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Thread: Gulenko's typings of forum members AKA Big G SquaD

  1. #1241
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Does Gulenko think beta quadra types are the most common? Or does he think betas are intrinsically drawn to socionics? It seems like he types A LOT of people as LSI and EIE.
    Alphas and Betas are more interested in Ti theories such as Socionics.
    There are more Betas than Alphas around due to them being a central quadra.
    Betas are more likely than gammas to "waste" $ on getting typed.

    a lot of people however confuse Fe with emotions, but the actual reality is this: "The most important MYTH about black ethics is that CHE is a person's emotions. However, if we proceed from the fact that socionics studies information, then it is easy to conclude that emotions are not information in themselves. This is just the state in which we are and experience within ourselves. But various emotional manifestations such as laughter, tears, smile, etc. may well be attributed to information on the SE aspect. According to them, we can determine the attitude of a person to the situation."

    So its understandable when someone who thought themselves a thinker gets typed as EIE that they are confused, but they just had bad Ti to begin with and din't understand the IMEs.

  2. #1242
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Alphas and Betas are more interested in Ti theories such as Socionics.
    There are more Betas than Alphas around due to them being a central quadra.
    Betas are more likely than gammas to "waste" $ on getting typed.
    I want to waste money on getting typed, but Gulenko has not responded to my inquiries.

  3. #1243
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I want to waste money on getting typed, but Gulenko has not responded to my inquiries.
    dat 4D Ni sees 1 D Te monopoly money... which is totally valid way to pay IMO (if consenting). I might get typed as well.. if I can lift my lazy hand to press right buttons.
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  4. #1244
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightDemonSheep96 View Post
    dat 4D Ni sees 1 D Te monopoly money... which is totally valid way to pay IMO (if consenting). I might get typed as well.. if I can lift my lazy hand to press right buttons.
    I’m trying to get typed by every “professional” I can. I have one notch on my belt so far. Number two is in progress.

  5. #1245
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    A relatively active mod could update the OP with usernames and types once ina while

    it would be much easier than having to scroll through the thread for types!
    why should someone have to perform this tedious labor?

  6. #1246

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    I feel that Gulenko types too many people Beta, even outside of the forum members I noticed this trend.

  7. #1247
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    In case you want be mistyped (more possibly) for money, don't miss other possibilities:

    Your input to Socionics will be videointerviews which can be useful to understand types by other people.

  8. #1248
    Doctor of Socionics First Class Socionics Is Not A Cult's Avatar
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    When Victor - that is, Dr. Gulenko - cut his finger while carrying his unpublished 2000 page monograph on Socionics he was seen to bleed like a mortal.

  9. #1249
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    I'll post my results for the sake of data:

    Logic is more than ethics

    Peter's mind dominates his feelings. He knows how to remain very calm when people
    are fighting and letting their emotions run wild. He sees that in such states people do
    not think clearly and therefore make foolish decisions. It is necessary to wait until the
    emotions have calmed down, and then to find the optimal solution taking all factors into

    Peter is good at breaking things down to the core elements or explaining complicated
    terminology to people. He approaches everything from a logical point of view - he tries
    to find regularities and draw reasonable conclusions. He has a lot of friends, but he is
    very different from them. He's much more serious compared to them. That means more


    logical, as well as choosing truth over feelings. If someone does something wrong, he's
    not afraid to say so, even if it's painful.
    Judging by his facial expressions, Peter's smile is rather role-playing, that is,
    consciously presented. Emotions rarely capture him to such an extent that self-control is
    lost. He behaves stubbornly when he is sure that he is right. All this supports the
    conclusion that his psychological type is dominated by logic.

    Sensing is more than intuition

    Indeed, in the video Peter is collected, his gaze is clear and attentive, not distracted.
    This is the kind of ability that nature bestows on the sensory type, not the intuitive type.
    He believes that his strength is in implementing new ideas and obtaining practical
    results, not in inventing them.

