I don't really know enough LSIs to compare. It's weird. They are actually like very mysterious & exotic to me and shit even though they often talk in this really clear and concise language (lol) & we don't seem to naturally connect much unless I'm forced to interact with them. I usually really like what they say tho, but more from a distance. I find myself getting excited at what they say- which is a bit strange for me because usually people either annoy me or they just bore me. I probably don't know how to process it that well or something idk.

And yeah I realize I'm ambivalent to a fault which pisses off and/or clashes with SLE because they are like 'let's just do this right now' so bluntly and confidently. Meh. I wish I could be more like that sometimes but I'm just not that type of person. ... I probably troll LSIs this way too in fact. Like the Beta thinking types get really easily annoyed at my extreme indecision and then I get annoyed at everything else because I empathetically absorb their own annoyance with my feeling type powers lol. Then they just get even madder at me for being moody and so we go our own ways. lol /forever alone. gif

IP and EP are supposed to get along but I've also annoyed an ENFp in this manner.

I spent the last 7 days doing like 7 different things- and I didn't stick with any one of them with enough seriousness and I'm also constantly doing crap like this. I easily start new things and I have enough confidence to try lots of stuff but I don't really stick with anything to get very good at it though because I'm always changing my mind. I guess it's my own narcissism lol- when I don't feel properly exalted or raptured by something I just hit the reset button hoping next time around it will be the thing I really want. Then I will stupidly make these firm boundaries in my mind about something but then later on completely change my mind about it cuz the feelings have changed lol. But how the fuck did it change? It felt so rigid in stone earlier ugh.