Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

Okay, I just remember this clip and I want to include it in this thread. It can be debated whether it is more caregiver/infantile or aggressor/victim. I am curious what you may think. Just maybe we can interpret some scenes with erotic attitudes possibly. Either way, I love it. The characters had some time to get to know each other beforehand and Harry is Charlotte's divorce layer. If a man ever did what Harry did in the clip, I would exactly react like Charlotte

Edit: If someone can explain to me how you guys are able to add like the full YouTube video without providing a link, that would be fully appreciated!
@MissDucki, to add a full YouTube video instead of simply linking it, first copy the URL of the video, then open a new post and click your mouse at the point in the post where you want the video to appear (Before or after or in the middle of text) and then click on the green "film strip" icon on the bar at the top of the box. The icon should be second from the right. When the popup window opens, paste your URL into the space and click OK.

Incidentally, the two people in the video that you linked seemed introverted to me and the seduction scene did nothing for me, although his approach might be distantly similar to my own. I often just tell a woman that I want to have sex with her, once we've reached a certain point.

To give more detail, I'll watch her eyes, and if she seems to be open to the idea, I'll approach her with a hug and then a kiss, and if the kiss goes well, then hands under her clothes and then I'll tell her that I want to do more with her.

On first viewing the video, I thought that they were both ILI, but upon second viewing, I could see her as SEI and him as ILE.
He seems to be logically begging her for attention by laying out his case rationally (but enthusiastically) and she is the one who takes control of the situation by approaching him and pushing him onto the bed.

TBH, that NEVER happened to me with my Caregiver SLI ex-wife, but I'm not an Infantile, and I could definitely imagine that scene in the video playing out between a Caregiver SEI and an Infantile ILE.