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Thread: Hating Society

  1. #41
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    As a side-note, America is probably one of the few places you can act like the Spartan of your dreams. I know Germany/Austria/Switzerland and Scandinavian countries have lenient weapons laws like America, but in really non-Western countries you often can't even own a gun and go hunt, and in England they're trying to ban knives due to all the gun crimes being replaced with knife crimes when knives were banned. Yes, go be a cucked little Spartan fantasist in the virgin Middle East instead of a real Spartan in the Chad America. (On that note, Chad is probably the least Chad country ever.)

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    (On that note, Chad is probably the least Chad country ever.)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I don't even play this game but LOL. (Also, isn't Hearts of Iron a reference to Reinhard Heydrich, mastermind of the Shoah? The only German leaders are ****** and a guy who doesn't look German at all so of course they would.)

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    As a side-note, America is probably one of the few places you can act like the Spartan of your dreams. I know Germany/Austria/Switzerland and Scandinavian countries have lenient weapons laws like America, but in really non-Western countries you often can't even own a gun and go hunt, and in England they're trying to ban knives due to all the gun crimes being replaced with knife crimes when knives were banned. Yes, go be a cucked little Spartan fantasist in the virgin Middle East instead of a real Spartan in the Chad America. (On that note, Chad is probably the least Chad country ever.)
    I never said anything about Sparta and never gave the slightest intimation that I admire Sparta (I don't). Also your belief about non-Western countries banning guns is dead wrong, considering how prolific and readily available guns are in Africa and the Middle East. Outdated and barely functioning guns, but still guns.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dauphin View Post
    I never said anything about Sparta and never gave the slightest intimation that I admire Sparta (I don't). Also your belief about non-Western countries banning guns is dead wrong, considering how prolific and readily available guns are in Africa and the Middle East. Outdated and barely functioning guns, but still guns.

  6. #46
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    I think some people and our society is somewhat stupid and ignorant as a whole, but no I don't hate them. I don't think it's constructive to yourself or others to hate everyone and everything around you.

    Hate is also not a healthy emotion that can lead to many psychological and physical health problems if not managed properly.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Thoughts that came from sbbds's questionnaire thread (plugged here) but I didn't wanna stray too far from topic.

    Do you consciously/actively have a hatred for society?

    I guess the definition of such is open and vague, but according to my own understanding, I don't hate it, I just see it as something that IS, like air. It has qualities that entertain and/or educate me, as well as, yeah, hateful aspects. It's just a thing, that's like, u know, totally THERE, and stuff.

    And what's your instinct stacking? I'm sp/sx. The one type thing that has gone unquestioned in like 15-20 years, so accept it.

    Do you think said hatred and instinct stacking are related? I don't think about such things myself, but I often like to listen to ppl make abstract generalizations or wax philosophical about shit (I'm a member of this forum, right?) So have at it.
    Of course not. Without society we would still live like monkeys

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There are such societies. They are called third grade.

    My LSI brother once told me about a gym where he was going to and where no women literally ever kept going because most guys in there were openly farting all the time. It was like "their thing" and they thought it was funny.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    I think some people and our society is somewhat stupid and ignorant as a whole, but no I don't hate them. I don't think it's constructive to yourself or others to hate everyone and everything around you.

    Hate is also not a healthy emotion that can lead to many psychological and physical health problems if not managed properly.
    I think it can be healthy to hate certain temporary things, like rattlesnakes and tapeworms and mold or something, but hating many things persistently will probably literally give you cancer.

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    Sometimes I have, but it was accompanied by self-loathing too. Everything "bad" I see in society I also see reflected in me in a small or large way. I'm so/sx and sometimes I get anxious reading news, I had to stop FB because when Trump was first elected there seemed to be so much collective suffering from ppl who felt like they'd lose their health insurance or whatever, I felt a lot of pain mixed with guilt for not being in that position. I couldn't read news for several months. There are specific activities that tend to get me more and more anxious, all having to do with online media, and so I've cut down on my intake. Not only can online media be stressful but it doesn't reward deep focus and leads to more of a frazzled parallel-processing brain that can't quiet down, in my experience.

