Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post

Thanks for the referrer link. After a long hiatus, I've got some good socionics insights that I wanted to write down.

However, I must reply to this thread. My blog post is completely wrong. I was NOT talking about a duality relationship. I was talking about a Illusory relationship. These are dangerous relationships, because they look like Duality, but they are not. The name of the relationship is very good, but the description (as found on socionics.com) is very misleading. Go with my description instead -- they look like Duality but they are not.

One post on here said something to the tune of "socionics does not really argue there are conflicts in duality." That is dead-on correct. If there is a conflict, beware! It's probably not duality.

I plan to publish a longer blogpost fully expounding on the Illusory relationship.

Basically, TL;DR, these takeaways
1) my blogpost is about illusory, not duality.
2) illusory relationships are dangerous b/c they fool you into thinking they're duality, but they're not
3) psychoanalysis is easy to get wrong. Be very, very careful! Better to just ask the person to take the test and from there tweak a letter or too, since people usually don't even understand themselves that well!
figured as much. Reading your OP, I kind of assumed your relationship probably wasn't duality.