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Thread: Enneagram Tritype Test - Katherine Fauvre

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Default Enneagram Tritype Test - Katherine Fauvre

    so I did this long-ass test. Seems good imo, maybe y'all should try it, here:


    Your Top Ranked Enneacard: Type 6

    Your Tritype® Stacking: 6-8-4 - Loyal Person, Devil’s Advocate, Troubleshooter, Guardian, Trooper, Dedicated Person
    Your Primary Enneagram Type — 6
    Your Secondary Enneagram Type — 8
    Your Tertiary Enneagram Type — 4

    Primary Instinctual Type: Intimate
    Instinctual Stacking: Intimate / Self-Preserving / Social
    Feisty Rebel, Warrior, Martial Artist, Cowboy, Boy/Girl Next Door

    Whassup Republic scum.. its yo boi e6.. (inb4 his inevitable betrayal)

    EDIT: Wow she has the single best E6 description ever:

    Type: 6

    Sixes want to be safe and secure, to fit in and belong. More importantly, they want to have certainty and security, putting their faith in a trusted authority, belief system or tradition. Sixes see yourself as loyal, friendly, conservative and/or cautious. Sixes would like others to see them as trustworthy, dedicated and reliable. Their idealized image is that they are supportive, responsible and dutiful.

    Sixes are innately curious with a wonderful sense of humor. A bundle of contradictions, Sixes can be wary and cautious one minute and/or rebellious and courageous the next. Sixes possess an endearing childlike reactivity and often take the position of the devil’s advocate to promote a sense of pair play. Depending on the situation, Sixes can be friendly and outgoing or reserved and skeptical. A ‘good soldier’, they prefer the role of buddy, loyal family member or trusted employee. They can be a reluctant authority because their fear that taking on a leadership position might make them a target for opposition. So, Sixes chose your positions carefully. To manage anxiety, they seek comic relief.

    Sixes are attracted to people who are strong, protective and/or have prestige. Sixes seek trusted, reliable authorities and allies. Often identifying with the underdog and distrustful of people’s hidden agendas, they are slow to trust new acquaintances. Keenly aware that they could be duped or taken advantage of, they pay attention to insincerity and inconsistencies. To determine if someone is trustworthy, Sixes watch for and question any discrepancy they observe. Once someone passes the testing process Sixes become deeply committed and a most loyal friend. Devoted to their friends and family, they show allegiance over individuality.

    Seeking certainty, Sixes tend to be cynical. Because Sixes are afraid of being unprepared or caught off guard, they often rehearse in their mind what they might say or do. Imaginative and visual, they can often see what might go wrong. They may even enjoy scaring themselves by thinking of worst-case scenarios so that they will never feel paralyzed by the fear of not knowing what to say or do. Although Sixes are afraid to be afraid, they can learn mind or matter and they are capable of being profoundly dutiful and heroic. Once Sixes let go of doubts, their fear turns into excitement and they can surprise yourself with unexpected acts of valor.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-05-2020 at 08:17 AM.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    @shotgunfingers: the test is trying to tell me that I am a mistyped 6w5 or 9. Just out of curiosity, do I seem 6ish to you?

    Weirdly, my test results were 359 with core 5 sp/sx. I have always felt too detached to be a 6 lol.
    It depends on core motivation, type 5 tho is very NT-ish (usually ILI, LII, ILE or LIE)

    kinda weird, considering e5 is the most dispassionate type.. and EIE is the most passionate.. contradictory. Esp with a 9 in the tritype, means anger is MIA.


    "Fives have unparalleled powers of mental perception due in part to their ability to remain detached and unaffected by their emotions."
    Last edited by SGF; 10-05-2020 at 09:26 AM.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Yeah I know that. My therapist constantly remarks on how detached/avoidant I am from my emotions. So I deflect my energy on trying to understand on how other people operate (Fe??) to deflect attention from myself. My IXTX friends (very logical types) used to complain about how they felt like they didn't really know me despite letting me in emotionally. I kinda have a fucked up background that plays into the contradiction so I have an exaggerated use of Ni and Ti.
    idk then, that does sound like type 5. It depends on why you are the way you are, I don;t know you well, so can't tell.

    I'm not that good at socionics, but:

    EIE possesses deep emotionality, subtly feels the state of other people. Romantic in feelings. Artistic and sublime. Easily controls external expression, moving from drama to life affirmation. Set up exclusively for polite communication, without rudeness and prodding.

