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  1. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    whoa, a type that hasn't been suggested before! Why exactly EIE from beta NFs and gamma SFs?

    PS. I like you (cause you like my tumblr)
    you could be all of these types (you look incredibly similar to an EIE i was once friends with in picture 5, btw), but your body posture struck me as particularly EIE ... it is also mentioned in the beskova portrait:
    "Her posture has a tint of royalty - her back is straight, she holds her head proudly. At the same time she is light and elegant and can remain the same until very old age. It seems that this goddess cannot be but slightly haughty and arrogant, and possibly somewhere in the depths of her soul she is. She smiles with a winning smile and treats others so genuinely that this is perceived as the favor shown to you by a high persona. Who could resist this?"

    btw, you're probably sp-last. so/sx > sx/so.

    also, both this quote and your tumblr account are very beta NF:
    I constantly try to get to the "essence" (?) of people, since we all wear a mask that is not the real us and I want to know what hides behind that mask. That’s one of the reasons I want to study psychology, to understand humans better. I absolutely love classic Russian writers for instance, because I believe they grasp the human soul and character so well. I also like Russian classical music, because it I feel touches the soul of a person almost intrusively, the emotions are so powerful and strong and dramatic. I don't care that much for comfort anyway.
    Last edited by lynn; 06-21-2016 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lim View Post
    you could be all of these types (you look incredibly similar to an EIE i was once friends with in picture 5, btw), but your body posture struck me as particularly EIE ... it is also mentioned in the beskova portrait:
    "Her posture has a tint of royalty - her back is straight, she holds her head proudly. At the same time she is light and elegant and can remain the same until very old age. It seems that this goddess cannot be but slightly haughty and arrogant, and possibly somewhere in the depths of her soul she is. She smiles with a winning smile and treats others so genuinely that this is perceived as the favor shown to you by a high persona. Who could resist this?"
    I do not usually have such a dignified posture, it’s just that in all of these pictures I was posing so I straightened my back up. I took the picture with the white piano with a friend, he was behind a piano and I was supposed to act like I was a singer and he was accompanying me (on this one I feel I have the most "royal" posture).

    I have a few Fe-base friends and I just feel like I am not energetic or sociable enough to be one. I also find they tend to over-share their life with too many people and they are sometimes way too rigid and unshakeable in their beliefs/habits.

    My one EIE friend thinks that a higher position on a social ladder/having more money gives you more privileges (as in, "oh she is Mariah Carey, she can be a bitch all she wants, she has the right to act like that to others who are below her") and just tries way too hard to seem better than others by buying knock-off brand clothes with as big labels as possible to show off her idk wealth or what. I remember once when we were sleeping in the same room in separate beds, which were positioned in an L shape, I was resting my head on the side where her legs were. We started speaking about another person in comparison to me and this EIE friend told me: "Well, she would never sleep beside my feet, she wouldn’t stoop this low." wtf who in the world cares about sleeping positions??? That is ridiculous I didn’t take this seriously and we get along well, but sometimes she is just very confusing to me.

    I would say that I am more energetic and engaging compared to most people from the Ip temperament (maybe it has something to do with my stacking, because most Ip's I know are sp leading?), but not by that much to be considered an extrovert. My energy level depends a great deal on other people, if the person I am speaking to is very energetic, I tend to reflect this energy back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lim View Post
    btw, you're probably sp-last. so/sx > sx/so.

    What gave you this impression?

  3. #43
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    A description of me in the yearbook:

    lol I like the "not always physically there" and "while appearing at school like a lunar eclipse" parts I probably skipped about 90% of the classes, cause i was too lazy and didn't care much about school. You might be thinking, she must have done something else instead of going to school then? Oh no, you couldn't be more wrong. I did absolutely nothing, I was at home sitting on my ass the whole day (maybe reading something), or sleeping. Sometimes I had these spikes of energy, where I would take up something (play the piano for instance), but these efforts were short-lived.

    "natural talent to live in the moment and grasp everything she can that is in the present and not worry much about the future or the past": I think they are referring to my "talent" of not really stressing about deadlines or tests until the last moment; if we had to give in a 4000 word essay in a week, most would already have the essay done by that time, while I would usually start worrying a few days before the deadline and then writing maybe on the last day. I usually panic and mobilize before the deadlines and manage to do a lot of work in a very short span of time, sometimes even surprising myself. I know there is even no point in starting before (I have tried many times), because i am not able to work without pressure. I still managed to get good grades, somehow.

