I haven't seen anyone talk about Jocko in this forum or any of the MBTI forums. This guy is a beast. There are moments where he seems like the preeminent LSI. There is a conflict with this typing however, one-word people tease him about using too much is "Dichotomy". His book he co-wrote with his business partner and fellow navy seal Leif Babin was titled "The Dichotomy of Leadership". He seems more comfortable with ambiguity than I would expect an LSI, not saying an LSI can't handle any sort of ambiguity, but they wouldn't like it nor would they see that as an integral part of the world. Ambiguity to an LSI is something to clear up. I was thinking LSE but there is no way he doesn't have Se in his ego block. The reason is that his persona is very aggressive, not saying he's always a bully but he seems to view everything as a fight. In interviews, he exerts a lot of aggressive energy. He is an SLE or LSI and I think LSI is more likely.

What do you guys think?

This is him in a casual conversation that wasn't necessarily meant to go on the podcast, I know this and don't just take their word for it since they avoid cursing on the podcast.