    Things that I tend to dislike about society include inequality of many kinds and esp if I benefit, ppl being oblivious about experiences outside their immediate circle resulting in ignorant politics or policies, low empathy for difference, the politics of the right and the contemptuousness of the left... you name it, I've probably had a slight reaction at some point. I'm not proud.

    I've also feared that once you engage socially people can expect more than you have energy for, they might be upset that you failed to text them or blah blah and take it really personally. So when I was in that state of mind I saw social expectations as primarily a way to make someone feel selfish for having private hobbies, but I've evened out.

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    Oh, and as a social four I primarily conceive "society" as a collection of strangers ready to hurt me just for being alive.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
    This country is in spiritual starvation.
    Is that really so? Over here in Holland (a country that culturally has a lot in common with the Nordic countries) the number of people visiting churches are declining rapidly, but it does not mean people are getting less spiritual. It only means they are no longer members of a formally organized religion, but they do believe in something. In Dutch we call this 'ietsisme´, freely translated that means they believe in 'something-ism'. Like many other aspects of life, religion iand spirituality ncreasingly are becoming something highly individualistic.

    A lot of people over here believe that Holland is becoming less religious as well (which is also a matter of wishful thinking), but sociological research shows this is not the case. Only the numbers of members of churches are in rapid decline.
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  13. #53
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    a society are people
    mainly a hate to people is a result of egocentric attitude
    also of a fear of them when a human has an anxiety to act as wanted among them. of the lack of good from people which a human would want to get from them

    Those who hate "a society" are doubtful to love anyone. When you love someone - you have an attitude to better emotions to other people too. Accept easier the groups they organise.

    So it's not so much about a society, but a problem with people in general, the lack of love to people. A psychopathic trait.
    Parrents do not hate own children despite how inferior those are. As they love them, have a compassion to them. The same is with a society.

  14. #54
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    I feel you. I've been highly affected by what I read/see from the news as well.

    "Things that I tend to dislike about society include inequality of many kinds and esp if I benefit, ppl being oblivious about experiences outside their immediate circle resulting in ignorant politics or policies, low empathy for difference"- agreed on this as well

    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    Sometimes I have, but it was accompanied by self-loathing too. Everything "bad" I see in society I also see reflected in me in a small or large way. I'm so/sx and sometimes I get anxious reading news, I had to stop FB because when Trump was first elected there seemed to be so much collective suffering from ppl who felt like they'd lose their health insurance or whatever, I felt a lot of pain mixed with guilt for not being in that position. I couldn't read news for several months. There are specific activities that tend to get me more and more anxious, all having to do with online media, and so I've cut down on my intake. Not only can online media be stressful but it doesn't reward deep focus and leads to more of a frazzled parallel-processing brain that can't quiet down, in my experience.

    Things that I tend to dislike about society include inequality of many kinds and esp if I benefit, ppl being oblivious about experiences outside their immediate circle resulting in ignorant politics or policies, low empathy for difference, the politics of the right and the contemptuousness of the left... you name it, I've probably had a slight reaction at some point. I'm not proud.

    I've also feared that once you engage socially people can expect more than you have energy for, they might be upset that you failed to text them or blah blah and take it really personally. So when I was in that state of mind I saw social expectations as primarily a way to make someone feel selfish for having private hobbies, but I've evened out.

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    I think everyone here should go to the same university, become intellectuals, and have a professors' fishing and hunting club and come up with all our ideas while drinking and waiting for fish/deer. It would change the world, or something.

