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Thread: CV arm poke

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    You should probably find another thread for it, but go ahead.

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    @FreelancePoliceman is there a difference between blindly trusting the government and blindly distrusting the government?

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    @FreelancePoliceman is there a difference between blindly trusting the government and blindly distrusting the government?
    You shouldn't do anything blindly. But in reality, anyone who blindly trusts the government is a moron 100% of the time. Someone who blindly distrusts it might have been hurt by it, so their motivations are more sympathetic. Blind distrust also happens to be closer to the truth, so it might be that even though someone's ego or conscious sense of reason is blind, they can unconsciously sense that they're being fucked and have a general idea of where that feeling might be coming from.

    The government exists to benefit you only to the extent that your benefit is also the benefit of the people who own the government. Governments can generally be trusted to build roads and keep them at least operable; keep electricity, sewage, and waste collection going; that sort of thing, for the most part because this means you can get to work. And while the exact quality of these kinds of services might make or break the career or individual politicians, the government itself can afford some variability here.

    What governments won't ever do, and will actively work to discourage, is the development of a reflective and independently-minded population, because reflective and independent people tend to realize where their self-interest lies.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Um so I googled “mind machine interface” because I had no idea what you were talking about, and I think you need to see this…
    That guy kind of looks like a con artist.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    No one believes this. Intelligence agencies and/or MSM push nonsense narratives like this so that people go "oh, look how stupid this is" and make the jump to "anyone who distrusts the establishment narrative is a moron." Occasionally you get crazy people on Facebook or wherever who swallow anything, because there are always those people about, and this reinforces the illusion that this is an actual belief people -- at least any statistically significant number of people -- hold.
    QAnon is pretty out-there but has millions of members on Facebook. Isn't that a lot of people?

  6. #126
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    I noticed one of the responses people usually have after saying they got the vaccine is to make a joke about people who won’t. Honestly this strikes me as some sort of social conditioning. You should never blindly trust anything anyone tells you, especially people who don’t give two shits about you. There is always a shit ton more going on in the works behind the scenes. I don’t know, can only guess something not right, but to not question it…well, and to pretend like you know it is in our best interest. I’m sure Biden would check his watch at my funeral just like he did at the military soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan. Because he was prob on a tight schedule.

    I don’t blame people for getting the shot. If I was high risk or elderly, I would. But I’m not. And I don’t see why they are pushing this so hard on healthy individuals, unless something else to it.
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    So it seems like I'm in the minority of people who got almost all the side effects after the first dose. (I got Pfizer btw, my sister went with me and she is completely fine).

    The day I got it I took a pill for my arm. Woke up the next morning and I was okay. As the day slowly progressed I started getting a headache and then I started feeling really tired. Then the chills started and I went to bed. The whole night was horrible. I felt so uncomfortable and spent most of the night tossing and turning. My body also hurt, though I'm not sure if that was the vaccine or the long walk I did after not exercising for a long time.

    I woke up the next morning still feeling like shit. I spent the whole day in bed. Also didn't want anything to eat. My stomach started feeling awful after a while. Took a pill...slept throughout most of the day. I started feeling somewhat better that night.

    Today I feel way better than I did yesterday, but I still feel lethargic. I also had some slight nausea which is still there and my stomach isn't back to normal either. Overall I just don't really feel that great. I'm not back to how I was before I got the vaccine.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    That guy kind of looks like a con artist.
    I like how he throws in a free pair of sunglasses.

  9. #129
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    Ontario is now mandating a vaccine passport for non essential services now! It will start being implemented in the next couple weeks. It’s a bit of a discussion at the moment.

  10. #130
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    So my mom was visiting earlier this week. We’re both still wfh, and so I overheard her in a virtual meeting held to inform employees of a new mandatory vaccine policy. My mom happens to be very pro-vaccine, but she was one of the first to start raising questions.

    She asked in an accusatory tone: “So you’re going to fire employees who have been with the company 10, 15, 20 years just because they’re not vaccinated?!…” As an Fe polr ILI, my mom doesn’t modify her tone.

    I was tempted to yell in the background “But Mom, you’re already vaccinated!”. I thought that might lighten the mood, snap her out of her rant, and make people chuckle, but I wasn’t sure how she would react and I didn’t want her to take it the wrong way, so I decided against saying anything.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    So my mom was visiting earlier this week. We’re both still wfh, and so I overheard her in a virtual meeting held to inform employees of a new mandatory vaccine policy. My mom happens to be very pro-vaccine, but she was one of the first to start raising questions.

    She asked in an accusatory tone: “So you’re going to fire employees who have been with the company 10, 15, 20 years just because they’re not vaccinated?!…” As an Fe polr ILI, my mom doesn’t modify her tone.

