Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I personally think that Arnold is LIE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFk-L7Wcg0g His indiscriminate eating habits show that clearly.

He's probably a very high Te sub-type, with lowered Ni Intuition (like an LSE) and enhanced Se (like an SLE). But neither an SLE nor an LSE would happily eat garbage in a restaurant. I would, though. After all, it's food, right? Si-PoLR.

I’ve also long thought that I’d like to look like he did in the first Terminator move. The leather jacket, the boots, the bike.... Se-HA.
You know what pisses me off about Arnold lately is his total hypocrisy where-in he doesn't mention his use of anaboloc steroids all his life, yet goes on this soap box high horse about eating vegetarian and avoiding animal fats and proteins because of a supposed misconception they are not good for getting big and strong, like him. The only reason he got that big, besides the capacity (via genetics), was because he used chemical drugs his whole life and it probably had little to do with his consumption of fruits and vegetables. It was the steroids. That really pisses me off about him.

Further it pisses me off that he rose to such high political office yet clearly had to lie about his steroid use as its illegal and an indictable offense to even posses. So, in other words, a criminal becomes the Governor, I'm sure he is a great guy dont' get me wrong, I have no moral issue with steroids I think they are fantastic. I have an issue with a man who is a liar getting to be a leader just on principle that bothers me.