the 'vagueness' seems characteristically Ne. I know you wanted to not reveal too much as well, but I feel like for instance Se types would be less comfortable being that vague while talking about something. They seem to try to almost force something to be either black or white, not grey. In my eyes, at least.

Anyways, I am kind of bad at distinguishing Ne or Si but I can tell when they are in general, valued. Si because it's lower dimensional for me. Ne because that's just what I do as well so how do I tell the difference. With Si types you kind of start slightly merging and the Si-Ne is hard to separate. Hence why it becomes hard for me to separate in practice as well, haha...

EIIs have 2D Si...what do you think of EII as compared to IEE?

This is kind of what I was referring to with regards to Ne:

The individual is skilled at generating intellectual interest and curiosity in others and using others' curiosity to get them to do things. He easily sees parallels between different situations, areas of knowledge or skill, and people, and likes to establish contacts across different fields of knowledge and social groups, which allows him to be part of many things at once. He enjoys considering differing viewpoints and perspectives and seeing if they can be reconciled. He enjoys the beginning stages of just about anything - new projects, acquiring new skills, experiencing new people and relationships. Preparing for and launching something new is seen as having greater value than the process of experiencing what one already has and finishing what one has begun. The concept of "finishing" seems foreign to him. Instead of taking care to finish things and tie up all loose ends, he tends to drop things when he can't handle them any longer or realize that he has neglected them for too long (this might be equally related to suggestive introverted sensing).