Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
Lol is he hot?
Well more than a few girls I knew at the time thought so. Even though there was nothing wrong with him physically I was not attracted Probably because of conflictor relations. Very fraught relationship we should never have begun.

He’s kind of a Jason Schwartzman creative type ILE (though not identical obviously). Definite Ne subtype too. He also used to get told he was similar to John Cusack when he was younger and skinny. If you watch Jason Schwartzman in that HBO show Bored to Death you get a good idea of how my ex moved and certain facial expressions, etc. Anyway he was a fabulous painter but was really into stuff I couldn’t relate to like role playing games (D&D and others). His Facebook friend list is filled with hot SEI chicks who love his art. Haha!