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    Default 80Q and video(s)- help me please?

    I used to have an account here before I gave up on Socionics... Recent regained my faith, but no memory of my old account. Ah well. I'd love opinions, thank you so much in advance!

    Block I (Introverted Thinking)

    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?

    Uhm, I think it means that you have the idea and you need to add details, or that you need to summarize a lot of details into one whole.

    2. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?

    Putting your feelings aside and going along with what makes sense, what seems most probabale, how to solve the problem quickly and effectively.

    3. How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    What is even this question?

    4. What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?

    Ohh okay a rule is a saying that should apply to your behavior/morals. I think discipline is super important when it comes to yourself; you need to know how to motivate yourself and to keep yourself in line. I have a strict moral code, and I do look down on others if they don't match my standards of behavior; being polite and considerate, honest, hardworking, selfless and responsible for your own actions.

    5. What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?

    Hierarchy is being devided to groups in which one controls the other. I like hierarchy, clear rules and guidelines. I usually follow unless there is something in the authority above me that I'm really against. I have this ability where I can do what I want but make the supervisor think they're in charge and I don't get into trouble.

    6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?

    Nah, I look at instructions and I'm like "okay, cool" and then I do things by my own order, unless I know those guidelines are really important and strict or when I don't understand something I look and see if it can be of help. But I skim through it, I jump into action and mess up. I would not be able to write an inctruction manual, I can't explain for my life.

    7. Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?

    It means to act as the rules ask you to do so you won't get punished for ignoring it. I agree; living freely does not mean ignoring the rules. You have to find your own way of living freely among the rules.

    8. Tell us how about consistent you are?

    I'm a teenager, how consistent do you think I am?

    9. What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?
    A standard is something you should apply for. People need it for motivation, or as a tool of measurement.

    10. You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?

    YAS. I can tear it down and start everythig all over again! I can organize it by colors, length, author, genre, yay! I'll put on some music and organize the shit out of it.

    Block II (Extravered Thinking)

    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    As in jobs? You work because you need to give your share to society, to pay for your living, support yourself and other people, if thre are family members involved. Obviously there are jobs which I'm not qualified for, but that's mostly matters of lack of education or personal strength (I won't work in something that involves massive amounts of math and physics, for example).

    2. Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?

    If someting is of high quality there will be less items of it, because it's harder to make. Price depends on quality because quality is harder to find, hence the worker worked harder, so you need to pay more.

    3. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    Uhhhh I don't know. Maybe how much it costs and how it looks. No clue. This question is too general, I need something more concrete.

    4. How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
    Anxiety, restlessness- I do the work, always. Even if I half-ass it, I end up doing something. It just makes me really stressful knowing I don't follow schedule, especially if other people depend on my work.

    5. What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.
    Something challenging that gives my abilities to shine. Maybe a research on something that has my interest, helping the less fortunate or some artistic assignment would be cool.Interesting work is something that both gives me something to think about, and still holds personal value to me.

    6. You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
    I decide based on the product's looks and qualities plus comparing the prices. But you know, if someone looks shiny and new I'd probably prefer it over something that might be more effective, but ugly.

    7. When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?

    I get annoyed, because I do this and it works. But after I calm down, I ask them how to do it right. Best thing I learn, I learn from other people.

    8. There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    I'd apperciate them, show them my gratitude and ask them how they do the thing they do. I'm not envious, mostly curious.

    9. When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?

    I hate it because I hate to be a bother, and when they'll do it I'd just feel stupid at times. But sometimes I'd just be grateful for the help.

    10. You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?


    I organize people based on their strength and find how to put each group into maximum effectiveness. I'm the boss, follow my lead!

    Block III (Introverted Sensing)

    1. What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    Beauty is something that is either aesthetically pleasing or mind pleasing. It's just pleasing, or enjoyable. I think something that has something special about it, something angelic maybe. I don't know, it's a very weird question. Emotions can be beautiful, an artwork can be beautiful, a person can be beautiful. I think self expression, in general, is beautiful. It all depends on how you look at it.

    2. Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?
    The core is self expression and elegance. Like, taking a classic dress and adding a personal twist. I will explain it by feeling that something attracts them, in a positive way. I'm not sure.

    3. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classical beauty"? If so, what is it?
    I don't think there's a universal term for beauty, it all depends on the eyes of the beholder. "Classical beauty" is a term, but I often don't agree with it. Classic beauty can be boring, I need my imperfections, my uniqueness.

    4. What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    Feeling protected and loved, having a warm feeling in your belly. I'm not sure how others would evaluate my ability to do so though.

    5. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?

    I see what attracts me, how it fits to my whole wardrobe and what I can mix with it. I follow fashion if it has something that I like, but I don't blindly follow trends. My taste in clothes is poised, colorful or kinda gothic. I think each person has something he wants to "bring out", so I guess that's how you choose clothes. I think I can choose clothes for different figures, but I don't believe in dressing for your body type- you should dress in a way that makes you comfortable in your own skin.

