My take on this:

Social atomization is evolution playing judge, jury, and executioner. If natural selection starts deselecting more and more masses of people then that should serve as a wake up call for us that we aren’t doing something right. I think a lot of this has to do with cultural standards blindly adjusting what is desirable in people.

Technology and innovation also plays a role. Constant innovations make it easier to exploit standards of desirability, and thus the standards become more exacting when everybody has the technology or whatever at their fingertips. For example: makeup, workout equipment, education degrees, braces and whitening toothpastes, standards of fashion, etcetera ad inifitum. We are basically conspiring a society of peacocks with disingenuous plumage.
Technology and innovation also plays another role in that it serves as an escape for people who either fail to keep up or don’t want to play by the rules of society’s “fake” and altering standards. For example: sex toys and immersive works of fiction like video games, porn, literature, etc.

Maybe we should just go on with our lives and just sit back and watch as social atomization burgeons and sorts itself out. Or maybe we should take a more hands on approach to understanding and fixing the causes. Either way, or whatever we choose to do, our sense of control over the situation is illusory.