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Thread: Intertype group dynamics @ work, A diary

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Entry 1: Intertype Dynamics @ Work and Life; A Diary

    Hello. Just started a new job in the wild safari.

    I made my coworkers take a questionnaire and the results came out

    --One is a SEI/ISFp, a jolly 40-year old easy going man

    --The other is IEE/ENFp, gangstereque at first, but otherwise a very open and friendly 27-year old person. Struts around in airforce ones.

    They read their type descriptions and expressed how accurate the tests described them so we will assume their types are correct.

    SEI and IEE are semi-duals
    SEI and me (LSI) are benefit relations
    IEE and me (LSI) are conflicting relations

    Entry 1:

    I've been observing from afar, SEI and IEE have been working together for 6 months. They just "let someone go" and hired me into their squad.

    So far they've been talking about football and how their fantasy teams are doing - a lot of camraderie.

    I can already tell I'm slightly "the outsider" but this is only the first entry in my diary.

    I will report any insights and observations as time goes by
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-22-2020 at 08:34 PM.

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    Haikus Dr PissBender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Hello. Just started a new job in the wild safari.

    I made my coworkers take a questionnaire and the results came out

    --One is a SEI/ISFp, a jolly 40-year old easy going man

    --The other is IEE/ENFp, gangtereque at first, but otherwise a very open and friendly person

    They read their type descriptions and expressed how accurate the tests described them so we will assume their types are correct.

    SEI and IEE are semi-duals
    SEI and me (LSI) are benefit relations
    IEE and me (LSI) are conflicting relations

    Day 1:

    I've been observing from afar, SEI and IEE have been working together for 6 months. They just "let someone go" and hired me into their squad.

    So far they've been talking about football and how their fantasy teams are doing - a lot of camraderie.

    I can already tell I'm slightly "the outsider" but this is only the first day/entry in my diary.

    I will report any insights and observations as time goes by
    As someone with an SEI bestie, i'm really interested in this.

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    the accuracy of good tests mb ~40-60%. other methods are not supposed much better, in general
    the accuracy of IR, for 2 people, is average accuracy^2, alike 40%*40% = 16%

    if you have good experience in typing, use different methods together and know people closely and for long - this should allow to understand their types with higher accuracy

  4. #4
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    You’re letting your Fi speak a lot of things to you by saying you can already feel you’re an outsider. It will take time to build relationships
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Default Entry 2: Football and Bottles of Water

    Peeking carefully through the bushes,

    Here are some observations I've made on the IEE specimen:

    He really, really, gets into talking about his fantasy football team.

    I think this is because of so many potential outcomes/possibilities with the teams and players (Ne)

    For those people are unfamiliar with fantasy football, it is a game where you make you own football team (online) and you accumulate points throughout the year/football season. Points accumulated depends on how well players do IRL throughout the season. But I digress.

    Anyway, the IEE would get really excited, talking about the potential of a particular player/team/future outcome (Ne) ... He puts money into this fantasy game, so he takes the game very seriously.

    I was, in particular, very impressed by the sheer amount of facts (the unique potential of particular football teams) and enthusiasm he presented when talking to the SEI specimen about why his football team would dominate others.


    Throughout the day,

    I noticed bottles of water, not finished to completion. These bottles of water were scattered all over the safari.

    Why weren't they completed?

    Specimen SEI also noticed this, and asked the IEE

    "Yo are these your bottles of water?"
    "How come you didn't finish the bottle of water before drinking the next one?"
    "Because I like my bottles of water cold (Si)"
    They say the IEE is notorious for not finishing his projects

    ...Perhaps this also applies to drinking unfinished bottles of water
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-15-2020 at 08:22 PM.

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    Default Entry 3: Spilled coffee and Food

    Me and IEE are working quietly in the morning. It's always quiet between us. (SEI usually arrives later in the afternoon).

    IEE spilled some coffee on a package we were working on. We argued about whether we should let it slide or call the recipient;

    "I don't think the recipient will tell (the stain didn't look too bad), I think you should just leave it alone"
    "Nooo I think I should tell him, I mean, if it were me and I found my package covered with coffee stains, I'd be pissed"
    ^^^^(Strong ethics (F>T) demonstrated here)^^^^

    Later that day, SEI arrives and asks me if I wanted to eat with him and IEE

    I politely declined (again), telling them I brought my own food.

