the manipulator. Gaslighting is not necessarily malicious or intentional, although in some cases it is.[1][SUP][2]

    You know telling someone something that teaches them new reordering their perception and worldview, like shrooms can teach you something is gaslighting. If I challenge your reality which is your beliefs and worldview I'm automatcially gaslighting you under that definition. That word used to mean something different.

  33. #33
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I think it's time for this thread to be put out of its misery...
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    nah. this thread is awesome

    lol I'm sure you'd think that
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Veganism has appealed me, but I see how the brain and body are made for meat consumption. The way teeth and digestive tract are made, and our requirement of B12 level, the intake..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Veganism has appealed me, but I see how the brain and body are made for meat consumption. The way teeth and digestive tract are made, and our requirement of B12 level, the intake..
    I really need you to see the messages and read the book in the last one. Then tell me when you finished it so I can explain some things further because it's relevant.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 08-13-2021 at 04:04 PM.

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    Default Reptilian Identification Guideline

    Reptilian Identification Guideline
    If you feel like something's not right, you may not be dealing with a human, but a Reptilian

    Before knowing the differences, we first need to understand some key concepts,

    Personality Vs. Character

    Personality- Stable set of traits that define our unique style of interacting with the world over a variety of different situations.

    Character- Distinct aspects of personality that reflect the presence or strength of one's virtues, ethics, conscientiousness, and depth of commitment to social conduct.

    Neurosis (Human) vs. Disturbed Character (Reptilian)

    Most people have some neurosis; otherwise they wouldn't have enough guilt/shame (to "civilize" the individual), to combat character disturbances.

    You can view them as opposite sides of a spectrum. Our personalities will fall somewhere on this spectrum:

    More Neurotic
    <---------------------------------------------------> More character disturbed

    --People with some neurosis (Human) will demonstrate a developed conscientiousness, sense of right vs. wrong, are adaptable (change their ways). Individuals that are character disturbed (Reptilian) have undeveloped conscientiousness, or they silence or don't hear "that voice" that helps them adapt.

    --Neurotic (Human) people have emotional senses of guilt (who we are) and shame (what we've done). Individuals that are character disturbed (Reptilian) lack these feelings.

    --Neurotic people's defense mechanisms stems unconsciously to deal with undesired pain

    Ex: using denial to deal with the emotional pain of loss
    --Character disturbed (Reptilian) individuals resort to "acting / lying" and uses "tactics of manipulation" to avoid responsibility or consequences.

    Ex: Saying "whhhhhhattttt???" or acting stupid when called out for bad behavior.

    Implications for the Character Disturbed

    Focus for character disturbed individuals must be on distorted thinking patterns and behavior NOT on feelings/motivations ( contrary to popular belief )

    Reptilian Covert Aggression

    Here's an interesting (or rather chilling) account from a wife on her covert aggressor husband :

    "Phil falls under the aggressive personality type, as a covert predator. Aggressive types are liars, and they do not want the truth to come out. Phil will never own up to the covert things he does to me. I can’t resolve any issues with him, because he does not want them resolved. Phil does not want me to know him (what he is really like). He will not expose himself to me, by having an honest discussion. I have stopped reacting to his mind-manipulations and that includes not confronting him about it.

    The other day I put my glasses on the end table in the living room next to my phone. We were going to a performance that evening. I went to get my glasses and they were gone. I got my spare pair out of my car, without saying anything to Phil. At the performance he said 'do you know where your phone is?' I said 'yes, I left it on the end table in the living room, but my glasses were missing. That's why I'm wearing the spare glasses I keep in my car.' When we got home Phil said in his sharp, button-pushing voice, 'you need to find your glasses.' I said 'I'm going to read for a while. I'll look for them later.' I read for an hour then went to bed. When I got up I checked the end table. My glasses were sitting there next to my phone. I never said a word to Phil about returning them. That would give him ammunition to attack me, and say I can look right at something and not see it (been there, done that... won't happen again). Phil enjoys setting me up, then he watches the fireworks... at least he used too. I don't go there now. I am no longer a screaming bitch.