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    I do not usually have such a dignified posture, it’s just that in all of these pictures I was posing so I straightened my back up. I took the picture with the white piano with a friend, he was behind a piano and I was supposed to act like I was a singer and he was accompanying me (on this one I feel I have the most "royal" posture).

    I have a few Fe-base friends and I just feel like I am not energetic or sociable enough to be one. I also find they tend to over-share their life with too many people and they are sometimes way too rigid and unshakeable in their beliefs/habits.

    My one EIE friend thinks that a higher position on a social ladder/having more money gives you more privileges (as in, "oh she is Mariah Carey, she can be a bitch all she wants, she has the right to act like that to others who are below her") and just tries way too hard to seem better than others by buying knock-off brand clothes with as big labels as possible to show off her idk wealth or what. I remember once when we were sleeping in the same room in separate beds, which were positioned in an L shape, I was resting my head on the side where her legs were. We started speaking about another person in comparison to me and this EIE friend told me: "Well, she would never sleep beside my feet, she wouldn’t stoop this low." wtf who in the world cares about sleeping positions??? That is ridiculous I didn’t take this seriously and we get along well, but sometimes she is just very confusing to me.

    I would say that I am more energetic and engaging compared to most people from the Ip temperament (maybe it has something to do with my stacking, because most Ip's I know are sp leading?), but not by that much to be considered an extrovert. My energy level depends a great deal on other people, if the person I am speaking to is very energetic, I tend to reflect this energy back.
    ah ok. i still would say beta NF > gamma SF ... maybe not EIE if you don't see yourself as an extrovert.

    What gave you this impression?
    based on photos and your posts, you seem open and approachable. a few comments made me think sp-last. travelling the world just to explore, etc.. is stereotypically SO. actually, i can relate to basically everything you wrote (and your reasoning behind it). including your last post about your school. i got through school exactly the same way ... lol.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lim View Post
    ah ok. i still would say beta NF > gamma SF ... maybe not EIE if you don't see yourself as an extrovert.
    Im very introverted and dont at all see myself as an extrovert in any way but im cognitively extroverted in socionics for sure. so not a good argument against xxE for this person

    a few comments made me think sp-last. travelling the world just to explore, etc.. is stereotypically SO.
    Sorry but thats not So at all. SO is politics, group connections, bonding etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    Im very introverted and dont at all see myself as an extrovert in any way but im cognitively extroverted in socionics
    It's impossible to be only cognitively extroverted. Your behavior on forum looks more as extraverted: many short messages without significant inclination to the topic.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's impossible to be only cognitively extroverted. Your behavior on forum looks more as extraverted: many short messages without significant inclination to the topic.
    i think theyre significant
    definitely introverted irl and quiet

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    definitely introverted irl and quiet
    It could be said definetely if there was no contradiction. What dominates is in your consciousness, same dominates in your behaviour. There is no special socionics "introversion". Socionics just says consciousness is primary, while behavior may to be partly non-typical, but with same domination anyway. It's not easy sometimes to understand what dominates in you or others. Using of indirect method like IR helps in such situations.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    I do not usually have such a dignified posture, it’s just that in all of these pictures I was posing so I straightened my back up. I took the picture with the white piano with a friend, he was behind a piano and I was supposed to act like I was a singer and he was accompanying me (on this one I feel I have the most "royal" posture).

    I have a few Fe-base friends and I just feel like I am not energetic or sociable enough to be one. I also find they tend to over-share their life with too many people and they are sometimes way too rigid and unshakeable in their beliefs/habits.

    My one EIE friend thinks that a higher position on a social ladder/having more money gives you more privileges (as in, "oh she is Mariah Carey, she can be a bitch all she wants, she has the right to act like that to others who are below her") and just tries way too hard to seem better than others by buying knock-off brand clothes with as big labels as possible to show off her idk wealth or what. I remember once when we were sleeping in the same room in separate beds, which were positioned in an L shape, I was resting my head on the side where her legs were. We started speaking about another person in comparison to me and this EIE friend told me: "Well, she would never sleep beside my feet, she wouldn’t stoop this low." wtf who in the world cares about sleeping positions??? That is ridiculous I didn’t take this seriously and we get along well, but sometimes she is just very confusing to me.