    The sensing is also evidenced by his ability to look after his appearance, to look neat if
    he goes out of the house. He believes that we should look appropriately depending on
    where we are going. People should look professional and neat, not like slobs.
    Peter learns well from experience; his knowledge must be confirmed by practice. He
    memorizes well if he uses knowledge in different ways. He often reminisces about his
    childhood and compares the past with the present. A good memory for the events of the
    past as well as vivid spontaneous flashes of memory is typical for sensory types.
    The logic with the sensing gives the managerial installation.


    Introversion is more than extraversion

    Peter doesn’t consider himself truly communicative. He has difficulty expressing his
    emotions at the beginning of acquaintance. He cannot immediately say what he thinks
    about certain situations. He needs time to gather his thoughts. Indeed, his inner world
    of thoughts and perceptions is much richer than his external activity. The energy of his
    psyche goes more into internal mental activity, such as thinking deeply about what has
    happened or what he has read which is characteristic of introverts.

    When he teaches and there is a certain distance between him and the audience, he
    becomes more communicative at this time, as well as when he communicates in writing.
    He likes to be alone, away from people. When he is by himself, he likes to read, write
    down his thoughts, talk to friends over the Internet, listen to music or watch videos, in
    these conditions he will always find something to do. This is typical behavior for


    Rationality is more than irrationality

    Peter is systematic and consistent. This is how the psyche of rational people is
    organized. Irrationals act more spontaneously and according to the situation, rather than
    consistently and step by step. Rationals are more effective if they prepare in advance
    for an important event, rather than improvising or just hoping for luck. He remembers
    information mostly through repetition until it sticks in his brain.
    Rationals also have more stable moods and, as a consequence, an even work capacity.
    In all three videos, Peter holds himself in the same way: he has the same pace of
    speech, the same gestures and facial expressions. When Peter works, he maintains an
    even pace and rhythm, and he gets very annoyed when he is pulled away from his

    But excessive rationality has a downside. It makes a person more stubborn and less
    flexible. Therefore it is a good idea for Peter to pay attention to his pickiness: if it is
    excessive, it will have a negative effect on his personal relationships.
    This temperament is called balanced-stable.


    To sum up, his underlying values are persistence to achieve a goal, conviction to be
    right, the ability to stand up for his values, the need for a worthy inspirational goal, being
    organized and at the same time a dark sense of humor. These values are lived by the
    romantic-power quadra beta types. Peter's dreams are also thematically beta: running
    away from danger, warring about things he has to do, being crushed by responsibility,


    What can we say about his subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is
    the third one, i.e. normalizing (N). Why?

    Because his distantness (thoughtfulness, initial detachment, unwillingness to actively
    intervene in conflict situations), as well as his orderliness in affairs and relationships,
    supplemented by a desire to bring the beginning to the end (terminality) testifies to this.
    This is evidenced by his distantness (seriousness in public, initial detachment,
    reluctance to actively intervene in conflict situations), as well as orderliness in affairs
    and relations, supplemented by the desire to bring things to an end (terminality).
    Distantness in combination with terminality gives a normalizing subtype.


    However, you can tell from his gestures and eye movements that he also has creativity
    hidden in his character. In particular, although Peter likes to plan ahead, he welcomes
    spontaneity in his life; sometimes he needs to break out of his routine. If you plan all
    the time without a rest, it really "dulls down" life. He also says that he concentrates for a
    long time only on those things that fascinate him. One gets the impression that Peter is
    naturally creative, but his strict upbringing as a child has turned him into a normalizing

    The conclusion

    So, the type of respondent is a balanced-stable temperament in managerial installation -
    LSI of normalizing-creative subtype (Inspector trustworthy and rescuing).
    Characteristic features of such personality: reliability, equanimity, conscientiousness,
    slow but sure advancement, teaching and managerial abilities that are well realized in a
    stable environment, stubbornness and fastidiousness, but at the same time kindness
    towards the weaker.