    As they were eating,

    I noticed they were raving about their food, going on and on about the food they were eating in detail; the texture and taste, whether something different was in the food this time around, etc. (Si)

    For me, I eat to live, and I never analyze what I'm eating - I simply scarf it down as fast as possible and get back to my work - but for these fellas, it was clear they lived to eat, slowly enjoying every morsel. (Si)

    "We love to eat,"
    the SEI told me.

    Some points of stress:

    --Sometimes it feels like I'm over-working myself (doing a lot of the dirty work) and there's not enough help, it's exhausting mentally and physically

    --IEE and SEI speak in their own language and have this bonding so it feels like I'm an outsider

    --SEI is pretty gentle, but it's clear he stresses out when things aren't in a certain way

    --In my last job, I played more of a lead/boss role (which felt natural to me), in this job it seems like I'm more of a supporting cast on the outside (feels uncomfortable and unnatural)

    --I miss my last job, things operated a lot more smoothly, less running around on my part
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-18-2020 at 02:23 AM.

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    Default Entry 4: Dad's Birthday

    Today's my dad's birthday, and surprisingly we invited a bunch of relatives to the home (who I'm not that close with)

    My mother (ESI) came to tell me to make sure to say hello and greetings before doing my own thing. (Fi + Se)

    She does this a lot when it comes to holidays, Christmas, and other kinds of gatherings - it feels unnatural since I haven't had any relations with these people over the years.

    This kinda thing feels like slightly forced for me, but I guess it's a necessity since we're humans, not savages.


    At the supper table I tried pumping in (Fe) to the group - bringing up the subject of family reunions and how its been a while since we've all seen each other, and how 30+ years is too long for families not to get together, etc. It seemed to work for a bit,

    Until the food coma hit...
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-19-2020 at 04:38 PM.

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    I might have to steal this format. This is good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I might have to steal this format. This is good.
    the more data the merrier
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-21-2020 at 01:01 PM.

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    Ijs do tend to over analyse and usually are content viewing the world from their own islands; they are autonomous and outsiders by nature. I have known many XSIs who refuse to participate yet will leap to conclusions based on information gained only from a distance, metaphorically speaking. SEIs tend to live in castles so won't see people who live on islands as much of a threat or much of anything but IEEs will view them as not playing the game and they do enjoy people who play. I do trust what your diary says about you; I'm not so sure as to what it says about them.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ijs do tend to over analyse and usually are content viewing the world from their own islands; they are autonomous and outsiders by nature. I have known many XSIs who refuse to participate yet will leap to conclusions based on information gained only from a distance, metaphorically speaking. SEIs tend to live in castles so won't see people who live on islands as much of a threat or much of anything but IEEs will view them as not playing the game and they do enjoy people who play. I do trust what your diary says about you; I'm not so sure as to what it says about them.

    a.k.a. I/O
    thats an interesting (yet realistic) take on things.

    im just gonna observe and do my best to try and stay as objective as possible; but yeah, my interpretations can be totally off (they often are) but I guess it's my own little experiment in applying this stuff in real life. in your opinion is there a better way of doing this where we're not all in separate islands, castles, etc (btw can you clarify on the island and castle thing) or is this the best it gonna get under non-laboratory conditions lol
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-21-2020 at 01:47 PM.

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    Default Entry 5: Running around like a Tazmanian Devil

    SEI and IEE kinda chill back and exchange little silly stories while I work like a Tazmanian devil.

    Power dynamics are kinda weird since SEI is technically supposed to “work under me,” but he is part owner of the store at the same time. It’s weird. It’s like I should be the one telling SEI to restock the shelves and do this and that but so far I’m just gonna play it by ear.

    I've noticed the SEI doesn’t like to do tedious work (doing little things like restocking the shelves). Possibly related to his dual seeking (Ne):

    It is hard for SEI to bear routine and monotony. They need alternatives to boring, every day life and trivial choices. It is a pleasure for them to find a way out of an impasse, or seemingly hopeless situation. They are attracted by communication with unusual people who have many ideas and bold suggestions
    Speaking of bold suggestions,

    I hate the idea of working hourly – I’d rather get my shit done and leave. The other day I got my things done around noon but had to stand around til eveningish since that’s the day’s schedule. Maybe I can boldly suggest that I leave early lol.


