Quote Originally Posted by guac View Post
Hi betazoids (this is the term?)

Could someone clarify in what ways IEIs display beta characteristics? I don't mean in a "oh it's cuz they use ni/se and fe/ti functions, and these functions mean blah blah" way. I'm looking for some more concrete examples/explanations.
I'm a strong Ni-subtype IEI and although there are certain Beta things I relate to a lot (aristocracy and stuff), I really don't relate to the "revolutionary" part at all, and this seems to be a core aspect of the quadra. Yes, I see how things could be improved, but even if I possessed a stronger sense of confidence and less general passivity/"I don't care, they can make things the way they want" attitude (which I guess is also related to how I've always felt to be more of an outsider/apart from things), I don't think I would try too hard either?
Maybe it's that I'm very introverted and just not very confident (and I'm still quite young. still developing into myself and all that gud stuff).

What do you think? And what do you think are the more NF beta characteristics? Because it feels like some beta descriptions are much more biased towards the STs. thank youuu
Beta, including IEI, set an example to people to be loving, compassionate and treat people equally. In real life it seems to me that Betas seem well-liked and respected. I think we have a way of seeing people as individuals and making them feel valued and important. I think that we inspire people to care about the most vulnerable in society (and we understand this can take many shapes and forms). Soz if that's simple/ not proper socionics but I'd like to show some Beta support. These are the thoughts that come to mind when I think about what I have in common with other Betas. We are like the inspiring teachers in the movies. Caring and passionate.