    I would say that I am more energetic and engaging compared to most people from the Ip temperament (maybe it has something to do with my stacking, because most Ip's I know are sp leading?), but not by that much to be considered an extrovert. My energy level depends a great deal on other people, if the person I am speaking to is very energetic, I tend to reflect this energy back.

    What gave you this impression?
    fwiw as reading your shit i was like why the fuck are you sleeping at her feet.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    fwiw as reading your shit i was like why the fuck are you sleeping at her feet.
    Well... I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and she was on a couch, which was alot higher from the ground; in the corner we also had a table so I had no contact with her feet + I went to the bed first, so idk why she chose to sleep like this
    Last edited by Tiger tamer; 06-22-2016 at 10:21 AM.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It could be said definetely if there was no contradiction. What dominates is in your consciousness, same dominates in your behaviour. There is no special socionics "introversion". Socionics just says consciousness is primary, while behavior may to be partly non-typical, but with same domination anyway. It's not easy sometimes to understand what dominates in you or others. Using of indirect method like IR helps in such situations.
    What do you define as introversion then?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    Well... I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and she was on a couch, which was alot higher from the ground; in the corner we also had a table so I had no contact with her feet + I went to the bed first, so idk why she chose to sleep like this
    This concern with social position and social advantage and being slighted or disadvantaged by "sleeping at a person's feet" is an aristocratic orientation, particularly strong in Betas. (Hence, both your EIE friend and Satan freak out about it). Gammas live outside the social hierarchy, and generally don't give a rat's ass about such things. Delta's, while still being aristocratic, are generally more supportive of each other, and are less competitive than the Betas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    What do you define as introversion then?
    What Jung said: prevalent conscious attention on internal world of a subject.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    What Jung said: prevalent conscious attention on internal world of a subject.
    Yeah, pretty much. I posted a new thread. The questions are pretty straight forward if you read them carefully. Introverts can socialize and even look extroverted in some situations. I also found it interesting that it says shyness is not introversion since extroverts can be shy/quiet too. It is not social anxiety either. That is different.

    Edit: This is from a different site. I used to think I was an extrovert because of some behavior. I didn't even realize I was an introvert until I got into personality theories.

    Shyness and introversion are not the same thing. Shyness is the fear of negative judgment, and introversion is a preference for quiet, minimally stimulating environments. Some psychologists map the two tendencies on vertical and horizontal axes, with the introvert-extrovert spectrum on the horizontal axis and the anxious-stable spectrum on the vertical. With this model, you end up with four quadrants of personality types: calm extroverts, anxious (or impulsive) extroverts, calm introverts, and anxious introverts.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    fwiw as reading your shit i was like why the fuck are you sleeping at her feet.
    I thought the same thing. I have an aversion to most people's feet though. I have to be head over heels in love to even be at someone's feet. Plus I have some weird associations that it is lowering yourself when you are next to someone's feet. I could never be a shoe salesperson.

    Edit: Someone just pointed out I made a pun. It was not intentional but now I kind of see it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 06-22-2016 at 04:38 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I also found it interesting that it says shyness is not introversion since extroverts can be shy/quiet too.
    Similarly as T types have feelings. The type is a domination of traits, but not complete absence of something. Introverts are just more shy. And F types are more emotional. To think simpler, in our perception comparative traits with significant difference are used as absolute ones. Introverts compared to extraverts are "shy", as F types compared to T types are perceived as "emotional".
    By continuing the analogy it's possibly to assume there is even minority of extraverts which are more shy, than some introverts; similarly as it should be possibly to find people with T types with lesser mathematical abbilities than some people with F types. This does not change the situation about "shy" as _generally_ specific trait of introverts, which can be effectively used on practice. In psychology traits' correlation 70% is thought as good, so if even 70% of extraverts are lesser shy than 70% of introverts - it's ok to use the trait, while real % is higher, I suppose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Similarly as T types have feelings. The type is a domination of traits, but not complete absence of something. Introverts are just more shy. And F types are more emotional. To think simpler, in our perception comparative traits with significant difference are used as absolute ones. Introverts compared to extraverts are "shy", as F types compared to T types are perceived as "emotional".
    By continuing the analogy it's possibly to assume there is even minority of extraverts which are more shy, than some introverts; similarly as it should be possibly to find people with T types with lesser mathematical abbilities than some people with F types. This does not change the situation about "shy" as _generally_ specific trait of introverts, which can be effectively used on practice. In psychology traits' correlation 70% is thought as good, so if even 70% of extraverts are lesser shy than 70% of introverts - it's ok to use the trait, while real % is higher, I suppose.
    Yes, sol, even with your beginner level English skills, I am understanding the essence of what you are saying lately. Maybe because I am putting a little more effort into it > you trying harder to translate properly. It could be both.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    A description of me in the yearbook:

