Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
if youre an 8 you probably wouldnt be doubting it and come asking for help here. so maybe a head type is in order. 7w8 fits SLE better anyways
Could be, but what I doubt is my Socionics type, not enneagram. I don't really relate to 7s. I relate a lot to 8s motivations and levels of health. I'm always worried someone might harm me, the 8's basic fear. I had to be strong around my own parents or they would push me around and guilt trip me to do stuff. The reason I doubt my socionics type is because I read a lot of stereotypes about ESTp's and it really didn't seem like me. They seem like snake oil sales people or brutes. While I can fight and do possess sales skills, I hate sales and think selling people on dishonest things is horrible. I also try to avoid fights due legal and social consequences. I would only sell people on stuff I myself believe in and if I think they really need it. I can easily see myself being any Se valuing extrovert hence why I was confused, even LSE seems viable to me. I really do see a lot of myself in Tony Soprano, with a lot less Narcissism and Sociopathy of course (he is fictional after all) and he seems like a clear cut 8w7 but people here are conflicted between LSE and SLE as well.