    Peter can definitely make a good career in his field if he gets emotional support from his
    loved ones. He has enough intelligence and willpower, but an influx of energy is still
    needed. If the Inspector is stimulated not only by positive, but also periodically by
    negative emotions, this will be the optimal way to increase his motivation and energy in

  10. #1250

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    beta is an aristrocratic quadra, a quadra in which status and your position in society plays a huge role. being the most well-known researcher in socionics, gulenko probably has a high status for beta types who study socionics, so they are more likely to trust his opinion. I also noticed that LSI, having Ne as weakest function, often like to listen to the opinion of external consultants, but that's just a personal observation.
    I might be an LSI and I don't trust Gulenko's typings much, and I prefer and trust obscure people than the big names (although sometimes it's more expedient to go with the big names even though I don't like doing it, for example, I prefer Vera Stratiyevskaya over Victor Gulenko because Vera went with actual concrete observations and she was more careful, but she didn't go with subtypes which throws things off A LOT; ILE-Ne has a more declaring tone than ILE-Ti and LSI-Se are quite individualistic and independent and LSI-Se have fine extraverted intuition and many, maybe most LSI-Se prefer to work with mechanical things or people on an individual level than with politics), because he leaves out subtypes (e.g., in his cognitive styles) and it's observable to me that it alters reinin dichotomies and thus cognitive styles. I do agree with him on which types are most masculine feminine, but most of his typings are wrong.

    I'm skeptical of even Augusta Aushra's data on types by sex, because the vast majority of ILE-Ti are female in my experience and I've only met one ILE-Ne in my 34 years that I can remember.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 09-08-2021 at 02:27 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  11. #1251

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    it's just that once N-subs have learned a theory, they are unlikely to be convinced by something else. it's because they have accentuated Ti, which makes them stick to rules they have previously learned. for the C-subs, N-subs are overly pedantic and close-minded. C-Subs are much more open-minded and jump from idea to idea, but unlike the N-sub, they rarely study things in-depth and quickly move on to something else, unless something really captures their interest. N-subs choose very few areas of interests, but they try to get a thorough understand of something. N-subs, especially when they are rational types, can do something like this for example:

    they can focus on a lot of details too that escape the C-subs attention. this C/N dynamic is for example the reason why gulenko doesn't work with jack from WSS, because jack is a normalising subtype who only focuses on classical socionics. gulenko told me that his school rarely attracks N subtypes unless they have grown up in a creative subtype family.

    I also suspect the reason that many here get typed as IEI or LSI by gulenko is that beta is probably the most likely quadra to seek out an external authority for help. I also assume that the majority of people who study socionics are introverts.
    I'm not sure what DCNH subtype I am (I'm probably 2 different subtypes, I'm probably about 20-25% D, 20-25% N, 20% C, 30% H since I often enjoy living in my head and in fantasy and prefer it that way and am very focused on Si--varying, having as many good, new bodily sensations and beautiful sensory experiences as possible, and Ni--retreating into a fantasy world in my head or immersing myself in dark or not fantasy worlds like music or video games, and am open that others' Ti systems might be better or useful, my older brothers are way more D than I am, my older brother has always liked rules ways more than I ever have, whereas I'm skeptical of their benefit, ethicalness, appropriateness to the situation or person or validity and both of my older brothers are both pretty Ej-like, but even if there is a benefit, my older brother usually won't take it, whereas I'm more adaptable, my oldest brother says I'm more adaptable than my oldest brother, I really don't like enforcing rules on people) open to other information element descriptions than those in the Dual Nature of Man and I think about other personality typing systems, I think the vast majority of them are necessary.

    I think Gulenko is worth listening to, he's interesting (the things he says sound good and they're somewhat accurate, but usually not accurate enough to trust over my own observations), and his DCNH subtype theory is something I don't know much about, but I kind of have a grasp of it (at least when you can have two subtypes) and some of what he says makes sense, but his observations aren't accurate enough for me. And my friends I grew up with were creative with Ti/Fe and Ne (they were eccentric), and loved them/enjoyed them more than most of my family. I was attracted to SLE-Ti "craziness" just one example, was when, in September 2000 a histrionic SLE-Ti of mine opened her legs and started farting for attention, she successfully created an Fe atmosphere (which was highly creative usage of Ti and Fe), and then it was also funny when another Female SLE-Ti commanded her to "close them legs and stop farting!" and the farting and words made me horny to this day. 80-90% of SLE-Ti (and 80-90% of LSI-Se) women (or even men) in my generation can get me excited/stimulated in good ways, way better than 80-90% of EIE women in my generation ever have, when EIE women do it almost always comes across as harder and not as beautiful and needy.

