Quote Originally Posted by Suspiria View Post
Everyone has a hard time wrapping their head around
There are a ton of misconceptions in novice socionic circles about what Black Sensing (Se) entails. Misconceptions about how it's tied to abuse, or preferences towards only the most extreme acts of asserting one's volition, "my way or the high way", and so on.

All of them are false and they're the result of tens of years of meme-ing that went too far. Black sensing is about control - of a situation, especially. Control of your environment, of your surrounding world, of the way you interact with what sits outside yourself. Beta types are depicted, in the most sensationalist of fashion, as depraved. It isn't entirely false, but if you focus only on that, what you're doing is simply hype fixating on a "heat-of-the-moment" scenario.

Betas are, in reality, RARELY decadent. They are quite collected, because they value control over situations, especially over themselves. That's the wet dream of self-realization right there.
This applies even more so to Beta NFs; they might swing from moments of decadence to moments of 'repentance', because they seek, and need, grounding in reality via , least they get lost in a purely-conceptual void of .

People need to get a fucking grip on themselves in socionics communities and realize that Black Sensing has nothing to do with how hard you punch someone or how many times you call someone a "nerd". If anyone tells you differently, they are most likely using their spin on the system to justify their attachment to the "Big Bad Wolf" Se-ego TIM they self-type as, because it caresses them nicely and gives them a semblance of validation. Living in a fantasy and playing a role is a coping method )
I wish I could "love" this post.