    6. How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What do others think of your skill?
    Awful, haha! I don't cook and I hate doing so. I have to patience to follow recipes. Others think I'm awful as well.

    7. Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    Yes! I have a good eye for stuff like that.

    8. If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?

    I'll mostly be annoyed because they're telling me what to do. But it depends on what he's saying, I might agree and maybe I won't. Sometimes my opinion is accidently the consensus, even though I don't mean to do it on purpose. Other times, it isn't.

    9. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    I want to do it myself! It's a lot more fun to think of it yourself. I'd start with the general setting of how I'd like it to look and then I'd go into details. My aesthetic is very bright, pastels, soft colors. I believe I'd bring some of myself in a room I'll design.

    10. How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?
    There's this girl who always wears the same godawful leggings who looks awful, but that's my personal taste. My opinion of clothes might be opposite from another's. I trust my taste, though I do consult others if I'm not sure.

    Block IV (Extraverted Sensing)

    1. Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    I'd rather to do it by myself when I know no one can screw it up, but I can definitely line up human resources and order them to do stuff. I press people by being bossy! And nagging, lots of them. Kidding, though I can be annoying at times. I tell people how important the things they're doing and that we need it now.

    2. What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    When someone is invading your personal space and values, I guess. I just reject their opinion and try to not contact with them.

    3. What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?

    My people are the people who I consider close to me and strangers are people I don't know, simple as that. Why create unnecessarry groups and divide us?

    4. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?
    There are many, I'm just not skilled as I don't usually attack people unless they've hurt me in a way, and that I cut to the chase and lay out the problem. It's justified when you need to protect yourself.

    5. Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?
    In general I don't think its okay, but in situations that the person can't handle their territory or hurting the ones in his teritory I believe it's better to occupy it and lead a better future.

    6. What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?
    It is very effective in situation when you stand by your own, without guidance. I think that not giving up on what you want, be strong willed.

    7. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    I try to hear others, but when I disagree I say "Let's agree to disagree". Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. I like to have discussion over personal idealogies, current events and politics to see things from multiple angles. I like to consider all sides before forming an opinion.

    8. Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    I try to change the situation and I ask support from other people. If I stand alone, I'll try to make the change in myself and affect others by my behavior.

    9. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    Other people view me as strong because I have very strong opinions, and I believe I am, but for the sole reason that I'm decisive and won't give up on something because it's difficult.

    10. How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?

    Strong people are people who are go getters who know what they want, and they go get it. If I see a person stating their opinions and going after goals I'll assume they're strong. People will listen to the one who will understand them and will have the confidence to do something about their situation, and will know what to do.

    Block V (Introverted Feeling)

    1. What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?

    It means ignorance, chossing to ignore the difficult truth because it's easier. I'd choose those words exactly to describe it for both a kid and an adult.

    2. How would you improve the moral of the society?
    I'd try to educate them, I guess. They should be aware to the things around them. I would act according my morals and infulence others by my own behvaior, and lead a personal example.

    3. Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?

    Yes, it helps to understand why they did it. But we should also remember that now he needs to be taught to act differently. That's why it's important to educate ex cons how to behave and work.

    4. Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?

    Love is different for everyone. For me, it's knowing you'd trade your life for something or someone. Of course you can punish and love at the same time; if you love someone, you want them to know better.

    5. Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.

    Southern hospitality. You should always be giving more; you want to take care of your guest, not bossing him around. You should always try harder to make others comfortable.

    6. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?
    Sympathy is relating to something, sometimes without actually experiencing said experience. You need to express it when counseling to people or in emotional situations, as weddings or funereal. Well, no sympathy for murderers and rapists! No sympathy for people who ignore their own ability of sympathy.

    7. Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?
    Of course there are! I follow the ones that make sense to me, or the ones that are important to me, but I don't follow it as a rule. Not everyone has to follow them; everyone should be entitled to their own lives. I follow the rules of being polite, but I don't really follow norms as a goal, and I don't follow it too much in general.

    8. How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?
    There's no right and wrong in attitudes. I prefer realist optimism, but each to their own. I remember reading: the optimist invents the plane, the pessimist invents the parachute. We all have a place in society.

    9. What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    To me, moral is being a good person, not hurting others. Immoral is of course, the opposite. I can evaluate the correctness of my own understanding by uhm, I don't know. I just do. Gut feeling, you know? But honestly, everyone has their own definition of morals.

    10. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?
    I try to present the better side of things and be positive, or shrug it off with a joke. But when someone is just too negative I kind give up and leave them be. I could give someone the silent treatment, for a while, and then I'll need a closure or a makeup. I forgive easily, but I don't forget and hold my ground.

    Block VI (Extraverted Feeling)

    1. "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?

    Uh, like nothing is worth it if you hurt someone innocent? That depends on the situation I think, but in general I'd say I agree. You should be entitled to your own dreams, but don't hurt others.