    lol I like the "not always physically there" and "while appearing at school like a lunar eclipse" parts I probably skipped about 90% of the classes, cause i was too lazy and didn't care much about school. You might be thinking, she must have done something else instead of going to school then? Oh no, you couldn't be more wrong. I did absolutely nothing, I was at home sitting on my ass the whole day (maybe reading something), or sleeping. Sometimes I had these spikes of energy, where I would take up something (play the piano for instance), but these efforts were short-lived.

    "natural talent to live in the moment and grasp everything she can that is in the present and not worry much about the future or the past": I think they are referring to my "talent" of not really stressing about deadlines or tests until the last moment; if we had to give in a 4000 word essay in a week, most would already have the essay done by that time, while I would usually start worrying a few days before the deadline and then writing maybe on the last day. I usually panic and mobilize before the deadlines and manage to do a lot of work in a very short span of time, sometimes even surprising myself. I know there is even no point in starting before (I have tried many times), because i am not able to work without pressure. I still managed to get good grades, somehow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Probably IEE.
    Not a bad typing, Person.

    I would like to see what you get on an enneagram test., Tiger tamer. You might have said and I missed it.

    I am reading backwards and skimming. I kind of associated the desire to travel with being a 7. Ip types tend to travel in their heads more than physically. I have heard many say they would like to travel the world but to date none (that I know) have actually taken any action to do it. I also travel everywhere in my head. I have great affinity with certain areas. India being one.

    Your friends described you as "honest, caring, polite, down to earth". I have some IEE friends I would say all that about. They also can be scattered, "lazy" and messy. I think your friend gives a good insight and it does not contradict IEE at all. It kind of supports it. As far as VI, I did get a so/sx impression.

    I love that your username is "Tiger tamer". I have used "Snake Charmer" myself. Symbolically they are similar ideas but energetically different. Welcome to the forum.

    I saw the snake dance video on FB recently and liked the symbolism. Your choice of username may or may not point to a type. Take with a grain of salt. I did not read enough to get much in impressions and I am not that into VI but it is interesting and I do get impressions from pics. I just prefer to see how a person continues to express themselves to see if my first impressions were right or not.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Yes, sol, even with your beginner level English skills, I am understanding the essence of what you are saying lately. Maybe because I am putting a little more effort into it > you trying harder to translate properly. It could be both.
    Having basic language level, I prefer to use simple sentences. This makes easier to understand me. If it was harder in past, then may language is improved a little during using the forums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Similarly as T types have feelings. The type is a domination of traits, but not complete absence of something. Introverts are just more shy. And F types are more emotional. To think simpler, in our perception comparative traits with significant difference are used as absolute ones. Introverts compared to extraverts are "shy", as F types compared to T types are perceived as "emotional".
    By continuing the analogy it's possibly to assume there is even minority of extraverts which are more shy, than some introverts; similarly as it should be possibly to find people with T types with lesser mathematical abbilities than some people with F types. This does not change the situation about "shy" as _generally_ specific trait of introverts, which can be effectively used on practice. In psychology traits' correlation 70% is thought as good, so if even 70% of extraverts are lesser shy than 70% of introverts - it's ok to use the trait, while real % is higher, I suppose.
    im more shy than anyone i know and i spend most of my time at home and i get really stressed out if i have to spend a lot of time with people im not comfortable around(dont know fully) and eventually break down crying. Growing up ive always hated going on camps for example because i can never be alone, its very stressful. Im vey sensitive to feeling left out but at the same time i need my space.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    im more shy than anyone i know
    check ILE and LII actors examples, as you did with LSI and SLE. this may make your type more clear

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    check ILE and LII actors examples, as you did with LSI and SLE. this may make your type more clear
    or actually ile and lii seem the same to me. like bruce lee and the lsis did but hes sle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    ile and lii seem the same to me
    then you need to watch more their videos, more actors, until clear opinion will come which type is more spiritually comfortable

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    Damn, I made a video, but I deleted the first part of it (the delivery guy came so I had to stop recording and then I deleted the part I had done already). I'm too lazy to record it again, but if you are interested, I can upload the part that I have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    Damn, I made a video, but I deleted the first part of it (the delivery guy came so I had to stop recording and then I deleted the part I had done already). I'm too lazy to record it again, but if you are interested, I can upload the part that I have.
    upload what you are not lazy to upload. then we'll hope, seeing your not lazy video, our brains will not be lazy to decide something about your type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Not a bad typing, Person.

