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Thread: Could you please help me figure out my type?

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    Default Could you please help me figure out my type?

    Hello guys,

    After doing some research, I've narrowed down my options to SLI or SEI. I've seen some older threads about the comparison between these 2 types but I'm still not sure. Could you please help me with figuring out which of the 2 types I am? For example certain questions that you can use to distinguish both types.

    btw: I'm a male, I guess this might be noteworthy.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Human Fuzzy's Avatar
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    This place is not great for typing or anything more than casual discussion. Join my server and we'll help you out. I'm an SLI myself/
    I can't take this anymore
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    I've been here before

    Socioville Discord:

  3. #3
    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuzzy View Post
    This place is not great for typing or anything more than casual discussion. Join my server and we'll help you out. I'm an SLI myself/
    Using the forum to snatch up users for yourself is kinda ... off. It's ok to advertise, but you realize you're trashing the place you're using?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nozw View Post
    Hello guys,

    After doing some research, I've narrowed down my options to SLI or SEI. I've seen some older threads about the comparison between these 2 types but I'm still not sure. Could you please help me with figuring out which of the 2 types I am? For example certain questions that you can use to distinguish both types.

    btw: I'm a male, I guess this might be noteworthy.

    Thanks in advance
    Just tell us about yourself. Start anywhere you like and tell us anything you want to tell us. We'll go from there.

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    Oke, since I don't really know where to start, I will fill out the questionnaire when I wake up this morning.

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    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    I curse you with making sense of everything.
    May you never leave the forum.
    And your mind be an eternal obsession of coherence and answering questions with more questions.
    You will find your type; but you will lose it all the same.
    Bask in the insanity of the purely sane.
    Your destiny awaits.
    I grant thy wish.
    previously Megadoodoo

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    I'm finally done answering the questions, I hope I am clear enough...

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    Last summer I graduated from high school and right now I'm having a gap year. I decided to take a gap year because I had/have no idea what to do. I also don't have a job, so I'm literally spending my days doing nothing significant. I'm not happy about this situation because I feel like I'm stagnating and seeing my pears going to universities rubs it even more into my face. You also start to notice that spare time isn't worth anything when you don't have any obligations like work or school.

    What are your values, and why?

    I really don't reflect much on my own personal values, so I find this a hard question to answer. However I think my number 1 value is: "treat other like you want to be treated". This is something I definitely find important, and my outlook on life would have been the same if I had never heard of this philosophy before. It just makes sense to me ever since I was a young kid.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I'm going to the gym 3 times a week, I use to go 6 times a week but recently I decided to cut back the amount of days, to give my body more rest. I'm going to the gym because it's a way to lose my energy and it will help me when I get older. Another thing that might become a new hobby of me is drawing. Since a few days I'm following tutorials on youtube about how to draw, I'm not sure though how it will keep my interest since I'm generally bored quite easily. Besides that I don't have any real hobbies, I used to game but I haven't been interested in it for quite some time.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    My relationship with my my mother(100% ESFj) is great but we used to have a tendency to headbutt when I was a bit younger, now I'm older fights barely happen. The things I like about her is that she is very caring and you know you can count on her. The things I dislike is that she can be quite controlling and inflexible and can make issues about very small things. An other thing that always causes huge irritation for me is the fact that she doesn't always seem to be very considerate. For example: the 2 times I really want some time for myself is when I just wake up and when I used to come back from school, my mother however doesn't always care about this, even though I've told her several times. When she doesn't care I snap at her, which of course causes her to be angry. Aside from that I love her and really appropriate what she does for me.
    My relationship with my father is great as well, I don't have any significant things to say about the relationship.
    The relationship with my younger sister is decent. Lately I've been annoyed with certain choices she made, the fact that she lies to our parents, that she can be quite egoistic and the diva attitude she has lately.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    It may sound cliche but the most important thing is loyalty and besides that being genuine. I just want a friendship where we both can be our self and that we try to help each other and where deeds are reciprocated. I wouldn't really like a friendship where we can have fun together, but when things get serious he/she is nowhere to be found.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    I don't think I've had any conflicts lately. I'm not someone who will start a conflict unless it's serious or if I feel like people start to think I'm a pushover(don't mistake my kindness for weakness type of thing).

    How would your friends describe you?