    I was tempted to yell in the background “But Mom, you’re already vaccinated!”. I thought that might lighten the mood, snap her out of her rant, and make people chuckle, but I wasn’t sure how she would react and I didn’t want her to take it the wrong way, so I decided against saying anything.

    That Fe-PoLR in ILIs is always there, just waiting to come out.

    "Hey, you guys are all really stupid because you haven't figured out (Te) all the bad things that this will mean in the future (Ni)."

    They are really all talking to their Duals (as are we all), but I don't think even their Duals always appreciate what they have to say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    They are really all talking to their Duals (as are we all), but I don't think even their Duals always appreciate what they have to say.
    They nice thing about SEEs is that this kind of criticism rolls off their back. They don’t take it personally, even if they don’t like it.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonatiuh View Post
    From a cold? Im not a fat as shit yankee with "no underlying conditions".
    maybe youd grow old one day and that cold can push you over the edge

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    You should never blindly trust anything anyone tells you, especially people who don’t give two shits about you.
    you should also not blindly trust those who think bill gates is gonna install windows xp in your blood vessels

    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I don’t see why they are pushing this so hard on healthy individuals, unless something else to it.
    you can get covid unknowingly, bestow it on others unknowingly, and they bestow it on their families and friends, rinse and repeat, and you could cause the deaths of thousands of people indirectly by not taking the vaccine.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    So my mom was visiting earlier this week. We’re both still wfh, and so I overheard her in a virtual meeting held to inform employees of a new mandatory vaccine policy. My mom happens to be very pro-vaccine, but she was one of the first to start raising questions.

    She asked in an accusatory tone: “So you’re going to fire employees who have been with the company 10, 15, 20 years just because they’re not vaccinated?!…” As an Fe polr ILI, my mom doesn’t modify her tone.

    I was tempted to yell in the background “But Mom, you’re already vaccinated!”. I thought that might lighten the mood, snap her out of her rant, and make people chuckle, but I wasn’t sure how she would react and I didn’t want her to take it the wrong way, so I decided against saying anything.
    actually the fact that she gets upset over that sounds quite Fe as opposed to Te to me. that measure of firing people who wont get vaccinated regardless of how long theyve been working there is a very Te measure (impersonal, rational, logic of action to keep the business afloat. regardless of the social credits theyve been building up by working there for so long. classic Fe vs Te

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    actually the fact that she gets upset over that sounds quite Fe as opposed to Te to me. that measure of firing people who wont get vaccinated regardless of how long theyve been working there is a very Te measure (impersonal, rational, logic of action to keep the business afloat. regardless of the social credits theyve been building up by working there for so long. classic Fe vs Te
    I can see where you’re coming from. I was kind of surprised by the angle of her critique since last I heard, she felt that the employees who have been there the longest are stuck in their ways and coasting on seniority

    I’m not sure that she was particularly upset, although she can definitely sound that way sometimes since she’s mostly unaware of how comes across.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    last I heard, she felt that the employees who have been there the longest are stuck in their ways and coasting on seniority
    seems like weak Ti, contradicting herself based on whatever mood shes in

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    seems like weak Ti, contradicting herself based on whatever mood shes in
    If you say so. I’m sure you know better than me.

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    I'm in Japan and it was offered to me early because I am educational staff. It wasn't a requirement, but I spent awhile researching the Pfizer vaccine and felt pretty good about it. I got both doses. No reaction to the first and a mild fever after the second. I'm not gonna preach about it though. Get it if you want or don't if you don't. I thought it seemed worth it for myself since I'm exposed to a lot of people in month (I work at five schools and attend a lot of events, and Japan is full of old people), especially since it'll likely make visiting the US for Christmas a lot easier. Yes, I've read basically every article fearmongering about the vaccines, and know about all the "dangers". My grandma and aunts made sure I was well aware of how they felt about it, and sent me about four dozen articles on the topic. If you believe that stuff then cool. I don't care if you don't wanna get the vaccine, but please just leave me alone. I've had this conversation way too many times lol
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    Global Warming will uncover ancient diseases that have been buried in permafrost. There are also grave uncertainties WRT. the effects of high temperatures on the viral mutation rate. There is always hope that these scenarios don't play out catastrophically (or at all), but the COVID lock-down could well have been the dress rehearsal for life in the 2030's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    maybe youd grow old one day and that cold can push you over the edge
    It's ultimately a matter of where you place your trust. In nature or in science.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Shit I kind of realized how polr can be intense now. Like Fe polr doesn't mean lack of Fe
    it usually does. Fe polr sound very monotone most of the time. its rare to see them outwardly emotional because 3 functions come before it and its usually very stressful to them to use it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Im getting bored with vaccines
    get out of the thread then

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Blind distrust also happens to be closer to the truth
    how so

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    so it might be that even though someone's ego or conscious sense of reason is blind, they can unconsciously sense that they're being fucked and have a general idea of where that feeling might be coming from.
    if you have no idea where that feeling is coming from, how do you know you should trust this feeling, and that it leads to the government?

