You want some stern in stone set of rules about socionics but as they say, 'rules were made to be broken'. Also "rules" tend to be very flexible and convoluted with many legal loopholes that a good Jew lawyer weaves in and out of.

I don't even really see naturally that much conflict between what the functional definitions mean or anything- maybe not like you do at any rate. People like to argue regardless. Even when both people are essentially saying the same thing, people will still argue or debate about something because it can be fun or logically interesting or something.

Socionics... really isn't that hard to figure out. Like at all. It's not really that complicated but I'm sure people love to make it complicated to make it more 'interesting.' Fe is gay shit and colorful entertainment shit- and Te is dry and serious logical str8 man business-y shit. Te is ... often about a certain kind of institutional authority, although an overload of Ti can also be like that- it's usually considered to be more Te I think though because Te is external and "more naturally forceful" - It's also an extroverted function, not an introverted one. Extroverts are more naturally abrasive in a sense and force their own will upon the world more whereas introverts are more aloof; wall-flower-ish. Shiny silverwear is shiny.

When you're learning about something, you don't forget to call a spade a spade and just be real. Much of socionics is as simple and affectionate as an ESTp male reading the Highlights comic book. Using pretentious words doesn't make a person smart or intelligent either, or more to be taken seriously but people here can have low self-esteem issues and follow a person around too much just cuz they use those pretty Te/Fi valuing words. I understand this is just my Fe valuing bias though.

Fe likes making everybody happy more or less, like reading the room and trying to mitigate its own impulses and feelings to be accomodating to as much people as possible. It's essentially a 'good host'. Everybody complements me on my ability to host them well, because my Fe is pretty strong and also valued. Also I'm a stereotypical gay man and I like to make people feel loved or cared for. I probably want to just be a gay waiter at some fancy restaurant really...

Light Fe is strong AoE healing spells and Light Fi is strong single target healing spells. Dark Fe is also mass mind control manipulation and Dark Fi is sadistically destroying something that repulses you with in a kind of Game of Thrones-y way. Just high intense wtf Single-Target damage. Dark Fe is sociopathic, and Dark Fi is sadistic. Gammas/Deltas are usually much more sadistic whereas Alphas/Betas are more about sociopathy. Neither Fe or Fi is 'more moral' than the other or even related to morals as those are often so personal and private - but of course you naturally think the function(s) you value are more 'moral' than the other non-valued ones - and that's okay! That's just normal...

Actually a lot of the extroverted functions are quite similiar to their introverted counterparts with maybe the exception of Ne & Ni- I think those two are kinda different although both are about narcissistic 'streams of consciousness' type things. It's not some ultra neat overlap by any means but there is gonna be some common similarities.