    I genuinely don't know,I would be interested to hear how other people see me though. The only thing I know for sure is that most people would call me quiet/laid back. This partly comes because I'm not a very talkative person, but it also has to do with the fact that I don't have real friends right now. So the people I would hang out will definitely see a more calm person than my best friend that I used to have(I haven't seen my best friend in a while because of circumstances). Besides that, people seem to have a hard time judging my true character. For example when people try to suggest studies I could do, the suggestions generally are completely off. I understand it though, I'm hard to get to know, I'm sure it's a defense mechanism from when I was young.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I'm thoughtful, reasonable, efficient, and I've shown several times that I'm a decent mediator.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I get easily bored(diagnosed with ADD).
    I can be bad at explaining why I have certain opinion, I can't seem to put the arguments into words.
    I can be stubborn.
    I'm bad at starting things.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I think I'm pretty self sufficient, however one thing I probably could get some help with, is setting goals. I always find it difficult to set goals.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I really dislike repetitiveness. What I do enjoy is trying to understand myself like I'm doing right now. I also enjoy trying to get better at things, it doesn't really matter what, however like I said earlier my attention span is very short so the effort will be for a short time. Unfortunately I can't give you more information than this. Just like with the question about values, I don't really now what I like or not like until I get confronted with it (again), either by doing the activity itself or by talking about it. For some reason I can't come up with things when I have to think/look for it myself.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I really don't know, like I said earlier I'm very bad at setting goals. I also don't have any ambitions.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Since I don't really have any hobbies, I would just keep working but for 3 days instead of 5 days. Otherwise I would just bore to death.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I can't come up with an endearing trait right now.
    An trait that annoys me but other people in my surrounding for some reason kind of like is being kind of rude. The diva attitude of my sister is a good example of this.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I try to make my environment nicer with for example with fake candles, paintings and/or big pictures of a sunset and other photographs of nature.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    It really depends a lot on what vibe I get from someone. If I see someone is genuine and a nice person I'm pretty laid back and don't mind to have a conversation. I will be just polite but more closed to people from who I get neutral vibes. And sometimes you have those people who give a bad vibe without even talking to them. To those people I will try to be polite but if it turns out that my gut feeling was right, then I will become hostile and closed.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I don't really care about insults generally, they generally don't really evoke a natural reaction from me. And if they do I would be more mad about the tone in which it said than the actual words. If someone physically attacks me, I will of course defend myself and will feel no mercy for the attacker,

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    That it is a sign of weakness to admit that you are wrong and to reverse a decision when possible. To me it's stupid that people are willing stick with their bad decision while they clearly know the decision is causing damage.

    What did you do last Friday?

    I went to the gym and in the evening I went to a restaurant with my family.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    graduating from high school I guess. Not that I really care about it since I don't value high school, I think it's a waste of time.

    What is something you regret?
    I thought this question would be easy to answer but for some reason it isn't. Probably because I don't tend to see regrets more as moment to learn from and just move on. I try not to dwell on it.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    I don't admire anyone.
    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Lately I've been worrying about my future since I still don't know what to do.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    I'm not religious but I do think there's something bigger that we don't know off. I for example don't disregard the theory of reincarnation. It could partly answer the question "Why am I who I am".

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    Having an own business does sound quite interesting, but I definitely wouldn't be able to do it alone. I would need a partner who's ambitious and good at building a network, I would work behind the scenes. I don't know what kind of business it would be.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I prefer a work environment that's tidy and not too chaotic. I'd prefer to not work completely alone I prefer to have some people around me even if I don't have to work together with them directly. I simply wouldn't like working with no one around me. What I would like to have in a job is freedom, that's the most important thing.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Gymnastics. I don't know why, I guess because it wasn't boring most of the time and you have the freedom to move.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I think I'm a pretty responsible. Since a young age, adults already trusted me to do certain things the wouldn't trust other children my age to do. And I would say that people still think I'm responsible and I do agree with that. I generally don't expect other people to be so responsible. This is because of experience and to prevent disappointment.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    According to my mother I used to be more curious, be more happy and more noble. I used to be more affected by people's hardship and wanted to solve it. Overall I was just kinder, too kind... People sometimes still say I'm too kind and I hate it, funnily enough I automatically change more hostile and less kind when people say this.

    What was your high school experience like?