    I would like to see what you get on an enneagram test., Tiger tamer. You might have said and I missed it.

    I am reading backwards and skimming. I kind of associated the desire to travel with being a 7. Ip types tend to travel in their heads more than physically. I have heard many say they would like to travel the world but to date none (that I know) have actually taken any action to do it. I also travel everywhere in my head. I have great affinity with certain areas. India being one.
    OT: I've traveled the world quite a lot and stayed in million hostels (many times by myself cause that intensifies the experience) and partied with lots of people. My observations about people I've met and who are restless and travel the world and cant stay put in one place: these people are mostly 379 tritype and a majority of them are IEE's e7. It depends a lot on the core type what kinda reason and agenda people have for the traveling. E7 core EP's are the ones that are super enthusiastic about seeing snake charmers one day, climbing a mountain another day and wrestling in mud on third day. They're just super happy to meet everybody and experience everything. E3 core are only pretending that they enjoy all the activities (they hate climbing the mountain in hobo clothes and are secretly only waiting for the hot fancy party and hook-ups in the evening and sipping margharitas on the beach -think Rich Kids of Beverly Hills on E! kind of travel E3's also dont like most other people, especially if they're lame/boring.Then you have a few out of place E9 core people, that are just there and seem happy (?) to do what everybody else is doing and just get along. They dont know what to do with themselves so they just travel the world and gain energy from more eccentric/assertive people . There are some IEI 4's and also quite a few 6w7 Fi creatives there, but they kinda stick out like a sore thumb - they're not as in tune with the crowd and able to fake superficial friendliness as the 379 people. Also a weird e5 here and there who nobody has any idea why he's there Very important is also that a huge chunk of world travelers are sp-last people, mostly so/sx.

    Edit: the descriptions of E3 and E7 travelers are more about 7w6 and 3w4 people, 3w2 is in vibe similar to 7w6 and 7w8 to 3w4, so the lines are more blurred there.
    Last edited by darya; 06-23-2016 at 08:48 AM.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    Damn, I made a video, but I deleted the first part of it (the delivery guy came so I had to stop recording and then I deleted the part I had done already). I'm too lazy to record it again, but if you are interested, I can upload the part that I have.
    maybe you should have included delivery guy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    OT: I've traveled the world quite a lot and stayed in million hostels (many times by myself cause that intensifies the experience) and partied with lots of people. My observations about people I've met and who are restless and travel the world and cant stay put in one place: these people are mostly 379 tritype and a majority of them are IEE's e7. It depends a lot on the core type what kinda reason and agenda people have for the traveling. E7 core EP's are the ones that are super enthusiastic about seeing snake charmers one day, climbing a mountain another day and wrestling in mud on third day. They're just super happy to meet everybody and experience everything. E3 core are only pretending that they enjoy all the activities (they hate climbing the mountain in hobo clothes and are secretly only waiting for the hot fancy party and hook-ups in the evening and sipping margharitas on the beach -think Rich Kids of Beverly Hills on E! kind of travel E3's also dont like most other people, especially if they're lame/boring.Then you have a few out of place E9 core people, that are just there and seem happy (?) to do what everybody else is doing and just get along. They dont know what to do with themselves so they just travel the world and gain energy from more eccentric/assertive people . There are some IEI 4's and also quite a few 6w7 Fi creatives there, but they kinda stick out like a sore thumb - they're not as in tune with the crowd and able to fake superficial friendliness as the 379 people. Also a weird e5 here and there who nobody has any idea why he's there Very important is also that a huge chunk of world travelers are sp-last people, mostly so/sx.

    Edit: the descriptions of E3 and E7 travelers are more about 7w6 and 3w4 people, 3w2 is in vibe similar to 7w6 and 7w8 to 3w4, so the lines are more blurred there.