    2. Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    Yes, to some extent. Sharing too much information when just meeting, saying things you feel without thinking through might seem inappropriate.

    3. Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?

    When you feel sad, maybe. Not sure. Everyone need to vent sometimes.

    4. How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?
    I will act negative and I will just be snappy and critical. I don't express much feelings in general and I don't have many feelings as well, honestly. I'd just be really mad and explain why I'm right, probably. Others would find me annoying.

    5. Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?
    Indifference, maybe. I don't know. Each emotion as a reason, in my opinion.

    6. What are right or wrong emotions?
    There are just emotions; no emotion is right or wrong.

    7. Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?

    It's quite easy for me to become sad, I just think about sad things and I start crying and being anxious. Positive emotions are harder, but also possible.

    8. What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen?
    To tell everything that's on your heart. It happens probably after a fight, with lots of tears involved.

    9. Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    Not always, I never wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm quite hard to read. I don't keep secrets as a rule, I just don't feel the need to share. I'm always very nice, but I keep people at a distance.

    10. Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?
    I'm usually very enjoyable and indifferent. Tired. I notice the mood of others, that doesn't mean I always do something to concern it.

    Block VII (Introverted Intuition)

    1. Do you like surprises?
    No. I literally can't handle a change of schedule. Positive surprises are fun though, like a spontenous trip or a cancellation of plans so I could stay at home doing nothing.

    2. How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    People change when they grow and gain experience. Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes it's for the worst. Some people notice the changes, some can't.

    3. Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?

    I believe that yes. There's no point of dwelling on the past, no you just think of how you make things right.

    4. What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?

    I like it a lot! I don't know if I believe in it, but it's definitely very fun. I don't believe in luck, I think everyone has an equal chance and we all need to do something with what we have.

    5. Can you forecast events? Is it even real?
    Eh, sometimes, if I experienced something similar. Not too much actually. It might be possible, I'm not sure.

    6. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?
    Time is, uhm, life. I don't feel it, it just passes by and I don't even notice. You kill time by doing unimportant things.

    7. Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?
    I try to speculate what would happen! I'm very patient when it comes to stuff like that, I can wait.

    8. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    Yes, I have to many ideas and I need to ask people, to narrow down my options.

    9. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    I'm never late. I don't like being late. I shrug it off if someone else is late in a few minutes, I don't care- if they're like an hour late, I'll be annoyed. But if someone else is making me arriving late, well… May the god have mercy on his soul.

    10. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts, b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts, c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here, d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here, e) more time and the person is still not here…
    a. I'm excited, I get ready and look my best.
    b. Still excited.
    c. Haha, okay, what is going? Where are you? Why are you late?
    d. Haha that's bullshit. Why could they be late? Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?
    e. I walked away like 10 minutes before.

    Block VIII (Extraverted Intuition)

    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    Everyone has a different meaning for life, and it can change over time. It has meaning; it's just different for everyone. I'm pretty spiritual though I don't know if there's an afterlife. I believe God is everywhere, I can't accept life has no meaning and it's all random. I consider myself refromed Jewish because 1) Jewish is literally my ethnicity and how I was raised and 2) many of the Jewish values correlate to my own. But I can't say I'm too keen on faith.

    2. What should be done so people can be happy?
    More consideration in their needs, I think. People tend to lose themselves, they need to feel important.

    3. In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?
    I'll trust myself, but when in doubt I'll ask other people.

    4. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?
    You can say a lot from the way they talked and presented themselves, from what they talked about and how they talked. It doesn't take too much time to understand someone, really. I tend to evaluate person quickly and often I'm correct. Once I learn something about a person I just put it in the framework.

    5. Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?
    Having a passion for something, thinking outside of the box, rich life experience, being insightful, I don't know. I'm interesting because I'm passionate about many things and I have strong opinions, now I just need the creativeness and rich life experience Someone once called me boring and I was deeply offended.

    6. What opinions, from people who know you, seem: a) fair; b) not fair; c) hurtful; d) strange.
    a. Opinions that are logical and don't violate anyone's rights
    b. Not being able to accept anyone else's opinion.
    c. Hurtful opinions.
    d. Opinions that don't make any sense.

    7. Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?

    Yes, a lot. I like to think about the future a lot, what will happen. I have so many "lives" in my head. I like to imagine random characters, and then I write their story if I have the mind to into details. I used to adore fairies and mystical things.

    8. What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?
    A person should be self motivated, not dependant of others. Also, they need to be talented to some extent. Charismatic and interacive.

    9. What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?
    Insecurity and all the qualities that steams for it (people pleasing, extreme shyness, etc.): they hold you back and you don't have faith in yourself. Why would someone be successful if they don't believe they can be?

    10. What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?

    Being a good person. Also, I think good people are always successful because they just have this aura around them, which makes them so likeable and admirable.

    Videos time!

    with my sister, I'm the right one.

    old one!