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    What governments won't ever do, and will actively work to discourage, is the development of a reflective and independently-minded population, because reflective and independent people tend to realize where their self-interest lies.
    do you have proof? besides your paranoia

    just tell me the real reason ur not taking the vaccine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonatiuh View Post
    It's ultimately a matter of where you place your trust. In nature or in science.
    what do u mean by that

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post

    edit: for the people who dont think vaccines are necessary; do you want to potentially have the death of someones parents, grandfather/mother/familymember on your conscience? just because you might not die from it doesnt mean that you cant pass the virus on to someone who will. look at adams parents
    Yeah, or they can just die from the side effects of one of the several non approved vaccines they will need to take. Choose your weapon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Swallowing my distrust of these vaccines and voluntarily getting shot would be more difficult than quitting alcohol, personally.

    Out of curiosity, if it turns out that getting the vaccine makes you more likely to contract Covid, would you support prioritizing people who chose not to take it?
    Actually I've seen this. We were required to assist at the office for 3 weeks last month. One female collegue in her 30s whos extremely caring of keeping the proper distancing (she didnt even take lunch with us) and else due suffering pneumonia years ago, got sick from covid 7 days after taking the shot and spread it to another young girl who was sitting in front of her those days at the office (thls other girl tested positive and presented sympthomps the next week than the first).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Akira View Post
    Actually I've seen this. We were required to assist at the office for 3 weeks last month. One female collegue in her 30s whos extremely caring of keeping the proper distancing (she didnt even take lunch with us) and else due suffering pneumonia years ago, got sick from covid 7 days after taking the shot and spread it to another young girl who was sitting in front of her those days at the office (thls other girl tested positive and presented sympthomps the next week than the first).
    who cares about human lives. selfish distrust is more imporant. im sure the government is to blame for my shitty life somehow, cuz it obviously cant be me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    just tell me the real reason ur not taking the vaccine
    I got Covid, then recovered. I am almost certainly immune; why would I get the shot, especially when so many people have reported ill effects from it?

    Someone here has reported falling asleep at the wheel as a result of taking a vaccine. Women I know have reported the worst periods of their life after getting shot. Unless you’re at least 60 you’re better off getting what amounts to the flu for a few days and going on with your life.

    The vaccine doesn’t actually prevent you from getting covid, or prevent you from transmitting it, or even appear to perceptibly reduce the chance of getting or transmitting it, but only supposedly reduces the worst symptoms of illness...but it also might make you suddenly fall asleep while driving, or give you a stroke, or fuck with women’s reproductive systems...oh, and effects wear off every few months so you need a perpetual string of boosters...oh, and it’s even less effective against different strains of Covid...oh, and the technology behind them is experimental. And the disease it protects you from only kills less than one percent of those infected. And about 80% of that <1% are people over 65. Excuse me for being skeptical.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 09-03-2021 at 05:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    you should also not blindly trust those who think bill gates is gonna install windows xp in your blood vessels
    honestly I don’t even know about any of that. was just following my gut. there are crazy corners of everything. I’m sure even all the Facebook followers of QAnon don’t believe everything they say, it’s a little extreme and fast way to discredit something/someone, all or nothing approach. It’s like being a Christian and being associated exclusively with holy rollers because of it or smth lol.

    anyway, if people are worried about getting covid, and/or are high risk, I assume they will get the vaccine. I find it less likely I will give it to these people. for another, my mom is going through chemo right now, and may be at the very end. She doesn’t want me to get the shot. I just don’t see her often, and if I do it’s far away. I mainly talk to her on the phone a lot. I don’t get out much. I seriously doubt I’m some Super Spreader Villain. But if this all makes me selfish, ill own it

    personally I see it more as a revolt against big pharma and a corrupt government…if I have to die in the process, because of my refusal to play along, I’m willing to do that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    So it seems like I'm in the minority of people who got almost all the side effects after the first dose. (I got Pfizer btw, my sister went with me and she is completely fine).

    The day I got it I took a pill for my arm. Woke up the next morning and I was okay. As the day slowly progressed I started getting a headache and then I started feeling really tired. Then the chills started and I went to bed. The whole night was horrible. I felt so uncomfortable and spent most of the night tossing and turning. My body also hurt, though I'm not sure if that was the vaccine or the long walk I did after not exercising for a long time.