    It didn’t take long after I married Phil, for me to realize something is very wrong with him. My first impression was passive-aggressive, but that didn’t quite fit. Phil is covert-aggressive and there is nothing passive about it. He does it viciously and with intent. I recognized Phil’s faulty thinking, and that is a big piece of the puzzle, but the hardest piece to snap into place (by far) was why Phil does it— lie, sabotage, betray me, set me up, trick, deceive, play mind games, use information against me (basically everything you would do to your enemy, not your spouse). Why Phil does it is important to know. Disturbed Characters answered that question— to make himself feel superior.

    Phil wants to have an advantage over me. He wants to be one up. He does not want to relate straight across, like an equal. He wants to keep me in the dark. He wants to control me. If Phil can emotionally devastate me, if he can trick me, play mind games on me, deceive and betray me, in his twisted mind, this makes him superior to me. My mental torment is his reward for being a superior person. Only a mentally deranged person would believe this. Disturbed Characters are mentally deranged."

    Couple lessons we can derive here:

    --they set u up intentionally to get u to react

    --if u can recall from the rapport/gaslighting formula this reaction acts as fuel for narcs

    --therefore when u recognize this kind of thing, u need to stomp the fire out immediately (not giving in)

    --since this person was in a marriage, there's nothing she could really do; if you recognize someone doing this to you - immediately get away from that particular person / situation, as it will never resolve itself

    This is a world wide phenomena of which most of us are dangerously unaware of. And with dangerously I'm referring to the fact that by naively assuming that at the very core we all tend to be more or less the same, we are leaving ourselves completely exposed and unprotected to the attacks, often vicious, of highly disturbed, sometimes conscience lacking individuals.

    One of the best, if not the best, self defense weapons is to know exactly with what and whom you are dealing with, and having the knowledge of character disturbances and even its extreme form: psychopathy (sociopathy for some), is absolutely fundamental.

    Here, I'll break down some responses of a "creepy stalker" that goes by the username "Free."

    *Note* I put "creepy stalker" in quotations bc Free could just as well be a loser-idiot trolling bc they don't have anything better to do.

    Regardless, the purpose of this post is to illustrate how toxic and manipulative these people are, true stalkers or not.

    Free's first post / appearance mentioning me:

    "Don't pay heed to him. If the moderation were active, he would have been permabanned a long time ago so he benefits from the lax environment. Nearly everyone is free and safe to do whatever besides posting porn.

    This place is a mixing of untreated mental disorders."
    A couple things to note right away:

    1) they themselves admit moderation isn't active

    2) I have never seen this person ever until they popped outta the shadows, mentioning me

    3) They aren't very active (< 16 posts) yet they clearly know who I am

    That's his whole game... he's very predictable. He will be friendly for a bit, lash out, "apologize", feign innocence of being offensive, be friendly again, and then lash out yet again because he believes people are orchestrating a plot against him.
    ... and they know this because ... ?

    some more take-aways:

    because he believes people are orchestrating a plot against him.
    the irony/gaslighting/projecting in this statement lol. look at what they're doing here and here

    "lash out.. orchestrating a plot against him."
    notice the framing phrases: "lash out" and "orchestrating a plot"


    Second appearance 8/29/21
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-18-2022 at 05:42 PM.

  38. #38
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    What the fuck even is this thread anymore?
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    What the fuck even is this thread anymore?
    Haven't you been here long enough to know that schizoid rambling is an integral part of the forum culture? pandemic candy is just doing his part to keep the spirit of our community burning bright.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Haven't you been here long enough to know that schizoid rambling is an integral part of the forum culture? pandemic candy is just doing his part to keep the spirit of our community burning bright.
    He's in the big leagues.

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