    Enneagram talks.

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    probably ESI (ISFJ)
    sister mb ILE (ENTP)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    probably ESI (ISFJ)
    sister mb ILE (ENTP)
    Thanks for your input! Can I please hear your reasonings? And yeah, my sister is funny as hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    Can I please hear your reasonings?
    My main method is inuitive impressions from nonverbal behavior.
    You may look at your possible dual in my bloggers list in the signature.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    My main method is inuitive impressions from nonverbal behavior.
    You may look at your possible dual in my bloggers list in the signature.
    I looked at the ISFj videos and I can see some resemblance, but I'm not sure. I need something more concrete.

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    Your sister in the first video seems SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    I looked at the ISFj videos and I can see some resemblance, but I'm not sure. I need something more concrete.
    You may check how all 16 types fit to theory of intertype relations. For example, types of wich quadra give you more soul comfort and wich quadra least. To get impressions from types it needs to watch >=3 examples of a type (examples of opposite sex are more meaningful) and >=2 videos of every example. Some types have less examples still, but it's something anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonka View Post

    Your sister in the first video seems SEI.
    STj as in Te/Si or Ti/Se?

    And my sister is NOT an SEI. Nope. Would see ESE, not SEI. She's the definition of an extrovert.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You may check how all 16 types fit to theory of intertype relations. For example, types of wich quadra give you more soul comfort and wich quadra least. To get impressions from types it needs to watch >=3 examples of a type (examples of opposite sex are more meaningful) and >=2 videos of every example. Some types have less examples still, but it's something anyway.
    The problem is that I don't know if those people are typed correctly, or if I type people correctly in my own life. Thank you nevertheless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    STj as in Te/Si or Ti/Se?

    And my sister is NOT an SEI. Nope. Would see ESE, not SEI. She's the definition of an extrovert
    XSTj = possibly Te/Si or Ti/Se

    What is your definition of an extrovert?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonka View Post
    XSTj = possibly Te/Si or Ti/Se

    What is your definition of an extrovert?
    someone who gains energy from outer simulation. Not saying I'm not an extrovert, but I'm probably not a social extrovert.

    Also, why STj?
    ❝ If you don't know what you're living for, you haven't yet lived. ❞

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    someone who gains energy from outer simulation. Not saying I'm not an extrovert, but I'm probably not a social extrovert.

    Also, why STj?
    Difficult to say at the moment why specifically you could be either type. Primarily it's attributes like: your tightly wound comportment, deemphasis or self admitted lack of feeling, self investment in internal willpower, duty fulfilling nature, no nonsense need for clarity and concrete communication, and so on. As for your E1 core desire doing the right thing and being upright, I wouldn't mistake that as being Fi.

    A few things throw me off into doubt about your type: 1) your young age and its relationship to how developed your thinking is and your own self perceived identity 2) cultural influences. I believe you're Israeli, no? I'm not too familiar with the respective norms, values and influences that culture has in shaping certain personality traits. 3) you seem E1, perhaps I am thrown off a bit by that type's glaring issues with perfectionism to get a handle on a few things regarding sociotype.
    Last edited by blank; 02-20-2016 at 03:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonka View Post
    Difficult to say at the moment why specifically you could be either type. Primarily it's attributes like: your tightly wound comportment, deemphasis or self admitted lack of feeling, self investment in internal willpower, duty fulfilling nature, no nonsense need for clarity and concrete communication, and so on. As for your E1 core desire doing the right thing and being upright, I wouldn't mistake that as being Fi.
    Mhm, makes sense.

    Yeah, E1 (I'm already aware it's my core, I'm a 137 tritype So/Sp) tends to mess up my typing as it makes me seem a lot more J-ish and Fi-ish than I actually am.
    ❝ If you don't know what you're living for, you haven't yet lived. ❞

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    The problem is that I don't know if those people are typed correctly
    You may think about it as one of typing methods. Also you can't know today (as there is no objective proof) does someone type good or significantly better than other typer. While to be sure in your type, you'll need to check it by IR theory anyway.
    The better examples fit to IR theory - the more you may be sure in types of you and examples, as to get good correlation with IR theory by random types is statistically doubtful.
    You may spend several hours to use someone's types examples to check IR, or to type people yourself what will take at least monthes. In case you'll get something resonable it will be argument for your type and types of examples. In case you'll get a mess then you'll loose only several hours of you life. There are no easier ways to check your type.
    At start you may compare what type gives more soul comfort: ENTJ vs INTJ, ESTJ vs ISTJ. If you'll prefer ENTJ and ESTJ than there will appear some ground to trust and then to check other. Similarly you may offer to your sister to compare: ISFP vs ESFP, ISTP vs ESTP.
    For IR it's useful to rank by soul comfort: quadras, 16 types. Separately: N types, S types, T types, F types. Also to check other IR traits. You may do the checking without my help and in any time. The only things you need - examples and IR theory.