    EIE in communication tends to a company where positive emotions are manifested, witty jokes or anecdotes are heard. Loves to laugh, to discharge emotionally. His own emotions are stormy, dramatic. He tries in every possible way to restrain himself, but completely unexpectedly for others he can break loose, jump out, draw attention to himself. In conversations, he often warns the interlocutor about possible dangers.

    He is inclined to dramatize events, the world sees in dark colors. His speech is often filled with pathos, sometimes he speaks with a breath in the manner of the artist Tatyana Doronina. In communication, it is quite intrusive, bothers with conversations, comments on events. He cannot but express his opinion to his partner. People of this type can conduct dialogues with themselves, sometimes make speeches in transport (with excessive development of the emotional component).

    People of this type have great oratorical skills, they can speak "beautifully". In addition to dramatic emotions, speech sometimes contains caustic humor, sarcasm with a tinge of malice. Skillfully combining humor with tragedy, they build intense, exciting stories. They believe only the information that is officially published somewhere. Unofficial ideas and theories are not trusted.

    Dominant EIE subtype in Humanitarian Socionics

    Leading mentor

    Very active, good organizer. Eloquent when speaking in public. It is difficult to speak it. Able to lead a lot of people. Creates the image of a fiery fighter.

    Skillfully sets the public against the one whom he considers the enemy. An excellent tactician, enters into temporary alliances to achieve his goal.

    He is inclined to dramatize events, warning people about impending danger. He does not make compromises: it is easier for him to fail than to abandon his goal. In extreme situations, he is bold and decisive to the point of recklessness.

    Creative subtype of EIE in Humanitarian Socionics

    Playing mentor

    Prone to reincarnation in different images. Demonstrative, knows how to present himself. His mood is changeable. In a good mood he is kind, lively, jokes, composes aphorisms.

    In a bad mood, he is gloomy and irritable, breaks down on loved ones. He is attracted by a synthesis of opposites, transitions from a positive image to a negative one and vice versa.

    Seeks freedom of expression, from clothing to lifestyle.

    Normalizing EIE subtype in Humanitarian Socionics

    Mentor educating

    An intelligent and reasonable person, convinced of his righteousness. Critical and caustic in dealing with opponents. He prefers to distance himself, as loud sounds, sudden movements or unpleasant smells irritate and exhaust him.

    Proud and touchy. Painfully tolerates criticism of his appearance or habits. He fluctuates in the choice between feelings and reason. Tends to assess general patterns in the development of any area.

    He synthesizes his ideas with other sources, thus building his theory or teaching.

    Harmonizing EE subtype in Humanitarian Socionics

    The imaginative mentor

    Endowed with great imagination. He perceives what is happening around him from the point of view of fate or hidden meaning. Reads rare authors or listens to music of special styles. In such dispersed states, he is prone to fantasies and visions of various scenarios or archetypal symbols.

    Mindful and hypochondriacal. He is attracted by mystery and mystery. He is given inner balance with great difficulty, and therefore reacts irritably to those who disturb his peace. Is critical of his physical data and abilities.

    Afraid of being ridiculed or rejected. He expresses his feelings in compositions, plastic, dance or handicrafts.

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    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    I got 5-4-9; Sp, Soc, Sx. I don't relate to the description for Five very well. On most tests, I score as a Four, which describes me slightly better.

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    I'd rather swap 3 for 4, 4-related cards and descriptions were too pretentious/extreme to choose but I can see it in a weakened version in my tritype, the 3-related ones only partially fit (Productive and goal-oriented? Yes. Compete and be the best and universally admired for it? Nope, I want money, not fame ). Maybe the test would work better if at first it tried to give you a type and then a tritype by modified questions/cards that take in account the primary type and its effect on the rest of personality (or instinct instead of a type in the same manner). Also got the "possible 6" info but it's rather just a strong wing.

  7. #7



    Am still a 7 but it's interesting
    EIE-Fe Creative 7w8 748 Sx/So VELF

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor Mkbr View Post

    Am still a 7 but it's interesting
    :> drama King.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    :> drama King.

    EIE-Fe Creative 7w8 748 Sx/So VELF

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    I tend to get 136 so/sp on this test. 1 and 3 fixes are right, but I am not sure about the 6 fix. 5 fix could fit. The taskmaster description does not fit me terribly well, as I am not as affiliative as that tritype seems. I care more about doing my job correctly and less about living up to a societal image. Also, I am sp/so. I have mistyped myself as so/sp and sp/sx.

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