To find solutions it may be useful to dissect this topic a bit psychologically.

Interactions with people are becoming rare and unusual for new generations because they access their interests mostly by the internet now. In the past you couldn't just google solutions to your problems, games to play, information about your favorite topics. You had to talk to someone. This way you initiated connections that could later develop more as you get to know someone better while doing something together and spend more time with those who seem compatible. People are social creatures naturally and have need for connection with other human beings. The problem is more basic needs that you fulfill situationally like need to repair a device or have fun have a priority over more abstract needs that are fulfilled gradually like being loved or accepted. In the past focus on the first kind of needs automatically led to progress in the second kind. Now we're on the internet where we can get immediately to the thing we're looking for. You can get high on the instant gratification and return for more until it becomes your reality that you're addicted to and don't feel comfortable outside it. It's so effortless, no distractions, straight to the point. Relationships seem like a burden when you can just open XXX site and quickly get satisfied. Only satisfy these basic needs that were on your mind at the time though, these are more urgent. You may notice something is wrong, something important is lacking, but you lose ability to solve this problem. You're not used to people, they're aliens now. And getting loved by an extraterrestial creature is a bit more difficult than by a person, you have to find out how to communicate and cooperate from the scratch. And when you get angry when you fail, you blame the alien. This is hyperbolic of course, but it helps to describe this bad trend that's becoming a big issue now. Now we can think about solutions to stop this process at some point.