    Not as pertinent to the post I'm replying to:

    Usually believe in the good power of 2D Fe in Ti function subtypes or even 1D Fe in some LSI-Se women. My LSI-Se dental hygenist is stimulating and makes me horny as fuck better than my EIE doctor ever does. And that my dental hygenist does is good for me... so far. The LSI-Se, SLE-Ti, and ILE-Ti nurses the EIE-Ni head of psychiatry hired made more excited than the EIE-Ni did other than the EIE-Ni hiring them, same with my EIE-Ni dentist, his workers are just as stimulating to me as he and me are, way more elegant, beautiful than me or him.

    In contrast... Fuck most EIE atmospheres, and they have put me in danger anyway, sometimes it was ok, other times they made me a victim emotionally and physically. The Jerry Springer show was good IMO, but that's about the only EIE-Fe created atmosphere I liked, it was beautiful but that was mainly because of the people on his show and the people who designed the lights and the sets. An EIE-Ni emotional atmosphere can be ok, but not that great either (unless they're a musician) and the greatness is mostly by the people under them being beautiful and making things beautiful and being precise with language, internally driven, strong, intelligent, and competent. The best emotional atmospheres in my opinion are those created by ESI-Se (e.g., Eminem, Porsha Lippincott, some old friends), SEE-Se (Sophie/Catherine the Great, Jennifer Lawrence), LSI-Se (George Carlin, some others), SLE-Ti (so many of my friends did it), and ILE-Ti (more than I could name at any given time) and maybe a few ILE-Ne and IEE of either subtype, but not like ILE-Ti.

    Grigory Reinin is also interesting/fun to listen to and read (by interesting I mean fun and not all but much of he said is accurate and were great insights and interesting knowledge of people I knew existed, a good addition to his list of ILE-Ti would be Michel Ancel, creator/designer of the original Rayman and Rayman 2 and the last several Rayman games), but his description of LSI is the Se subtype and even then it goes against some of my observations.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 09-08-2021 at 02:30 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  12. #1252
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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    The other solution is slightly different.

    The father may be an INFP which eliminates the possibility of an ESTP daughter.

    The one with the eyeliner can be an ENTJ. The one with the brush is the ENFJ. That would be business intertype relationship.

    They're both ESE

  13. #1253
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    I've never been typed by him, it seemed pricey, although it would be cool to be typed by the legend himself. I took his little test online before and I got EIE though.

    I think people shouldn't be too hard on professional typists for getting it slightly wrong, yes that's what they're being paid to do, but even doctors and mechanics will get things wrong. You will know yourself better than he will in the end.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  14. #1254
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Gulenko has totally lost my credit and respect at this point
    I still value some of Aushra's writings though
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  15. #1255
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    Not exactly a forum memeber but still valuable. This woman was typed by Gulenko and has recently uploaded a video commenting on the process and the result. She got SEE-C.

    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Not exactly a forum memeber but still valuable. This woman was typed by Gulenko and has recently uploaded a video commenting on the process and the result. She got SEE-C.

    Oh this is cool

  17. #1257
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Not exactly a forum memeber but still valuable. This woman was typed by Gulenko and has recently uploaded a video commenting on the process and the result. She got SEE-C.
    A clear cut case.
    Winning is for losers


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  18. #1258
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    This is making me want to get typed by Gulenko just to see what I get...
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    This is making me want to get typed by Gulenko just to see what I get...
    Same here, just no desire to pay.

  20. #1260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Same here, just no desire to pay.

    Isn't it like over $200?
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    Isn't it like over $200?
    That sounds about right. I'm not sure if I'd be happy or annoyed to get a different type after all that.

  22. #1262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    Isn't it like over $200?
    I think it’s closer to $100, I’m pretty sure I paid $100, unless it’s changed
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  23. #1263
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I think it’s closer to $100, I’m pretty sure I paid $100, unless it’s changed

    I couldn't find a price on his website but the link that I used said it was $120 USD.