    Tomorrow we’re supposed to get a new (female) coworker coming in so hopefully that’ll result in less running around for me and less sweaty balls with a balanced feminine presence.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-21-2020 at 03:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fireee View Post
    ....... in your opinion is there a better way of doing this where we're not all in separate islands, castles, etc (btw can you clarify on the island and castle thing).....
    I could write a lot on this subject if I had the ambition. I refer to Ijs living on islands because they seem to be born there and retreat to them often because it seems to give them clarity and absolute control over themselves; they need autonomy - and detachment is an excellent way to achieve this. Ips tend to construct higher and higher barriers to the outside (castles of opinion) as they grow older and many become rather bigoted; they seem to disagree with other peoples' opinions slinging stones at them from the parapets, so to speak. They tend to be protectionists of their values and opinions while Ijs are usually not so convinced that they're right. Ijs just need to get out there more and actively participate - I know that I had to really force myself but I'm a Ti-subtype.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    while Ijs are usually not so convinced that they're right. Ijs just need to get out there more and actively participate - I know that I had to really force myself but I'm a Ti-subtype.
    a.k.a. I/O
    i totally agree... i tend not to put my opinions out there unless I'm convinced im 100% right, but this holds me back from actively participating in a lot of conversations...


    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-22-2020 at 08:37 PM.

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    Default Entry 6: New Kid On the Block

    Well, technically not new, she worked here about 3 months ago to take on a marketing position but she decided to quit (primarily because she didn't get along with her co-workers) to come back to work with us.

    Of course, dynamics tend to totally change when you go from an all-male workspace ----> One female added to the workspace; the guys tend to perk up a little, more conversations, more energy in general - it's just the natural state with some feminine presence

    I made her take a questionnaire and she tested as ESE. So far in the work place we now have:

    --SEI (benefit)
    --IEE (conflicting)
    --LSI (me)
    --ESE (semi-dual)

    I will continue observing the effects this addition will have.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-22-2020 at 08:39 PM.

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    Default Entry 7: Music volume

    I prefer to play radio music in the background (normal-high volume) to keep the day going by keeping the atmosphere upbeat and energized (Fe) / (Se) I totally forgot about that preference until ESE brought it up to our attention.

    IEE, however, insisted we keep the music volume on the lower end because having it too loud would make the place "feel like a club" and irritating (Si) to him. I personally disagree with this, but I respected his wishes (trying to be a team player (Ti) so we ended up playing music we could barely hear, meh o well.

    Having the ESE around is kinda nice so far, takes a huge work-load off of me. She works pretty hard and is fairly competent.

    When ESE and IEE talk, I notice they focus on a lot of (Ne) in their conversations; different places to travel to, novel and unique experiences, etc.,

    I notice the SEI, even though he is part owner of the shop, isn't very bossy at all. As a matter of fact, if there's a problem he'll indirectly address it or avoid confrontation all together. He is extremely cordial, always offering me food, asking me if the temperature (Si) / (Fe) is okay etc and such. He's always asking me for feedback on how things are, I usually reply with some variation of "it's alright" but I'm wondering if I can give a better response?

    So far, no intertype problems in the work place so far, besides the boring atmosphere when things are very slow in the shop.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-23-2020 at 11:20 PM.

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    Default Entry 8: Fi + Se, Pain-staking Te

    + thrown at me stresses me out.

    Being at home has its perks but I'm constantly reminded by my mom (ESI) to do certain things to keep my relationships up to par + . She does this primarily through physically coming to my room, approaching me, and guilting me:

    --Going to the grocery store with my dad (SEI) (just to be along side him)
    --Getting up early to call my brother who is at the other side of the world
    --Throwing away all my "non-essential medications" and calling me out on them
    --Pointing out my gut and making me feel guilty on the inside in regards to my lifestyle/diet

    I feel like there's always some kind of battle in between us, like we have to get even if we wronged each other.


    Another point of stress I've noticed about myself is when it comes to shifting thru a lot of (seemingly) redundant info ()

    In the evening my mom, dad, and I were looking thru some dense documents () - IMO, I felt like they (the text) were saying the same thing over and over; this put me in a irritable state. The most annoying part was going through everything line by line and discussing every word of every sentence. I feel as though this isn't the most efficient way of absorbing the text, but we designated by dad (SEI) and he chose to do it this way, so we gotta do it the leader's way.

    Now that I think about it, I'm always tuning out if there's some long-lengthy explanation, joke, or story or whatever... It's like come dude, you could have said that in 1 sentence ()
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-27-2020 at 10:27 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fireee View Post
    I prefer to play radio music in the background (normal-high volume) to keep the day going by keeping the atmosphere upbeat and energized (Fe) / (Se) I totally forgot about that preference until ESE brought it up to our attention.