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    You look a lot like the ESI-Se females I know. I'm pretty sure you can take that typing to the bank.

    Yes, the descriptions of Gammas are depressing, but they were written by non-Gammas.

    Not much chance you are LSE. The idea that you are LSE is pretty funny, actually.

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    I remember you. Your thread was in the hottest threads list for awhile.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    @Sol I will try to do so! Thing is, sometimes the same behavior seem as a few functions, that's confusing. @Adam Strange thanks! ESI seems to be a popular typing why not LSE? @Aylen Ah! YES! My old thread and user. Lmao, "Dooneese". Did we end up reaching a conclusion?
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    You VI a lot like a girl I know who is Se ego. Apart from that you also come off as one. LSI or ESI. could maybe be something else Se ego. I'd say LSI=ESI>SLE>SEE

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    @Contra so, high Se?
    i wonder if you people get this from the videos, or from the questionnaire. I remember people looking at my videos in a visual typing forum and the consensus was EIE.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    I remember people looking at my videos in a visual typing forum and the consensus was EIE.
    Typing skills may differ much between forum members, theory they used may differ too (for example, Reinin's dichotomies wich I think are baseless and wrong). Some use even physiognomy what's not serious. As for consensus, in some degree it may happen because of conformism.
    It's interesting about wich forum you are talking.

  20. #20


    cool videos. i think in your previous thread my input was that you look like a female version of Mega lol (increasing points for EIE i guess)

    your sister vibes like Lena Headey (similar oscillating pattern between goofiness and seriousness)

    you remind me of Carolyn Bessette -both physically and also some sort of amazonian sleek determination sth sth. i'd say identicals, duals or kindred

    aaand this is probably not the approach you are looking for

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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinoche View Post
    cool videos. i think in your previous thread my input was that you look like a female version of Mega lol (increasing points for EIE i guess)

    your sister vibes like Lena Headey (similar oscillating pattern between goofiness and seriousness)

    you remind me of Carolyn Bessette -both physically and also some sort of amazonian sleek determination sth sth. i'd say identicals, duals or kindred

    aaand this is probably not the approach you are looking for
    Thanks! Hahaha could be x)

    Maybe in terms of vibes yes, though not really physically. As for Carolyn Bessette- she does look very similar to me, and I'm very flattered considering how pretty she is.

    Everything is a sort of direction lmao

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Typing skills may differ much between forum members, theory they used may differ too (for example, Reinin's dichotomies wich I think are baseless and wrong). Some use even physiognomy what's not serious. As for consensus, in some degree it may happen because of conformism.
    It's interesting about wich forum you are talking.
    this site


    Also, something that's worth to say, as it's something I've noticed about myself today during a military grouping process I went through today- I come off as very aggressive, opinionated and talkative. Is that related to any type? Probably not ESI.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    Also, something that's worth to say, as it's something I've noticed about myself today during a military grouping process I went through today- I come off as very aggressive, opinionated and talkative. Is that related to any type? Probably not ESI.
    I don't think it would be a point against ESI, really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
    I don't think it would be a point against ESI, really.
    Reading more about ESI, you might be right. I'm used that the aggressors are extroverts, and usually not Fi doms Socionics are hard, damn it!
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    Out of curiousity, what do you guys think of ESE? I posted the questionnaire on PersonalityCafe, and ESE does have some logic in it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    I come off as very aggressive, opinionated and talkative. Is that related to any type? Probably not ESI.
    What you've described does not prove your type is not ISFJ. The good method to check types of you and sister I've said above.
    talkative has some relation to F. aggressive, opinionated to Se, 2nd to J also. - is mostly MBT inspired site. So where they use 8 functions (in video analysis they should), but not only preferences, - they have problem of bad descriptions of functions and wrong model of introverts. Aslo not much people are there to think about meaningful consensus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    what do you guys think of ESE?
    not far from ESI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    What you've described does not prove your type is not ISFJ. The good method to check types of you and sister I've said above.
    talkative has some relation to F. aggressive, opinionated to Se, 2nd to J also. - is mostly MBT inspired site. So where they use 8 functions (in video analysis they should), but not only preferences, - they have problem of bad descriptions of functions and wrong model of introverts. Aslo not much people are there to think about meaningful consensus.

    not far from ESI
    True. Aggression is related to Se and judging, and ESI are dominant judgers. Mhm. I keep mixing up the Socionics and MBTI, Goddamn.

    ESE is weird to me because Fe is... Not my dom? I can relate to it, but I don't lead with Fe. It's neither my strength nor my weakness, I can use it well but it's not natural to me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    I can use it well but it's not natural to me.
    This is expected for strong nonvalued functions, wich is Fe for ESI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    This is expected for strong nonvalued functions, wich is Fe for ESI.
    It would make sense, though... I'm not sure. Sorry for always doubting everything, but logic is a big part of my personality. I feel like I filter things according to my logic rather than my ethics.