    Edit: Link here (
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post

    I couldn't find a price on his website but the link that I used said it was $120 USD.
    Ok, yes. 120$ sounds right
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  25. #1265
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    idk I might do it just to see what I get.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  26. #1266
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    It was 120 usd but it might be a few dollars more as Transferwise (which they use) charges for sending money (something like few dollars when I did it).
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I judge people by their avatars and it's difficult to for me to accept that @ThatGuyStoleMyBike is an ESE.
    Haha the way things crystallize and bloom into fashion for Me too is created in a shaped gulf of how a person's tastes and desires color the video game cartridge.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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  28. #1268
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    Another typing by Gulenko. LSI.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  29. #1269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Another typing by Gulenko. LSI.
    What kind of a LSI subtype dont even share their own subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    What kind of a LSI subtype dont even share their own subtype
    I think we can maybe rule out Dominant subtype. H or N in my opinion.

    Another recent one by Gulenko: SLE-N
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    I think we can maybe rule out Dominant subtype. H or N in my opinion.
    I thought N>C according to his body language and innotation but the context of his video suggests H. He thought he was a F type and based on people who got typed LSI-H on this forum, we can say that they tend to think themselves as F, no idea why.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Does Gulenko think beta quadra types are the most common? Or does he think betas are intrinsically drawn to socionics? It seems like he types A LOT of people as LSI and EIE.
    Maybe they are most likely to get a typing from him, as they see him as top of the Aristocratic socionics chain of command......

    Gulenko: askjdhaksdhaksjdhskdjskdjskdjksjdajlsjaldkjlskajdl kjlasjdlkjas


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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Another typing by Gulenko. LSI.
    Another Beta lol
    To me he looks intuitive, ILI or LII-Ti, although LSI is not an awful typing. At least he typed that SLE right but this one was easy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Another typing by Gulenko. LSI.
    That typing is easy to agree with.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    To me he looks intuitive, ILI or LII-Ti, although LSI is not an awful typing. At least he typed that SLE right but this one was easy.

    Some months ago, our beloved @Sol tried to correct one of Gulenko's typing for LSI and retyped the person ILE. He probably has a wrong conception of what an ILE is because he doesn't understand how to apply DNCH for the types or any subtyping for that matter. Most likely he has consistently been typing chatty and ‘creative’ LSIs as ILE, since some can seem intuitive (not quite there physically for a Se ego) at first sight and will happily jump into real ILEs' chaotic chatter if they are around. But ILEs are lighter. Steve Wozniak is one and if you take any of the videos he is in and cancel the sound it feels as if you're watching an SEI-Fe. There's no ‘upmh’ in their aura, unlike Kristen and the young man in this recent video. It becomes apparent in an academic setting for example when (a particular subtype of) LSI is having an exchange with ILE and an EIE professor enters the room and asks them to be quiet and get to work, the LSI will respond quicker to the request first because they secretly desire some order and second, they find that the request and the manner in which is put forward by the EIE is acceptable. One can actually witness how Betas have it easier navigating established institutions. There is no shutting up the ILE. I'm glad our guy decided to make this video as I can see the resemblance with the LSIs I've met and he shares nonverbals with Elon Musk on the occasions that I've seen him in a similar setting (looking past or to the camera, no interaction with another person), who was also typed LSI by G. In turn, Musk does some things LSI males do, minor things for example tied to a play-pretend chivalry like the reverence he does at the beginning of this video (below); once I asked a LSI male (whom I had previously typed) to hand me something and when I look up he makes reverence and presents the object I asked him to bring over. The LIIs I've met tend to be a bit stiffer even if polite.

    Incidentally, I've just remembered that I emailed Gulenko’s people about the possibility of getting a typing session and commented that it'd be nice to have more celebrities typed as it'd maybe attract more people (the SLI category on his website is empty). The reply I got is that each typing takes up a good portion of Gulenko's time as he goes through the person’s history. So it's nice to know he prefers his gallery to sit empty or half-empty rather than guess-type a random youtuber to stimulate his business. I don't think his typings are incorrect and that we suffer from any lightness on his part.

