Think my mom is IEE 7w6 so/sp. not my dual, but a good mom. Always there for me, always taking care of me and made me feel safe. She always wanted me to know I could tell her anything, was pretty open. I never felt like I could open up to her fully. I believe she thought I was/am a little odd and it bothered her. She doesn’t like ‘weirdness’. Frequently told me, don’t say that, it’s weird. Liked getting me ‘involved’ a lot, whatever I wanted to do, she would support it. She was paranoid about my safety but at the same like gave me a lot of freedom. Looking back, I almost think too
much. Very aristocratic about people. At times it has rubbed me the wrong way. But I think I prefer having an ethical type as a mother. I wouldn’t have had it any other way and am happy to have her as a mother.