  16. #56
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    Society is always at war with the individual. Even when it pretentiously claims otherwise the Wise Ones can always see how the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Therefore it's only natural to hate society because society will always hate you even worse. Basic Bitches/people who are overly Normal may not see this is the case because their natural personality isn't at war with anything, but still it's very true. And sadly this is a very unfair fight, as society always has many more resources and power than you individually have. ((like how mental health pamphlets condescendingly preach about your so-called right to privacy but none of them apply to law enforcement.)) Yet we must still try to fight for our personal freedoms and from Pure Demons like Regina Hurt (winks @coeruleum) from gaining too much power. The most viscous monsters are almost always those who think they are the best monster slayers, and gaslight the world that they are 'driven to Heal' when really they are 'driven to Mind Control.'

    They want me to explode and lose my cool but I won't. Above all the horrible grimdark and sadness and those trying to take away freedoms, let the kinder one be me. Let the more forgiving one be me. I must fight the evil within me before I can fight the evil out there. And I can influence people just like they can. I will always fight for people's right to say what they want.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-23-2020 at 12:08 AM.

  17. #57
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    .. and when society actually does NOT have more resources than an individual (or uses those resources very poorly), it gets so cucked and angry and doesn't pick the right battles- like media vs. Trump, and tries to paint Trump as the villain but they end up painting themselves as the villain. And people stand up to 'the system' even more. We'd rather be led by an overt bully than a covert one. That shouldn't be so hard to understand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    .. and when society actually does NOT have more resources than an individual (or uses those resources very poorly), it gets so cucked and angry and doesn't pick the right battles- like media vs. Trump, and tries to paint Trump as the villain but they end up painting themselves as the villain. And people stand up to 'the system' even more. We'd rather be led by an overt bully than a covert one. That shouldn't be so hard to understand.
    The one genuinely good thing about Trump is he can't afford wars because all his money is in foreign instead of domestic banks.

  19. #59
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    I also wanted to add that societies are of course complex. Intellectually we simplify and categorize because that's what intellect kind of does but in reality 'THE SOCIETY' is too vague to even really mean anything as different places have different atmospheres and different rules of etiquette and different things you are allowed to get away with. Say 'I'm gay' in Regina Hurt's church and everybody looks at you like you're a Pure Demon Chad'goth and cruelly bullies you for it. Say 'I'm gay' in a more liberal area and people treat you like royalty for it and might even give you real government power and objective authority 'cuz of it. One trait, that in all rational neutrality is like having blue eyes, you're pulverized for it or pampered for it all depending on the area. And well the 'gayness' could mean anything, it could mean any trait or quality your current community is oppressing out of their own fear, but another community really likes it and gives you a million dollar record deal for it. So I mean, never write yourself off too soon or anything just because your current society might be giving you a hard time. or like that saying goes "before diagnosing yourself with a mental illness make sure that you aren't just in fact surrounded by assholes."


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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I also wanted to add that societies are of course complex. Intellectually we simplify and categorize because that's what intellect kind of does but in reality 'THE SOCIETY' is too vague to even really mean anything as different places have different atmospheres and different rules of etiquette and different things you are allowed to get away with. Say 'I'm gay' in Regina Hurt's church and everybody looks at you like you're a Pure Demon Chad'goth and cruelly bullies you for it. Say 'I'm gay' in a more liberal area and people treat you like royalty for it and might even give you real government power and objective authority 'cuz of it. One trait, that in all rational neutrality is like having blue eyes, you're pulverized for it or pampered for it all depending on the area. And well the 'gayness' could mean anything, it could mean any trait or quality your current community is oppressing out of their own fear, but another community really likes it and gives you a million dollar record deal for it. So I mean, never write yourself off too soon or anything just because your current society might be giving you a hard time. or like that saying goes "before diagnosing yourself with a mental illness make sure that you aren't just in fact surrounded by assholes."

    Well, if you're surrounded by assholes that kind of seems like your fault, but is also the easiest fix in the world, because non-assholes are plentiful, so you just have to find them.

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