SLI - he's so nice in snap chat. Won't give me much actual time. Just starting to get to know (pft yeah right. He doesn't give away anything. And I beyond nervous to ask) eachother. I confronted him very early and he said it wouldn't work. I agreed. We stopped talking for 2 weeks. He started back up like nothing happened. And I was just...good with it. Like we didn't even have to talk about what caused it all. Then I tried to leave 3 ish more times. He told me the last time would be the last time. Then he started communication up again.
I am like terrified of him and at the same time - know there is to much else going on under the 8inches of checker plate steel he has protecting his whole interior.

The part that scares me - I had been in a ltr for 10 years with, who I now just realized is my "conflictor". Like he would say the things that should reach my soul - but they never really did. He would roll his eyes at my zest and love for life. I would irritate him if I wore his coat etc. The looks were what hurt me the most. Not so much the words. So we just kind started to avoid each other. My fault too. I would know exactly what button to push and I would push it - every. damn. time.
So I am pretty in tuned to how it doesn't work. Fail