Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
Congratulations. You have such a sympathetic energy that you got me through an entire 12:30 video... and I usually just watch 10 seconds out of curiosity without even answering.

No way you're xEI. You seem to value Te matters way more than Ti ones. There's literally no Ti there. Yeah, there's the role Ti ok, and that's why you typed as INTP in mbti, but other than that you're just seeking for the Te results. You want to get shit done in a practical way. You got a rational way of expressing your thought that the xEIs just lack. At a certain point you even talked about how you would find a competent self confident individual to be charming (Te in da hausss), and not arrogant, or something like that (which could fit with Se seeking too yeah, but have you heard the rest of the vid? She's hating on Se half the time, lol).
All the talk about avoiding conflict as long as possible but getting really mad when certain specific things occur, PLUS all the hate on people who apply constant volitional pressure? Yeah, that's not a sign of a Se seeker guys. This girl can't stand Se. It's her polr. Dreaming of becoming a musician has nothing to do with Se. All types can be ambitious. She pretty much describes Si kind of laziness as what she possesses and desires.
Yeah maybe she needs some pressure from outside to get into action, but I bet the pressure from a high Se would feel like hell. On the other hand I can imagine a good reaction to advice from a Te type. She doesn't need sheer forceful pressure.

You come across as a very genuine person. I don't get that from Ti leads. What you said about not wanting people to talk to you about their dead cat because you feel not comfortable at comforting with words in such a way, and the only thing that changes is that you will feel bad too... well, even that came across as an empathetic thought to me, lol. You just have a deep kind of empathy that you don't necessarily express. You feel things intensely, which is a big boost in arts, poetry, music and so on.

Last thing I want to adress are the Ni and Si lead hypotheses: do you think she has a mystical kind of intuition? That she's lead by gut nuances and that she's THAT detached from wordly reasonings? Nah. Of course, esoteric inclinations are not a must for IEIs, but, for real... she is literally the introvert with Ne poster child (even the way the eyes move seems super Ne, lol). And what about Si? This girl a sensorial and earthy person, providing Si to more intuitive people? Naaaah.

I know you're getting all different typings and I feel a little bit sorry for you. But the most important thing I want to communicate is this: do yourself a favor and play more music! You call yourself a musician but don't excercise since months? What you've done in the past doesn't matter. Just play more and more from now on, and chase your real dream with hope and determination. Laziness is a bad demon, and the only way to beat the demon is with a dose of joy and enthusiasm for what you do in your daily life.
Thank you so much, I feel a bit flattered by this. I also think I'm a little bit more motivated to practice now, lol