Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
New observation.

A while ago a group of my friends engaged in a heated discussion about the Notre-Dame cathedral burning down. One friend wrote quite an angry post about how people should calm down with the drama and stop posting selfies taken with the cathedral because that piece of ancestry will easily be rebuilt so there's no reason to get all teary eyed. She remarked about how other monuments are easily overlooked and less favored and that there are many local places people should visit too, and not just look up to the famous buidings like the cathedral. Her argumentation was that she's an artist with solid education in art history and that's the place she's coming from when writing that post.
To that, another one of my friends said that the first friend's opinion was hateful and wrong and she shouldn't tell others how to feel about a symbol that the cathedral was. The cathedral is more than just a building, it's a cultural symbol that's widely recognized and easily relatable. She said that people should be taught to value art and history by example and not by speeches against their feelings. She's an educated cultural anthropologist and upon that she bases her belief that all reactions are valid and no one should be told that their opinions on the matter are wrong.

Sooo... it all got me irritated but I couldn't quite tell why. It took a few days before it sunk in and I realized the both of them used THE SAME PATTERN to shun someone else. The second person actually did the very same thing that the first person did: she criticized her for having an opinion and built it upon the foundation that her education makes her more knowledgeable on the subject so she knows what should be said on the subject. I saw this as ridiculous and my second friend seemed illogical and almost hipocritical (although I'm sure she was being as honest as the first friend and that hipocrisy wasn't conscious on her part)

To my utmost horror, I called the second friend out. I seriously hope she doesn't respond because I'm terribly afraid of confrontation. I lack knowledge to defend my view. All I said was based upon my noticing of the pattern. That, and I couldn't stand the lack of logic. Why would you criticise someone else for doing the exact same thing you're doing?

That whole process on my side consisted of:
1. unconscious perception of the pattern (which got me alert)
2. then formulating an impartial judgment (which made me feel super, had an 'I'm so smart' moment )
3. then letting that judgment into the world (which is scary).

What do we have here? Which functions would you call?
easy irritations due to uncomfortableness are Si