    I woke up the next morning still feeling like shit. I spent the whole day in bed. Also didn't want anything to eat. My stomach started feeling awful after a while. Took a pill...slept throughout most of the day. I started feeling somewhat better that night.

    Today I feel way better than I did yesterday, but I still feel lethargic. I also had some slight nausea which is still there and my stomach isn't back to normal either. Overall I just don't really feel that great. I'm not back to how I was before I got the vaccine.
    yikes!!! I’m sorry to hear that happened to you

    I hope you get to feeling better!
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  32. #152
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    Statistics show that life-threatening side effects from a vaccine happen way less often than the same due to Covid in all age groups, no matter if you had Covid before or not. People go for more risk instead of less risk because of *insert your preferred conspiracy theory or illogical thinking here*. Also, it's funny how anecdotal evidence influences people. Someone you know had side effects... no way I'm getting this poison, it's a big pharma scheme. Someone you know dies of Covid, or even better you're short of breath in a hospital... you suddenly change your mind, why I was so dumb, pls vaccinate me now, I'll do anything plssss.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    what do u mean by that
    The data doesn't add up and my gut is telling me something is wrong. It's a cash grab or something even more nefarious (like population control). Even the eggheads that cooked the shit up didnt know it was gonna act the way it does in the human body (or so they claim), crossing the brain blood barrier and so on.

    Add to it my lifestyle it's.. lets call it spartan. I have not been sick for years and I've made zero changes during this so called pandemic. Everything about it is suspect. I'm not a
    lab rat for the NWO to play Mengele with.

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    I am not vaccinated.

    I haven't been covid.

    I don't think covid is like a regular flu. At 2020, lots of people that I know died, they were generally fat men older than 35.

    You can get a vaccine and it can decrease the chance of getting it, but it doesn't necessarily make you immune.

    You can catch covid, you can be fine or you can die.

    It is not clear how vaccine affects a person in distant future. It can reduce some risks now and increase other risks later.

    The outcome of risks are not clear cut. I don't trust in any statics and data provided so far.

    I believe I can survive better without a shot, hence, I don't plan to get a shot. It is ok if people choose to get vaccinated though.

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    The vaccination (mRNA) contains a relatively small amount of inactive spike protein that the actual covid virus has. If your immune system produces a response that includes bad side effects, then catching actual covid would give you similarly bad response but significantly magnified, including the actual virus being present and replicating. The vaccine doesn't keep replicating like the real virus.

    So the way I see it, there's these outcomes:
    - You get COVID, don't get super sick and recover. In this case the vaccine is unnecessary but very unlikely to cause any harm either. I agree that you don't need to get the vaccine, at least here if you have proof of recovering from covid it's considered equal to having been fully vaccinated
    - You get vaccinated, no serious side effects. Fine, you're now vaccinated and much less likely to get infected, spread or seriously sick. Even if the two first aren't foolproof they're definitely better than eg. masks. The third one is solid, it's a nice insurance.
    - You get COVID, get super sick and almost die. Okay, your immune system and/or underlying condition may have problems. Your immunity depends on whether your immune system was shitty or if some other circumstance made you more sick. Vaccination might be good idea to boost the weak immunity, but ofc there's more risk of side effects. Tough call.
    - You get vaccinated, get serious side effects (but deaths from the mRNA vaccines are extremely, extremely rare), okay, you had bad luck. But it's also very likely that your immune system would have reacted even worse to the real virus so maybe you still got a slight positive end result. The very rare side effects that are related to anaphylaxia are different, but those come up immediately and that's why you are supposed to wait for some 15 minutes after the shot until you leave the health care facility. They're curable with adrenaline.
    - You don't get vaccinated and never get COVID. Yeah, this is kind of an optimal case. How likely is this with the aggressively spreading variants circulating? I wouldn't put my money on this unless you live in a bunker until it all blows over one way or other

    What I'm missing is any actual, solid, mechanistic proof that the vaccine somehow causes anything else than what it's supposed to do, that is: present the spike protein without viral replication ability for the immune system. All the side effects are your immune system reacting in some non-ideal way, and my claim is that if this happens then the very same immune system would also react badly to the real virus. It's like the problem is in YOU, not in the vaccine.

