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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor Mkbr View Post
    I need both physical and emotional. Physical grounds me from my thoughts very strongly and leaves things very unambiguous. I like people to be straightforward with me, whether emotional and verbal or physically.
    I question whether I feel something for someone, I question whether the other person will stay interested. I'm worried about if I have the right to pursue them, or if I should keep out of their business. It feels like it never stops, though it gets easier if the other party is clear about it. The more I know I feel for someone, the harder it is to approach them or flirt (outside of a relationship).
    I see. As a beta ST aggressor, I'm sure of my physical interest, but not my emotional interest at all. I'm easily able to initiate yeah but emotionally it's hard just like for you, the more I feel the harder for me to emotionally initiate.... So I only initiate physically in those cases, and I only do superficial "emotional" initiating if my interest emotionally is still light enough. Even then only bc I get impatient with waiting for the other person, lol. And it's still focused on action more, i.e. asking them out, etc... When it was a case where I felt too much I really shut down emotionally and just talked in very "logical terms" when initiating. I was only sure of what actions I wanted to take and spoke of that/acted based on that but I was not sure of the rest, I'd have needed an emotional signal from the other person before I could do anything in that area. Anyway that's me, I don't know how other beta STs are with the emotional side....but I can't imagine LSIs are any better at this lol, I especially don't imagine LSI-Ti that way. I imagine SLE-Se is the most decent with this of all beta STs

    Quote Originally Posted by Thor Mkbr View Post
    Lol yes that sounds very aggressor, although seems odd for an LSI to be that impulsive, at least in what you describe.
    LSI-Ti definitely isn't impulsive. They have too many Ne PoLR concerns for that lol.
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 10-03-2020 at 06:34 PM.

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