    Last edited by Rusal; 11-15-2021 at 07:00 AM.
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    @wesleh00 I've moved the video to this thread to make it easier to keep track of people G. has typed.

    OK. I watched more of the video. G.u.lenko is probably right: LSI. I don't see INTj as Liam proposed. LII is a very specific kind of animal in Socionics. More than any other type they can eloquently make classifications, describe procedures, etc. A common feature with them is that if they can watch a video or read about how ice-cream is made or about physics, and they can tell what they've read or watched back to you step by step, figure by figure in more or less the same articulate manner in both cases and with overall decent fidelity to the data. I believe one of their descriptions even says that they illuminate darkness as if they were lightning. They do this with a type of speech most of us would link to a presentation with an audience: it a way that's very natural to them, they speaks as if they were reading bullet points on a document, with good and, sometimes, sufficiently detailed, information, even with only seconds to collect their mind beforehand. It comes easy to most of them. When Liam says at 17:32'Literally before this interview I was planning what I was gonna say (...) but it always, when it comes out it’s bwabwabwa”, well, that's a very un-LII thing to say and what's more he's implying this is not uncommon with him (as it would be for many who are not Ti+Ne). On top of that, because they absorb text and info rather quickly, an LII would’ve been more inclined to read about their new interest, Socionics, and then describe how they think of themselves by naming functions, describing them, contrasting and comparing. They still could get everything wrong, of course, but the inclination to verbally establish a coherent framework would be there. And it comes out in a way that makes the impression that they love the sound of their voice and that they also love explaining at length.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post

    He's way more fluid, emotionally communicative and easygoing than any LSI I've ever seen. Maybe C-SEI-Fe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    He's way more fluid, emotionally communicative and easygoing than any LSI I've ever seen.
    And that's exactly G.u.lenko's description of LSI-C.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    And that's exactly G.u.lenko's description of LSI-C.
    And that's my biggest issue with his typings, he uses his subtype system to create entirely new types that don't have much in common with basic 16 types, maybe he's so in love with the system he created he forgets that the first thing you should do is to properly identify a type and then think of a subtype, and he's doing it the other way around.

    LSI is known as an inspector. Base Ti means being focused on schematic thinking, analyzing all these building blocks behind systems and constructing them, seeing reality as a web of logical formulas, willing to have these systems stable and well defined according to logical rules. Creative Se means applying that systemic thinking to organize concrete reality, seeing the world as it is, focused on realistic outputs, to have a clear impact on something, to gather info by exploring your surroundings. It's not the best description probably, but I mean there's this core of being an LSI that every LSI should have and then there are subtypes. I don't see any of this in many people he typed LSI. He types people who are known of being an exact opposite of that as LSIs. Intuitive innovators who push boundaries of what's possible, like Elon Musk for example.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    And that's my biggest issue with his typings, he uses his subtype system to create entirely new types that don't have much in common with basic 16 types

    Not at all. One of the coolest persons I know is an ESE. Before I read Gvlenko's book I recognized her as D or C subtype of ESE from the more diffuse text on DCNH. Always the one to be in charge of organizing celebrations, very smart and quick when dealing with tangible reality, with her it's true what Gvuleko wrote that the ‘soul’ of the gathering also leaves when she has to. She has a Law degree but she is also passionate about cooking and pre-pandemic she was planning to travel to Europe to study under the best. I always thought that, despite her degree, she would've been a great hotel manager or staff manager on a cruise. It was later that I read the description of C subtype that I recognized her but my conclusion matched what’s written before I even set my eyes to paper. Or screen. Gulenko is not changing ESE nor the rest of the types. It's more the case of people not having a complete picture of the types.

