View Poll Results: what type is Elon Musk?

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  • SEE (ESFp)

    1 1.23%
  • ILI (INTp)

    8 9.88%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    36 44.44%
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    0 0%
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Thread: Elon Musk

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  1. #1

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    Default Elon Musk

    He is clearly Gamma NT. I have heard LIE for him and that sounds about right. His nervousness matches an ILI but he is a bit more expressive, and even LIEs are nervous and can be self-deprecating. He appears to be optimistic about the future, and seems to think a lot about things that could go wrong, technologies that don't work, technologies that could be improved, the rate of improvement in different technologies, and appears to have a good understanding of logistics and how economic processes function, the way the world works (Te)--how he mentions at the end of the first vid that technology does not always improve, if anything its natural tendency is to decay.

    Listening to the way he discusses how he sees time in the first video was very interesting for me. I relate to some aspects of how he describes time--probabilities, branching timelines, identifying inevitabilities, and foreseeing potential disaster (i.e. dead ends)--but he is able to see apply it to technology and industry at a very large scale (in terms of rates of production, knowledge generation, etc.) and he seems to be able to very flexibly move from discussing the timeline for a project to discussing the trends of industry and humanity as a whole. He also seems to hedge and prefer non-absolute time estimates for projects, but when he does give them they have been shown to be optimistic. I sometimes get the feeling he knows it will might longer than he says.

    When he discussed watching the Falcon Heavy launch & landing, he said he saw everything that could go wrong and was kind of surprised everything worked.

    Anyways, be curious to see what y'all think about him from a Socionics PoV.

  2. #2
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nehtaro View Post
    His nervousness matches an ILI but he is a bit more expressive, and even LIEs are nervous and can be self-deprecating.
    I attribute his nervousness to him being 6w5 core, which is more stereotypical for ILIs. Added to that, I find he could be Ni subtype, and that just reinforces the impression of him being possibly an ILI. But as you said, he is more expressive (Fe Role), and clearly Ne Demonstrative + Te lead in the way he deals with his business(es).

    P.S: Isn't there an Elon Musk typing thread already...?
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    I attribute his nervousness to him being 6w5 core, which is more stereotypical for ILIs. Added to that, I find he could be Ni subtype, and that just reinforces the impression of him being possibly an ILI. But as you said, he is more expressive (Fe Role), and clearly Ne Demonstrative + Te lead in the way he deals with his business(es).

    P.S: Isn't there an Elon Musk typing thread already...?
    6w5 and Ni subtype would definitely make sense.

    You're right, I searched before I posted but didn't look down far enough smh:
    Looks like LIE was the consensus there.

  4. #4
    falsehope's Avatar
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    I think Elon Musk is ILI. He is very similar to another ILI, Sergey Brin. I have also friend who is definetely ILI and he's also very similar in looks to Elon Musk.

    Elon Musk looks like Introverted Perceiving type very strongly to me, he also looks like gamma NT.

  5. #5
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    So as discussion came up of whether Musk manifests Ni in his speech, since ILI was proposed for him, we're going to try and see if Musk is a dynamic/Ni type. What I'll briefly do is quote 2 full paragraphs belonging to interviews with Musk and Mark Zuckerberg (ILI) for comparison and a couple of other excerpts. Both first paragraphs refer to ‘what the government should/could do’ type of situation (which are different and not related to one another obviously).

    Zuckerberg: Yeah. I don't think that that's what this is, though, right? I think it's you can say that kind of any regulation around what someone says online is protected. But I think that that's clearly not right today. I mean, we already do have regulations around what you can do, in terms of political advertising. And even without getting into saying, you know, "Okay, here's the type of content. And here's what we're going to define as, you know, hate speech," for example -- I still think it would be a positive step to demand that companies issue transparency reports around, well, here's the amount of content on your service or that is every kind of harmful category. Here's the amount of hate speech. Here's the amount of misinformation. Here's the amount of bullying of children. Because by making that transparent, that puts more pressure on companies in order to be able to manage that. And people, publicly, can see which companies are actually doing a good job and improving and which ones need to do more. I'm actually -- we release our transparency report on how we're proactively finding all of these harmful kinds of content. Today, it's every six months. But I've committed that we're going to get to every quarter. Because I actually think that it's as important -- that kind of a transparency report around content, as the quarterly financial statements that we report. I mean, this is, like, really critical stuff for society. So I don't think that anyone would say that having companies have to be transparent about the amounts of harmful content is any kind of First Amendment issue.