    IEE, however, insisted we keep the music volume on the lower end because having it too loud would make the place "feel like a club" and irritating (Si) to him. I personally disagree with this, but I respected his wishes (trying to be a team player (Ti) so we ended up playing music we could barely hear, meh o well.

    Having the ESE around is kinda nice so far, takes a huge work-load off of me. She works pretty hard and is fairly competent.

    When ESE and IEE talk, I notice they focus on a lot of (Ne) in their conversations; different places to travel to, novel and unique experiences, etc.,

    I notice the SEI, even though he is part owner of the shop, isn't very bossy at all. As a matter of fact, if there's a problem he'll indirectly address it or avoid confrontation all together. He is extremely cordial, always offering me food, asking me if the temperature (Si) / (Fe) is okay etc and such. He's always asking me for feedback on how things are, I usually reply with some variation of "it's alright" but I'm wondering if I can give a better response?

    So far, no intertype problems in the work place so far, besides the boring atmosphere when things are very slow in the shop.
    My SEI & EII family members always tell me I play music way too loud. I honestly would prefer no music to extremely quiet music. I like it to get out of my head & have some external stimulation to focus on. Makes me more energized with my day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    My SEI & EII family members always tell me I play music way too loud. I honestly would prefer no music to extremely quiet music. I like it to get out of my head & have some external stimulation to focus on. Makes me more energized with my day.
    I'm not sure if it's type related, but it was always go big or go home w music for me... The only time I prefer quite music is if I'm trying to have a conversation w someone

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    Quote Originally Posted by fireee View Post
    I'm not sure if it's type related, but it was always go big or go home w music for me... The only time I prefer quite music is if I'm trying to have a conversation w someone

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    Default Entry 9: "What's your Sign?"

    Throughout my career, I've had - valuing bosses / overseers - for the most part it was okay, but there was most friction when our and clashed. I often felt overloaded by redundancy and felt like a supervisor was watching my every move, criticizing me for the smallest errors

    In contrast,

    Having an SEI as a boss / overseer has been good so far - I don't feel like someone is breathing down my back, he is off doing his own thing, cracks jokes to lighten things up, etc /

    ESE asked me what my sign was (astrology), telling me she feels like I'm not an "evil person" lol. I'm not much into astrology, but I told her I was Taurus. I am stubborn, however, lol. I make things very simple for her (), she probably appreciates that

    Things are still pretty formal between all of us. I asked IEE what I could do better; he complimented me, telling me I was smart, competent, and to make sure inventory was accurate (I guess the person that worked before me did poorly with this.)

    When I look at the situation, it's not like we're all working on a project together, but we each have our own assigned jobs ( a very repetitive one at that) so there isn't too many things (IM wise) clashing.

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    Default Entry 10: Butt Botox Injections

    This morning a customer walked in, in a very irritated state.

    She complained about how painful her butt botox injections were :

    "OMG its so painful, it's so big and hard!"
    She then went on and on about stuff, complaining about her situation and how bad things were for her, how small her panties were for her now etc

    This, of course, put me in an irritated state but IEE came to the rescue.

    I couldn't help but admire the IEE for how patient he was with her, listening to her sob story and walking her through the process. I think the and really shines for moments like this, because it helps them to see things from a more compassionate perspective, and I didn't really have to say anything, he handled it like a boss.

    ... I need to develop more patience for people and put things BEHIND me

    More observations

    --IEE likes coffee in a specific way, or he won't drink it at all

    --Is very patient with most people, always giving them benefit of doubt, trying to see it from their perspective

    --Told me, "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it" when asked about eating new foods like goat tongue (I responded with disgust)
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 10-02-2020 at 04:17 PM.

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    Default Entry 11: First Paycheck

    Today was the first time getting paid since the whole fiasco.

    I spent some of that money getting my dad (SEI) a gift.

    My dad and I went to the shoe store. I always feel a bit overwhelmed when I go shopping; so many choices, so hard to choose. It's the paradox of choice. (or -PoLR I swear, one of those two)

    As for my dad, it took him a bit of time to find ones he liked as well.

    However, I believe this was for a completely different reason than my own.

    He sat down with multiple shoes, examining them, touching them, seeing how well they fit (). His picky side started to show and he took his sweet sweet time doing this lol. By the expression written on his face, I knew this was serious business that was gonna take some time () so I made sure not to pressure him to hurry ()

    And I swear it felt like forever, but it was worth the wait - he finally found a pair that he was satisfied with ().

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