    By typing Liam SEI-Fe I feel it's you who is going a bit against the type. SEI-Fe men are something different from that video. We've all recognized them unconsciously, somehow, even by seeing them in the street. Picture the married man in beige pants, a relaxed walk and with a lazy smile on his face and happy, rosy cheeks, cooperative in the household and understanding. A very soft person and I exaggerate but you get the point. When you see them together, something in you just knows they are in a very egalitarian and loving relationship; don't forget Alphas are recognized as more horizontal. Liam does not appear violent or anything but it's a far cry from that picture. If you're going to add the ‘Creative’, you'll still use that SEI template. I don't see it and neither did Gulenko when Liam answered all those questions for him.

    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    LSI is known as an inspector. Base Ti means being focused on schematic thinking, analyzing all these building blocks behind systems and constructing them, seeing reality as a web of logical formulas, willing to have these systems stable and well defined according to logical rules. Creative Se means applying that systemic thinking to organize concrete reality, seeing the world as it is, focused on realistic outputs, to have a clear impact on something, to gather info by exploring your surroundings.
    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    It's not the best description probably, but I mean there's this core of being an LSI that every LSI should have and then there are subtypes. I don't see any of this in many people he typed LSI.

    What do you think you gathered from those short videos? You also rejected the second to last typing, the LSI that in your opinion was actually LII, I think. Now, watch Berdutina's example of LSI before Gvlenko published his book with the subtypes and his typing videos were a thing. Does the young man comply with your idea of TiSe? Did Gvlenko and people like Berdutina who live in the hotspot of Socionics suddenly forgot how to do Socionics or is it that seeing the person, interviewing them reveal things lost in translation from the theory to the practice in the case of aficionados? I keep saying I see people, children, like that young man and that you can only try to push the ‘LII’ or ‘ILE’ label on them a certain amount of times before you realize you're in front of someone with Inspector-like traits. And it gets more obvious when you interact with LII, ILE and LSI (logical subtype, as in this case) at the same time. Remember, LSI encompasses this young man as well as people like Steven Seagal (now I know who Liam reminded me of: young Steven Segal, also LSI). Seagal travelled to Japan when he was young to get into martial arts and find some discipline in it; bespectacled, logical LSIs might find it in school and they don't let their fancy or tongue take flight they way ILEs do nor say the things ILEs say, they're more more stoic and deal with a more regimented reality so you'll find EIEs orbit them whether they practice Aikido in a dojo or they are engineers building a bridge. There's not much else I can do because I cannot transfer my experience to you which is why what Gvlenko does is not heresy to me, but you can do something yourself by trying to type people near you, see if they have an equivalent in the subtypes as described in Gvlenko's book, then contrast and compare with Talanov’s charts from 2011 if you know the person well enough, use Filatova etc. But, more importantly I know what some little LSIs are capable of reading or dreaming, recognize the way they speak and move. Or you can believe Gvlenko hit his head the night before he typed Musk, since you mention him, and got lucky many months later when Grimes kind of obliquely made his typing a not so crazy one. Remember, that in Musk's case vertical line of command had also been imposed for a long time on his first wife, so it's natural with him not an intuitive's hysterical shout for power because he's read too many MGTOW forums, and if we're talking of a constant then it's in the psyche and with Se being static then it feeds back to possible behavior as an Aggressor type. Also, read the book: what you said above is not completely lost because LSI-C are described as apt to be firefighters and in work in the emergency services, maybe that's what you mean.

    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    He types people who are known of being an exact opposite of that as LSIs. Intuitive innovators who push boundaries of what's possible, like Elon Musk for example.

    Alright. Hold on.

    There's no one, no one that's pushed for the concept of specialization like Gulenko has.
    You'll find it explicitly in his book.
    You'll see it in the exchanges we had here about his feedback to forum members he typed when he commended sensors to the domestic sphere.
    You’'l read it when he stated that EIE and ILI are behind society's advancements.
    And if you go to his website, his NT section is filled with personalities like Gates or Bezos. Gulenko is not withdrawing what he previously claimed but, just as my ESE friend loves law, with Musk he's saying “Hey, there's an ESE in a law firm”. And that alone doesn't undo ESE. In the end, I know your reticence is due to a lack of interaction with (certain) types so you can't get a real feel of lines that divide them even if you think you have them more or less figured out. So Gvlenko's diagnostics will continue to puzzle you. Whatcha gonna do.

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