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    There is also this. My nation recently closed its borders to the worlds most vaccinated nation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    Statistics show that life-threatening side effects from a vaccine happen way less often than the same due to Covid in all age groups, no matter if you had Covid before or not. People go for more risk instead of less risk because of *insert your preferred conspiracy theory or illogical thinking here*. Also, it's funny how anecdotal evidence influences people. Someone you know had side effects... no way I'm getting this poison, it's a big pharma scheme. Someone you know dies of Covid, or even better you're short of breath in a hospital... you suddenly change your mind, why I was so dumb, pls vaccinate me now, I'll do anything plssss.
    Statistics also show that Covid isn’t life-threatening for most age groups. Even if I won’t outright die from getting the vaccine, I’m not going to die from the disease! So I don’t want to get a vaccine that can make you fall asleep in dangerous situations, or cause a stroke, or blood clotting, or if you’re a woman somehow affect your reproductive system, because those symptoms sound worse than the disease itself.

    If vaccines do reduce the risk of death, old and vulnerable people should be free to take them as they wish. But people who aren’t going to die from Covid anyway have nothing to gain. So why are these vaccines being pushed for young and healthy people?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Statistics also show that Covid isn’t life-threatening for most age groups. Even if I won’t outright die from getting the vaccine, I’m not going to die from the disease! So I don’t want to get a vaccine that can make you fall asleep in dangerous situations, or cause a stroke, or blood clotting, or if you’re a woman somehow affect your reproductive system, because those symptoms sound worse than the disease itself.
    That's completely irrational and emotional reasoning. If you're not going to die from the disease, then you aren't going to die from the vaccine either. The falling asleep can happen directly after vaccination (usually the second dose), because your immune system drains all your resources and makes you tired, just like when getting sick. So take it easy after the second dose for a couple of days. Blood clotting was a thing for a few women in a million for the adenoviral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca mainly, not pfizer or moderna), also caused by rare immune system "genetic version". You aren't a woman, but there's no proof of any lasting issues, only momentary period disturbance which I wouldn't be surprised if they also happen with influenza or similar immune system challenges.

    I think it's a pretty big gain to avoid intensive care or even serious illness, not to mention the reported long-term effects of having had covid itself. All the issues you're going to get from the mRNA vaccine you'll also get from the actual sickness, only worse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    That's completely irrational and emotional reasoning. If you're not going to die from the disease, then you aren't going to die from the vaccine either...I think it's a pretty big gain to avoid intensive care or even serious illness, not to mention the reported long-term effects of having had covid itself. All the issues you're going to get from the mRNA vaccine you'll also get from the actual sickness, only worse.
    It seems we agree Covid isn't very deadly. So if you aren't going to die from the disease, why should you be pressured or forced to get a vaccine, even assuming you were right that the mrna vaccines don't have side effects Covid doesn't? So you'll be sick for perhaps a slightly shorter period of time after you get vaccinated, in exchange for having a weaker immune system than you would have had if you'd just gotten Covid, and still be susceptible to getting sick from Covid anyway?

    As for "long-term effects," people report long-term effects from the flu. Again, not a problem for most people. Also, if the disease causes long-term effects, isn't it plausible the vaccine does as well?

    As for "avoiding serious illness," based on what, the example of Israel?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    It seems we agree Covid isn't very deadly. So if you aren't going to die from the disease, why should you be pressured or forced to get a vaccine, even assuming you were right that the mrna vaccines don't have side effects Covid doesn't? So you'll be sick for perhaps a slightly shorter period of time after you get vaccinated, in exchange for having a weaker immune system than you would have had if you'd just gotten Covid, and still be susceptible to getting sick from Covid anyway?

    As for "long-term effects," people report long-term effects from the flu. Again, not a problem for most people. Also, if the disease causes long-term effects, isn't it plausible the vaccine does as well?

    As for "avoiding serious illness," based on what, the example of Israel?
    It isn't very deadly for most of the population, this has been known from the very beginning. But the vaccines definitely aren't deadly for practically anyone. Being vaccinated doesn't make your immune system weaker, it makes it stronger. Having had covid (and if your immune system is good), your immunity being a natural one will be even stronger. So yeah, if you've had it and gotten better you don't NEED the vaccine, and I see no point in trying to convince you to take it either. However, I'm saying that it's completely safe to take it in this case as well, and it might prolong the immunity by reminding your immune system that the virus is still out there.

    It's less plausible the vaccine causes long-term effects because your exposure is much less compared to the actual disease, but it's possible that you can get similar long term effects as from a mild sickness. It's all on your immune system's crappiness in these cases, though. The actual virus (or the artificial spike proteins) will have been long gone in any case.

    Israel is filled with old people, they have shitty immune systems and won't get a very strong immunity even from vaccines. I do not believe for a second that healthy people with 1 or 2 vaccines will get any more often or any more sick than unvaccinated ones, it's the complete opposite. The protection may not be perfect, but it's still a protection.

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