    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    Thanks! May I have a reasoning please?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    Sorry for always doubting everything, but logic is a big part of my personality.
    as of all adequate people

    I feel like I filter things according to my logic rather than my ethics.
    without intertype relations it's hard to be sure in own type

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    There's that STj vibe yeah. I don't have too much doubt on you being a Thinking type though you really have an emphasis on Fi judgments too, which first did have me consider ESI/EII. What I'm totally sure about is that you are a Sensing type, however.

    I don't know if you just parrot Delta values or if you are actually an LSE. Ni PoLR and Ne valuing are a strong possibility though. Though your Fi answers seemed stronger than your Fe answers which were really non existent, perhaps in favour of Te but I'm not sure about that.

    I could consider LSI too except it's not quite clear at all to me that you would have any Beta values, at least in your questionnaire here. Though your answers in the Ti block are pretty strong so I don't exclude it at this point. The stronger-seeming Fi -compared to Fe- would support this as well.

    A few questions/comments below to clarify things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    "1. Do you like surprises?" No. I literally can't handle a change of schedule.
    Why is it impossible to handle it?

    "4. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?"
    You can say a lot from the way they talked and presented themselves, from what they talked about and how they talked. It doesn't take too much time to understand someone, really. I tend to evaluate person quickly and often I'm correct. Once I learn something about a person I just put it in the framework.
    Give an example of such evaluation.

    "9. What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?"
    To me, moral is being a good person, not hurting others. Immoral is of course, the opposite. I can evaluate the correctness of my own understanding by uhm, I don't know. I just do. Gut feeling, you know? But honestly, everyone has their own definition of morals.
    How sure are you of these gut feelings?

    "6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?"
    Nah, I look at instructions and I'm like "okay, cool" and then I do things by my own order, unless I know those guidelines are really important and strict or when I don't understand something I look and see if it can be of help. But I skim through it, I jump into action and mess up. I would not be able to write an inctruction manual, I can't explain for my life.
    What is the problem with explaining?

    True. Aggression is related to Se and judging, and ESI are dominant judgers. Mhm. I keep mixing up the Socionics and MBTI, Goddamn.
    Depends what kind of aggression we are talking about... Se + logic in general, anyway.

    ESE is weird to me because Fe is... Not my dom? I can relate to it, but I don't lead with Fe. It's neither my strength nor my weakness, I can use it well but it's not natural to me.
    Would you think Fe role fits you? See

    I agree after watching a bit of your videos that you can use it smooth enough, btw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    It would make sense, though... I'm not sure. Sorry for always doubting everything, but logic is a big part of my personality. I feel like I filter things according to my logic rather than my ethics.
    As I said above, I can see you as a Thinking type but you do make quite a few ethics related judgments too, so let's not just yet exclude ESI - how do you filter these through your logic, especially the morals that you said you feel in your gut?

    PS: I'm not trying to nitpick on possible inconsistencies, I'm genuinely curious for the sake of your typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    as of all adequate people

    without intertype relations it's hard to be sure in own type
    lmao xD Of course people with common sense do that quite often regrdless of type, but I feel like it's something more. I don't let myself to be swayed away by emotion, ever.

    I'll look into intertype relations this weekend, as I'll finally have some time. This week has been hectic.
    @Myst thank you for your help and analysis!

    Why is it impossible to handle it (change of schedule)?
    I'm a planner, and if I plan on doing something (or not doing something) I'm already prepared for this task. Damn it, I plan when I'm going to take a rest! When I'm required to change my schedule I have to replan my whole day at times, and to me it's a bit like an invasion to my personal space (I'm overreacting, but you get the point). I once got mad at my mom for scheduling something at the time I planned to do nothing. True story.
    Give an example of such evaluation.
    You can say a lot from the way they talked and presented themselves, from what they talked about and how they talked.- a shy person will stand at the corner, talk quietly if at all, be nervous. A person who is confident will most likely will talk louder and won't be afraid to make conversations on their own, for example. People who will talk about your interests are usually more concerned about making you feel comfortable or making a good first impression, and a person who will dominate the conversation will either be extra extrovetred or overly confident.

    I tend to evaluate person quickly and often I'm correct. Once I learn something about a person I just put it in the framework.- Like, you know those moments where you accidently learn something tragic about someone's life? It happened to me recent with my bible teacher, whom I like very much. She's a spunky woman around her 40's who talks plenty about the beauty of Israeli-Jewish tradition and cherishing family values. I know when I say it like this she sounds boring, but she's really not. I remember we talked about olive oil or something, and then when the class mentioned this to another teacher she said: "Oh please, give me a break. X lived in the city, her parents lived in the same city, she's never left it. Don't she try to act like she's from the village."

