Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
Taking on a different (as you described it - more extroverted, charming) demeanour when with strangers or winging short-lived interaction would rule out Fe Polr, in my mind
meanwhile Fe creative seamlessly does so

A question I thought up was: compromise or consensus, are those priorities for you; does what the room prefers inform what you prefer?
as in, you don't have a firm grasp of your inner sentiments until you hear out those of others?

my second question can maybe relate to studies: does an encroaching deadline (or whiff of constraints?) work to energise or get you fired up about a project that may have otherwise been languishing?
For the first question- I do tend to compromise in favor of what the room prefers most of the time, but I usually have a preference in the back of my mind. I don't like to express it strongly however unless it is extremely important. So while I do end up going with what the room prefers, that isn't to say I have no preference of my own.

For the second question- yes definitely. My sister jokes that I only get things done when I'm motivated by fear of punishment