    I think we generally could have better airports, better highways. Especially in cities that are congested, we’ve got to do something to deal with extreme traffic, which, I think, is some combination of double-deckering freeways and building tunnels. But if we don’t do something, we will be stuck in traffic forever. And as autonomous vehicles come to the fore, and it’s easier to drive without going through the pain of having to drive yourself, which is absolutely coming and will be one of the biggest transformations ever in human civilization. There will be more cars on the road. And, the traffic will get much worse. And so we really need to do some combination of tunnels or, like I said, double-deckering freeways. I’m not a big believer in flying cars. They’re basically helicopters with wheels. And people don’t want the skies to be swarming with helicopters. So it’s tunnels and double-deckering freeways. We don’t have a traffic problem in suburbs, we have a traffic problem on freeways because they’re just too small and did not anticipate the size of the urban environments that we currently experience. So, yeah. But I don’t see a strong effort in this direction.

    If you're reading this, you might want to read those two paragraphs again. Musk's speech pattern is that of a Static type. His speech evolves in discrete, episodic events describing states rather than what’s said being ‘a process’:

    And as autonomous vehicles come to the fore// There will be more cars on the road// And traffic will become much worse// And we really need to do something// They're basically helicopters with wheels// We don’t have a traffic problem // I don't see a strong effort…

    Contrast that to Zucker's dynamic Ni seeing things from ‘inside the process’ as a continuous sequence:

    I mean, we already do have regulations around what you can do, in terms of political advertising. And even without getting into saying, you know, "Okay, here's the type of content. And here's what we're going to define as, you know, hate speech," for example -- I still think it would be a positive step to demand that companies issue transparency reports around, well, here's the amount of content on your service or that is every kind of harmful category. Here's the amount of hate speech. Here's the amount of misinformation. Here's the amount of bullying of children. Because by making that transparent, that puts more pressure on companies in order to be able to manage that.

    Notice the ‘movement’: you're listening to this and the impression is that the speaker is in the middle of what's happening as he's talking about how things evolve. That's dynamic + Ni's “time”. Ni is not about following a situation. Any Static type can describe what they did yesterday or what will happen. But what they don't do is lay it in Static language. Ni is not strictly about uncertainty either, as I redo what I said or or express doubt or correct myself if I’m still talking in Static-episodic terms. ‘Uncertainty’ in Ni leads has to be dynamic.

    Now imagine you're an SEE, a Static type yourself and you meet your dual ‘ILI’ Elon Musk, and this is what comes out of his mouth (more obvious Satatic-y bits highlighted for more didactic fun):

    Elon Musk: First of all, I pay a lot of tax. I mean, my marginal tax rate is, like, 53%. So that’s not trivial. And then obviously there’s asset-based taxes. The sales tax and everything else. There’s also the estate tax. And generally, I think the estate tax is a good tax. Like, if you think of assets beyond a certain level that are far beyond, let’s say, somebody’s ability to consume, then at a certain point, really what you’re doing is capital allocation. So it’s not money for personal expenditures, what you’re doing is capital allocation. And it does not make sense to take the job of capital allocation away from people who have demonstrated great skill in capital allocation and give it to an entity that has demonstrated very poor skill in capital allocation, which is the government. I mean, you could think of the government essentially as a corporation. The government is simply the biggest corporation with the monopoly on violence. And where you have no recourse. So how much money do you want to…

    This is not dynamic Ni. This does not create the optimal psychological closeness between the SEE and ILI. This will more likely work better:

    Zuckerberg: And so one of the things that we have gotten quite good at is finding patterns of behavior, right? So if you're Russia, for example, and you're setting up 1,000 fake accounts that are going to operate in some coordinated way as part of an information campaign, then those accounts aren't really behaving the way that normal people on Facebook or WhatsApp or Instagram are behaving. So you could build automated systems that can flag those. Or we can build partnerships with the intelligence community. And often, they'll give us a tip and say, "Hey we think that there might be some bad activity coming from this IP range somewhere".

    Notice how Zuckerberg appears in the middle of it all, not as if he were looking at the action from outside as Musk pointing at things and describing them, but rather inside the situation that is in constant moving, changing. Now please understand that “non-Static” type doesn’t mean “you can’t never say something that resembles a snapshot of reality”, but it’s a very marked tendency of how a person communicates and you can tell if you watch an interview with Zucker and then Musk. Musk IMO is an evident Static type and that cancels out both ILI and LIE for him. (I haven't really checked but it'd be expected that Static used more stative verbs and dynamics did go for ‘dynamic’ verbs and they're seeing things as from inside and are moving with them).

    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  6. #6
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    I see everyone type him as an 1D-Fe type yet "atmosphere" is not his weak point (et-all).

    There's lots of things like this he has done over the years, that I for example would be incapable of (that might be due to confidence but whatever).

    In any case I believe he's 2D-Fe. There's lots of other points regarding this but honestly I don't wanna write a longpost.

    If I'm not answering you, I'm either procrastinating a response, or I've judged the conversation as fruitless/already settled prior to the debate for me.

    Plausible types; INxP>INxj>ENxp>ENxj

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