    I don't know, living in the same place for your whole life seemed boring to me, but I didn't think of it too much until a kid said to our teacher that she looked like this one politician, so she said that she knows, that another few students went to the governemnt building and saw a woman who looked just like her sister, and she said it couldn't be right because she doesn't have siblings. So a friend of mine asked, "What, you don't have siblings?" and she replied, "Well, I've had a brother." And you know, it didn't really surprise me because it just made so much sense to me. She cherishes family values because her own family was hurt. She stayed in the city with her parents because maybe she was afraid for their sake after her brother's death, or to be closer to family. Also, in our reality, it's more than likely he was a fallen soldier, which would explain being so attached to the country. Thing is, I didn't have to analyze it and overthink the scenario, it naturally came up to my mind. I'm very good in putting things in a framework.

    How sure are you of these gut feelings?

    I can't even explain it. I see something and I know it's wrong. I just know. Most of the time it comes from hurting the value of equality because it's something I'm very strong about, but I don't know.

    What is the problem with explaining?
    Other than having a speech impairment lmao, my flow of thoughts is hard to follow, and might not make sense to other people. Often I tend to humanize situation and be like "So the RNA-m goes to the beginning of the DNA and be like "Hey, imma copy you to my own fucking language" and the DNA is like "Sure bro" so the m-RNA copies the molecule but replaces T with U because it DOESN'T LIKE IT and then they say goodbye to each other and and m-RNA heads out.", which might sound weird to people.

    I can relate to role Fe to some extent, but not all. I think I have a better grasp of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    As I said above, I can see you as a Thinking type but you do make quite a few ethics related judgments too, so let's not just yet exclude ESI - how do you filter these through your logic, especially the morals that you said you feel in your gut?

    PS: I'm not trying to nitpick on possible inconsistencies, I'm genuinely curious for the sake of your typing.
    That's alright, thank you very much!

    An example, which might be logic+morals:

    I walked into the store and one guy working there seemed to get really excited about me. Like, his jaw dropped when he saw me and he couldn't take his eyes off me. He was also pretty cute. He was about 23, I believe? Later my mom told me "Wow, he's cute. Wouldn't you date him?" So I replied, "Mom, he's like 23. I'm not gonna date him. So she asked "Really, why?"

    And so I began,

    "He's 23, which means his level of maturity and my level of maturity are totally different. Not to mention I'm just a kid who's not ready for sex yet and I wouldn't be able to satisfy the sexual drive of a 23 years old guy, nor do I want something to be forced on me nor the guy. Also, I'm so occupied with school and have no time for a relationship right now."

    Now most teenagers would date whoever they want and wouldn't mind dating an older guy, but I already logically argued from a few point of views why I shouldn't do it. Some people would tell me to follow my heart, but who could argue with this logic?

    Also, it might be very Fi- no, I know dating a guy who's 6 years older than me is wrong for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    @Myst thank you for your help and analysis!

    Why is it impossible to handle it (change of schedule)?
    I'm a planner, and if I plan on doing something (or not doing something) I'm already prepared for this task. Damn it, I plan when I'm going to take a rest! When I'm required to change my schedule I have to replan my whole day at times, and to me it's a bit like an invasion to my personal space (I'm overreacting, but you get the point). I once got mad at my mom for scheduling something at the time I planned to do nothing. True story.
    Sounds fine as LSE Ni PoLR to me if we go with the LSE typing. Weak Ni, in any case.

    Give an example of such evaluation.
    You can say a lot from the way they talked and presented themselves, from what they talked about and how they talked.- a shy person will stand at the corner, talk quietly if at all, be nervous. A person who is confident will most likely will talk louder and won't be afraid to make conversations on their own, for example. People who will talk about your interests are usually more concerned about making you feel comfortable or making a good first impression, and a person who will dominate the conversation will either be extra extrovetred or overly confident.

    I tend to evaluate person quickly and often I'm correct. Once I learn something about a person I just put it in the framework.- Like, you know those moments where you accidently learn something tragic about someone's life? It happened to me recent with my bible teacher, whom I like very much. She's a spunky woman around her 40's who talks plenty about the beauty of Israeli-Jewish tradition and cherishing family values. I know when I say it like this she sounds boring, but she's really not. I remember we talked about olive oil or something, and then when the class mentioned this to another teacher she said: "Oh please, give me a break. X lived in the city, her parents lived in the same city, she's never left it. Don't she try to act like she's from the village."

    I don't know, living in the same place for your whole life seemed boring to me, but I didn't think of it too much until a kid said to our teacher that she looked like this one politician, so she said that she knows, that another few students went to the governemnt building and saw a woman who looked just like her sister, and she said it couldn't be right because she doesn't have siblings. So a friend of mine asked, "What, you don't have siblings?" and she replied, "Well, I've had a brother." And you know, it didn't really surprise me because it just made so much sense to me. She cherishes family values because her own family was hurt. She stayed in the city with her parents because maybe she was afraid for their sake after her brother's death, or to be closer to family. Also, in our reality, it's more than likely he was a fallen soldier, which would explain being so attached to the country. Thing is, I didn't have to analyze it and overthink the scenario, it naturally came up to my mind. I'm very good in putting things in a framework.
    So essentially all you know is she's lived in the same city all her life and she had a brother who died, yes? Looks like you have no problem with (from my POV, too much) speculativeness that instantly makes me think of Ne though not necessarily that.

