Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
I saw her video and seems several of them. Only after this I've rejected EII possibility. Later Fi type was rejected after watching her behavior on the forum. As from video I've got impressions for F-N type, so EIE and IEI is what can to be. IEI should be softer, she reminds more EIE.

As for "energy" - there are nontypes factors which may supress nonverbal and change it to the side of other types to some degree. Just by videos as I remember I could not understand which F-N type she has, - impressions did not fit clearly to any of them. EIE is supposed as the most possible by all the known.

You may look at the example of her "soft" and "polite" communication there. In case you suppose it's base Fi type - which are diplomatic, avoiding conflicts and mostly phlegmatic. She reminds me EIEs I know IRL and on forums in the behavior. IEI are easier people in my experience too, but some chance for this type I leave still - as yep, her nonverbal is some strange for EIE.

I do not understand why she wants to think her type as EII for years. I regularly notice people which mistype themselves by emotional reasons which are hard to imagine. In general, those people react by negative emotions when are said as other types as the reasons behind their typings are emotional and weakly rational. She's the example. Misleadings about EII get my attention more than average.
I’m Highly ethical and non emotional

Don’t type based on stereotypes about type