    I hated it except for the first 2 years(6 years total). I can't really explain why I hated it but it probably had to do with the fact that I didn't learn a lot of useful things and that I didn't really had faith in most teachers I had.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    I don't really like children under the age of 6 because I find it hard to communicate with them. When they are 6 or older it gets better, but I still find them draining and I find it difficult that I can't hold them accountable for certain things.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    My main concern would be that he/she has respect for other people but also enough confidence to protect himself/herself when needed. I wouldn't be very strict but when I warn for certain measures beforehand, I will make sure I'll stick to it. I think it's important to understand the consequences and to be held accountable, a lot of people of my generation are lacking this.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes, I feel stuck in a rut right now. For me it happens when I feel like I have no purpose. I try to find a new purpose, but when it takes tool long I start to feel down.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I feel like we as people are becoming more self centered/egoistic and too invested in how many likes we get on Instagram.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    It depends on the situation. When I don't get what I want, I will only try to persuade that person when I think it's about something important. Otherwise I won't try to persuade since it's useless most of the time and you are giving the other person power.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    No I'm not comfortable with leadership roles, I also don't have any desire to be a leader. As a leader you are standing too much in the spotlight. I will only take the leadership role when really needed. For example: when we needed to do group projects at school I always waited for someone else to take the lead. If nobody took the lead or the person who took the lead didn't do it well, then I decided to take the role as leader. As a leader I wouldn't be comfortable forcing people things, I would try to discuss as much as possible with other people.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    I hate is when people try to impose their conviction, especially when the conviction doesn't make any sense.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    I used to ask myself that question but I couldn't answer it. Right now I don't try think about this kind of question anymore since you aren't gonna get a satisfactory answer.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    When I know other people are going to see me I make sure I'm presentable. Some people for example don't mind going to the supermarket in their sweatpants, I would never do that. Overall I definitely do care what cloths I wear and how they look like, I think my style is casual.

    Do you like surprises?

    Generally speaking I don't mind surprises, but I'm also not fond of them. Most of the time when their is uncertainty I tend to get a bit nervous. The type of surprise as well as the situation of course, but overall I would say that I can handle it pretty well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Using the forum to snatch up users for yourself is kinda ... off. It's ok to advertise, but you realize you're trashing the place you're using?
    Lmao stfu Aramas
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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    @nozw, I think I see SLI-Se. Early on in your questionnaire I thought it could go either SLE or SLI, but I think you are more likely to be SLI.

    Try posting a selfie or choosing an avatar picture. It all contributes to typing you correctly, as do further general forum interactions.

    I should add that I'm not too familiar with male SEI's, so I could easily be missing something. I am, however, very familiar with male SLI's, and you seem to fit the mental description that I have of them.

    My reason for going SLI over SEI is that you seem to value Fi more than Fe.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-21-2020 at 07:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @nozw, I think I see SLI-Se. Early on in your questionnaire I thought it could go either SLE or SLI, but I think you are more likely to be SLI.

    Try posting a selfie or choosing an avatar picture. It all contributes to typing you correctly, as do further general forum interactions.

    I should add that I'm not too familiar with male SEI's, so I could easily be missing something. I am, however, very familiar with male SLI's, and you seem to fit the mental description that I have of them.

    My reason for going SLI over SEI is that you seem to value Fi more than Fe.

    Thanks for your input. I can see why you chose SLI over SEI. I always thought the development of my Fe was quite decent, but now I'm thinking about it, the use of Fe was always a bit inconsistent. Like in some some situations I really seem to value Fe, but there are also times where I deliberately ignore it simply because I don't care. My mother(ESE) is way more anal about typical Fe stuff. So it could be that certain Fi values of mine have overlap with Fe, which would make me think my Fe is stronger than it really is? I'm not sure if this makes sense, this is just a guess since you seem to think that I value Fi more than Fe.

    Also I have an other question, do you actually mean SLI-se or was it a typo and do you mean SLI-si, because I've never heard of the SLI se subtype?

    I don't feel comfortable right now with posting a selfie, but I will try to find a fitting avatar.

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    I agree with @Adam Strange that you're probably one of the Si base types. Se ignoring and Ne suggestive are very clear. So is the ambivalence about Ni concerns. I could've written a couple of your responses myself.

    To confirm, can you go into a bit more detail on how you relate to your body and your environment as a whole? Would you describe yourself as mentally grounded and attuned to what's happening around you? Can you think of any situations where you were more aware of a physical state or space, internally or externally, than others? How familiar are you with meditation practices?

    Two other areas can help clarify which Si base you might be:

    "I can be bad at explaining why I have certain opinion, I can't seem to put the arguments into words." > I would expect a Logical type to have an easier time explaining their thought process in a clear and impersonal way. However, they're prone to confusion and anxiety when required to interpret and express more subjective feelings. An Ethical type will usually experience the opposite: an easier time identifying and expressing their position and how they relate to the situation but a harder time explaining their rationale in a depersonalized, objective, and systematic way. Which do you relate to more?