    Also, I see something like Si here - delving into all the personal details to tell your story. The Se seems more demonstrative Se.

    Unless I misinterpret some things here and it seems overly speculative to me only because you involve feeling values, in which case it can be Fi with some N.

    How sure are you of these gut feelings?
    I can't even explain it. I see something and I know it's wrong. I just know. Most of the time it comes from hurting the value of equality because it's something I'm very strong about, but I don't know.
    So in those cases you don't filter it through logic or do you still do that? Just clarifying.

    An example, which might be logic+morals: (...)
    Hmm, ok, I see what you meant by the logical filtering.

    One more thing, do you have any particular problem with an LSE typing for you? And with the ESI one?
    Last edited by Myst; 02-26-2016 at 02:01 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    So in those cases you don't filter it through logic or do you still do that? Just clarifying.
    I wouldn't say that. I have an easier time to accept someone's actions if I can logically see where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with their idealogy.

    One more thing, do you have any particular problem with an LSE typing for you? And with the ESI one?
    LSE would actually make sense, considering I went back on forth with Te/Fe dom when I typed myself according to MBTI- I felt like I use Te but tried to be Fe because it's something I've very much appericiated. I admire Fe qualities (on paper), though I don't always get along with Fe doms IRL. I'm not sure if my Si is that high, and that's really the only problem with LSE because I can get on with pretty much everything else. I typed myself as an LSE for a while, it felt on point.

    ESI descriptions hits home to me, but something about being a Fi dom feels iffy to me. I'm not sure if Fi is my filter.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
    I wouldn't say that. I have an easier time to accept someone's actions if I can logically see where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with their idealogy.

    LSE would actually make sense, considering I went back on forth with Te/Fe dom when I typed myself according to MBTI- I felt like I use Te but tried to be Fe because it's something I've very much appericiated. I admire Fe qualities (on paper), though I don't always get along with Fe doms IRL. I'm not sure if my Si is that high, and that's really the only problem with LSE because I can get on with pretty much everything else. I typed myself as an LSE for a while, it felt on point.

    ESI descriptions hits home to me, but something about being a Fi dom feels iffy to me. I'm not sure if Fi is my filter.
    Hmm ok.

    Here's a couple questions taken from 40q (which IMO is better than the 80q and shorter...):

    1. What do you think of people (or yourself) who distinctively stand out in a crowd, differ from others? What is a measure of such distinction, how can this difference be feasible and how not?
    2. Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good. What's your attitude towards this statement?

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    An IEI friend of mine looked at some of your answers (including your logical/moral filter answer) and she was like, you talk/think exactly like how she did as a teenager O_o

    (She's got 1 in her enneagram tritype, too.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    An IEI friend of mine looked at some of your answers (including your logical/moral filter answer) and she was like, you talk/think exactly like how she did as a teenager O_o

    (She's got 1 in her enneagram tritype, too.)
    Really? Spooky! Also, makes me wonder
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Hmm ok.

    Here's a couple questions taken from 40q (which IMO is better than the 80q and shorter...):

    1. What do you think of people (or yourself) who distinctively stand out in a crowd, differ from others? What is a measure of such distinction, how can this difference be feasible and how not?
    2. Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good. What's your attitude towards this statement?
    1. It depends there are people who does this naturally, by having a quality which others lack or being extremely capable, and then there are the people who act differently and provocatively just to seem different. The latter kind seems to be kind of annoying and insecure- I mean, the lack of self confidence must be great considering they must act weirdly or differently to gain attention which builds their self esteem. They don't even believe that as themselves they can get attention, so they try to be someone else to seem unique, individual and edgy.

    As for the former, many people said that I stand out. Perhaps it's because I'm perfectly capable of being kind and peaceful while confident in my opinions, or being friendly yet reserved. Perhaps conflicting traits are a thing that makes one stand out.

    I feel like if somehow, without doing anything special, everyone knows your name, you are manage to stand out of the crowd. It's not really measurable.

    2. I can see where it's coming from. I mean, ideas does not have to be realistic in order to be good. But I don't believe that is so- ideas need to be somewhat concrete so we could execute those ideas. What is an idea if it can't be tangible? Even stories- if they're not correct (as in, illogical), how can people follow the plot?

    There's also the other option- does not have to be morally correct in order to be good. I have mixed views about this, honestly- ideas which are morally wrong could be beneficial to the person who acts on it, but it won't be good for the people who suffer form it, which makes the idea not bad, but wrong. Which is worse than bad.
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    Do you feel shame when you are doing something mean as you are doing it?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  40. #40
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    SEE seems right
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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