    LOL Darya as soon as I saw it was you that quoted me I remember how bad I spaced on my own sister who is a ESE 379, so/sx, who will travel anywhere, anytime but she does it with her SLE wife now. Before that she would bring along anyone who was willing to go or travel alone. She and I have had plans to visit Alaska for years. We were going to do a cruise for a week but I kept breaking off plans. She has been many places. Even my EII 9 sister has been out of the US more than me. I haven't left since I moved here.

    I was talking about IEIs I know, since those were the two types I saw suggested. I realized when I saw your response I didn't actually say IEI and make that distinction. Lots of types travel but I have yet to meet an IEI who traveled the world, yet, just to see it . I am sure some do just for adventure. I remember thinking that would be the first thing I did when I got my own money. I just never followed through. I did travel the East Coast of the US alone to meet up friends and family. I don't think have actually traveled just for the sake of travel. I always had an end goal. I wanted to but I ended up watching documentaries about those places instead. It is not too late, obviously since I am still breathing, but unless I have reason to go I probably will be content to visit Norway, for example, in my own head.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Hello again, I was on a vacation for a few days so I couldn't post on this thread... Anyways, I will maybe make a video in 2-3 days? I will record a new one, because with the previous video (where i accidentally deleted the first half) the lighting was also really bad
    HOWEVER, if you are feeling exceptionally bored in the meantime, I will post a few of the essays I have written for school here. I have no idea if it would give any clues to my type, but I believe I have seen some people type others by their writing style? I'm not 100% sure.
    I thought it would be interesting to see how my writing has changed during the past years, so each of these essays were written about a year apart.

    (please do keep in mind that English is my third language and all of these essays were written in a hurry to meet the deadline (as usual)

    3 years ago
    2 years ago
    a year ago
    a few months ago (I was writing this one a few hrs before the deadline and couldn't finish it properly, hence why it ends abruptly)

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    Se & Ni valued. Probably IEI or ESI. Maybe​ EIE.
    I call myself batyote and I fight crime at night.

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    I'd go for gamma SF over beta NF. Have you ever considered ESI?

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    Still no video smh

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    Still no video smh
    sorry boo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Tiger tamer you are definitely IEE or EII, probably the former.

    If you send me pics I can type your family/friends.
    Why? How can you be so sure?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    Why? How can you be so sure?
    people can to be sure in anything. the problem is, that without good data basis they are often wrong
    typing by photos is more fun, than typing. only physiognomy heretics and naive people may to think photos are enough

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Tiger: your VI, syntax and cognitive approach so far. You VI just like other Delta NFs and myself, that it's striking.

    Here are some Fi vs Fe descriptions that might help you out:

    Thank you for these very insightful posts

    I absolutely hate it when everyone is happy, the atmosphere is light-hearted and fun... Then there is a certain someone, who is visibly troubled by something; usually I see it and try to make their mood better, BUT they won't react. (being upset is absolutely fine and I don't expect people being happy 24/ becomes annoying to me, when this upset person senses that they are bringing the mood of everyone else down, but they don't care)
    An example: one time I was hanging out with two of my friends and one of them got a phone call from her mother, who was mad at her for something. Then this friend was sad for the rest of our meeting and even when we tried to cheer her up, she would maybe smile for a sec and then go back to looking depressed. I personally would never do anything like that because I feel like a burden to other people and I wouldn't want to ruin the mood of others. Tbh, I felt like my friend was being very immature an childish by acting like this.
    However, if I find myself in a very stressful situation (for instance, I was working at a restaurant the last summer, where people very often would yell at one another or say something rash), if someone tells me something mean, I get upset, but I don't show it (especially because it was my job to serve people and my customers are not guilty of me having a bad mood) and I forget about it quickly, because I understand it was said in the heat of the moment.
    What concerns decisions about my life (where I want to study, live, work etc), I almost never ask for opinions from other people, because tbh I don't care, I believe I know better and also I don't want to annoy others, since they have their own life to live and decisions to make. This leads to situations where a lot of the times people have no idea what is going on in my life, since I usually don't speak about these things. Is this Fi or Fe? Do you have any resources for Ne vs Ni?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Tiger: your VI, syntax and cognitive approach so far. You VI just like other Delta NFs and myself, that it's striking.

