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Thread: The Music Discussion

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    I sacrificed a goat to Zeus and I liked it
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    Default The Music Discussion

    No one seems to do music associative typing (or poetry or much anything besides pictures), which I find a shame because as I said, I don't really care about visual arts much at all and haven't developed a taste other than saying what I think a picture stands for and how pretty or not it seems to me, along with how much it makes me imagine things I like (I'll probably develop that more as time goes on). But music? I'm obsessed with that, I like seeing operas and recitals and concerts, I like talking with people for hours at a time about music, I like blasting it loud nearly every minute of the day that I'm not trying to listen to what someone's saying, I like to play it and sing it and analyze it and even try to write it.

    I want an echt discussion here, hence the title, and not just y'all typing moi, but if I don't lead no one shall follow so let's go.

    These kinds of things are my favorite to listen to: (You don't know how long it took me to find a non-instrumentalized version. I hate it when people do that.) (This version is better than the most popular one. The most popular one has the tenor as Bruno Walter, who largely doesn't sound like he understands a word of what he's saying even if Ferrier is good).

    A bit lighter, but still dramatic: (Yeah, Pavarotti is overrated. He sounds audibly strained on every version of this song by him I heard. Fritz Wunderlich is the greatest lyric tenor, but people want their music to sound Italian and aside from often switching the language, these Germanic and Scandinavian singers use different-sounding technique. I've heard some really goo Italian bel canto tenors too but somehow they generally aren't more popular than Pavarotti for whatever reason.)

    Sometimes I want more lyrical things too, based on how I feel at the moment, but I think the heavier music is what I tend to listen to more: (Sometimes heavier people sing lighter music as well. No one is one-dimensional regarding music it seems.)

    I also like string instrument music some, but not quite as much as vocal music or orchestra. I used to be utterly obsessed with Jacqueline du Pré: (Oh God this is the best one)

    I frankly don't like it when I say I like classical music and ask for a music album with concertos, symphonies, or opera and get Chopin piano music or, even better, people playing Christmas carols on classical instruments, because apparently that's the same thing. There is more variation in "classical music" than all of popular music, yet somehow rock, pop and country are super different while Chopin and Wagner are the same. I also asked one of my roommates if she'd be OK with me blasting opera arias and symphonies and such out loud and she said "well, classical music helps you go to sleep". How do you sleep through something like that...

    Also, the above is not near a complete list of my preferences. I just didn't finish because on my schedule it was about time to go off and do something else (the very important and serious task of eating a meal. To be fair, I hadn't eaten all day except for one glass of milk due to needing that time to do work, so it probably was important for me to go eat at that time). I'm not sure if I even can finish since I like too many pieces and get bored from only the same few over and over, and often something I last listened to becomes my favorite. (However, I will always have a thing for loudly listening to Starke Scheite right before I have to go through something I consider an ordeal. I'm not sure how I got in that habit but I did.)

    What kinds of music do other people here listen to?

    Edit: I accidentally posted this in the wrong subforum, would a mod or admin please move it one up?
    Last edited by Pallas; 09-23-2016 at 07:33 AM.

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