Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
Oh they definitely are contradictory. I'm going by impression really. EIE-Fe's seem less "deep" with all that Ni lol and focus more on people, less philosophising etc Ni things
Oh yes I see your point, and in theory the accentuation of an irrational element would fit me. However, when out in the world I have a very relentlessly extroverted focus on people and the dynamics of everyone around me. I love to have intense exchanges of laughter with groups of people and connect with that flow and lose myself in it more than anything else. The sober philosophical side is mostly when I'm by myself.

When it comes to subtypes I follow Gulenko

Description by Victor Gulenko
Very emotionally excitable, can be sharp. Shows high intensity of emotions. Decisive and artistic. Easily given to ecstasy, high affect, exaltation. Aristocratic in his manners. Frequently a good speaker, or a political leader with patriotic inclinations. Internally dramatic and spontaneous, likes to demonstrate his opinion. Outwardly he can shock people around him by extremes in how he dresses: may looks like a homeless person with soiled sleeves, or, to the contrary, dress very brightly, vividly, or aristocratically extravagantly.
as opposed to

Predisposed to reflect, to experience internal doubts and oscillations. Thinks figuratively, has an inclination towards philosophy. Not very critical towards external appearances, undemanding in food. Reserved, vulnerable, can seem internally broken. Speaks his opinions unobtrusively. Responsible and punctual. He is a good teacher, mentor, educator, who can interest his listeners. Outwardly seems calm. Consistent in presenting his material.
The Fe one is me by a mile