Quote Originally Posted by selfdisunion View Post
legitimately don’t feel like i have a personality due to the fact that i easily go along with whatever the people around me want. my entire life revolves around other people and while i don’t mind it much that way it makes me feel really boring as just a support. the only time i’m comfortable in a group of people that i’m not familiar with is when they all aren’t able to take the initiative because when there is someone who is louder and more forward than me i’ll just sink to the background in order to not disrupt anything.
making friends was easy when i was at school or work but now i have to stay home stuck with my thoughts all day and since i can’t go do anything i don’t have anything to talk about @.@

tldr : i don’t have a sense of self or personality without someone to reflect and it makes me sad lol
@selfdisunion, I read the first eight words of your post and thought “IEI”.

This is a really common feeling for IEI types. I think it relates to having very strong mirror neurons and unbelievably high levels of empathy and seems to be related to having strong Ni and strong Fe.

I dated an IEI for a while and often, when we were alone, talking, I’d look away and when I looked back at her, she had become me! Then her face melted back to her own face. It was startling but good in a way because it made me feel “seen”. This would be perfect for an SLE.

Fe and Fi are “caring” functions and Ni projects the world into the future but is NOT AN ETHICAL function, and this, too, is perfect for SLEs.

An SLE without an IEI is an Abrams tank running without a driver, or a king without a wise and prudent advisor.