    "I think I'm pretty self sufficient, however one thing I probably could get some help with, is setting goals. I always find it difficult to set goals." > High dimensional Se types shouldn't struggle too much with actualizing their goals. Even the IP temperament will be very effective in what they do once they've decided on a path and built up momentum. However, I can easily see an SLI struggling to choose goals that will provided them the most satisfaction. I also can see an SEI struggling to navigate the real-world logistics of meeting their goals. Again, which do you relate to more?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nozw View Post
    Thanks for your input. I can see why you chose SLI over SEI. I always thought the development of my Fe was quite decent, but now I'm thinking about it, the use of Fe was always a bit inconsistent. Like in some some situations I really seem to value Fe, but there are also times where I deliberately ignore it simply because I don't care. My mother(ESE) is way more anal about typical Fe stuff. So it could be that certain Fi values of mine have overlap with Fe, which would make me think my Fe is stronger than it really is? I'm not sure if this makes sense, this is just a guess since you seem to think that I value Fi more than Fe.

    Also I have an other question, do you actually mean SLI-se or was it a typo and do you mean SLI-si, because I've never heard of the SLI se subtype?

    I don't feel comfortable right now with posting a selfie, but I will try to find a fitting avatar.
    Yes, I meant SLI-Si. It was a typo. Or the result of brain-rot.

  13. #13
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    I agree with @Adam Strange that you're probably one of the Si base types. Se ignoring and Ne suggestive are very clear. So is the ambivalence about Ni concerns. I could've written a couple of your responses myself.

    To confirm, can you go into a bit more detail on how you relate to your body and your environment as a whole? Would you describe yourself as mentally grounded and attuned to what's happening around you? Can you think of any situations where you were more aware of a physical state or space, internally or externally, than others? How familiar are you with meditation practices?
    I do definitely think I'm more in tune with my body than the average person. For example, I've tried programming several times and the biggest reason why I never continued doing it is, because I don't like how my body starts to feel after programming for a day. My muscles start to get tight and it starts to affects my posture and overall well being very quickly. This doesn't only apply to programming but every desk job out there. An other example is with exercising: When I was young(7 years old) and had no idea what I was doing, I intuitively knew how to train certain muscles and how to manipulate certain angles to hit a muscle differently. And also now when I go to the gym, I feel very quickly when certain exercises just aren't good for me and will cause injuries in the long run. Other things that stand out for me, is that I have very fast reflexes and I'm good at mimicking other people's movements. I'm not sure though if those last 2 things are Si or Se, since I'm coming from MBTI I'm still a bit confused between the difference of those 2 functions. From what it seems Si in socionics is a mix between Si and Se from MBTI, but I'm not sure if that interpretation is right.

    I've tried mediation a few times but I find it difficult to do it on a consistent basis, since I find it quite boring.

    "I can be bad at explaining why I have certain opinion, I can't seem to put the arguments into words." > I would expect a Logical type to have an easier time explaining their thought process in a clear and impersonal way. However, they're prone to confusion and anxiety when required to interpret and express more subjective feelings. An Ethical type will usually experience the opposite: an easier time identifying and expressing their position and how they relate to the situation but a harder time explaining their rationale in a depersonalized, objective, and systematic way. Which do you relate to more?
    I think I'm just bad at explaining what's going on in my head in general. Because even though I can have trouble explaining my rational thoughts in my head, I'm way worse at talking about subjective feelings. When someone asks me how I'm feeling everything just goes blank, a few years back a psychologist even tried to help me recognize my own emotions. I'm way better at reading other people's emotions than my own emotions . Overall I think I'm better at looking at things in an objective way than by relating to the situation. This is for example very clear when I compare myself to my mother, she tend to find it harder to look at things in an objective way. My father on the other hand is better than me at looking at things in a objective way. Sometimes I'm really surprised how he's able to keep looking at things in such objective way, unfortunately I don't know his type.

    "I think I'm pretty self sufficient, however one thing I probably could get some help with, is setting goals. I always find it difficult to set goals." > High dimensional Se types shouldn't struggle too much with actualizing their goals. Even the IP temperament will be very effective in what they do once they've decided on a path and built up momentum. However, I can easily see an SLI struggling to choose goals that will provided them the most satisfaction. I also can see an SEI struggling to navigate the real-world logistics of meeting their goals. Again, which do you relate to more?
    Sorry I don't understand exactly what you try to ask here. I do definitely relate to what you said in the bold part though. Once I finally have a goal I tend to become very effective and efficient. An example of this is when I worked in the supermarket. When I just started there, I was one of the slower ones and my goal was to become fastest. I made some changes in my working process to make things more effective and after some trial and error, I was the fastest after a couple of weeks.

    Ne suggestive are very clear. So is the ambivalence about Ni concerns
    Could you please explain what makes you come to this conclusion? I'm just curious and trying to understand it better.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure now that I'm not a SEI.
    Last edited by nozw; 01-22-2020 at 05:31 PM.

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