    Here are some Fi vs Fe descriptions that might help you out:

    I think it is also helpful to note that an Fe ego will also join someone in a rant, or at the very least reinforce it, sometimes, because they know that is just what the other person needs in that moment. My EII sister will get very uncomfortable in those situations more than I would. It is like she does not want her internal peace disturbed so she will either shut down completely or try to soothe the person in some way. She finds out quickly that some are not open to that soothing energy and will lash out at her because they feel dismissed. It is like she does not acknowledge that they just need to be a ranting maniac. She is an enneagram 9 though and values her inner peace > free expression. I will offer them something to hit until they feel better, as long as it isn't me.

    Another example is when someone is ranting I might chime in with "yeah fuck them!" and amp up the energy until I see a point where I can calm them down without dismissing their feelings. My sister will switch on her Ne and try to give solutions when they are not yet welcome or worse, offer Fi when Fe is needed. She has trouble meeting someone "on their level" then shifting the energy. She is excellent with some people but Betas just get annoyed by her so of course I am going to take my sister's side and defend her. She has caused me nothing but problems with Betas but my instinct is to protect her from them.

    Edit: Just want to add this is more one on one or small group. In large groups it is kind of easy to ignore the person perceived as a "downer" if they do not respond to "cheering up" or they give you the brush off. I wouldn't go out if I was in that low of a mood because I know it will bring others down. Some people just want to be around others when they are in a bad mood to try to get out of the mood. For me that would feel like death because I tend to pretend I am ok when I am not and that is an energy drain.
    Last edited by Aylen; 07-01-2016 at 05:54 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    This leads to situations where a lot of the times people have no idea what is going on in my life, since I usually don't speak about these things. Is this Fi or Fe?
    this is commmon for introversion. and probably T type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I think it is also helpful to note that an Fe ego will also join someone in a rant, or at the very least reinforce it, sometimes, because they know that is just what the other person needs in that moment. My EII sister will get very uncomfortable in those situations more than I would. It is like she does not want her internal peace disturbed so she will either shut down completely or try to soothe the person in some way. She finds out quickly that some are not open to that soothing energy and will lash out at her because they feel dismissed. It is like she does not acknowledge that they just need to be a ranting maniac. She is an enneagram 9 though and values her inner peace > free expression. I will offer them something to hit until they feel better, as long as it isn't me.

    Another example is when someone is ranting I might chime in with "yeah fuck them!" and amp up the energy until I see a point where I can calm them down without dismissing their feelings. My sister will switch on her Ne and try to give solutions when they are not yet welcome or worse, offer Fi when Fe is needed. She has trouble meeting someone "on their level" then shifting the energy. She is excellent with some people but Betas just get annoyed by her so of course I am going to take my sister's side and defend her. She has caused me nothing but problems with Betas but my instinct is to protect her from them.
    I do that sometimes, however, I usually feel too understanding about the person who is being attacked. I do realize though that the person who is ranting does not want to hear me explaining their opponent's viewpoint, so most of the time I kind of go with the flow and let them relieve the tension giving some "very" insightful commentary such as "wow", "I can't believe they did that" etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Edit: Just want to add this is more one on one or small group. In large groups it is kind of easy to ignore the person perceived as a "downer" if they do not respond to "cheering up" or they give you the brush off. I wouldn't go out if I was in that low of a mood because I know it will bring others down. Some people just want to be around others when they are in a bad mood to try to get out of the mood. For me that would feel like death because I tend to pretend I am ok when I am not and that is an energy drain.
    Very true for me. I also tend to ignore someone who is feeling down and not responding to my attempts to cheer them up when the majority of the group is more upbeat.

    Edit: if someone rants about an item that they don't like, then yes, I almost always join them in their rant, because it's just a thing and I tend to value other people's aesthetic judgement more than mine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger tamer View Post
    I do that sometimes, however, I usually feel too understanding about the person who is being attacked. I do realize though that the person who is ranting does not want to hear me explaining their opponent's viewpoint, so most of the time I kind of go with the flow and let them relieve the tension giving some "very" insightful commentary such as "wow", "I can't believe they did that" etc

    Very true for me. I also tend to ignore someone who is feeling down and not responding to my attempts to cheer them up when the majority of the group is more upbeat.
    I have no doubt that you are an NF. I am just watching this thread to see how things develop as I have not reached any firm conclusions even though my initial impression was IEE. So far what you have posted could apply to any NF but I think you are getting closer to a revelation of your type. Good Luck.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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