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Thread: Brandon Boyd & Incubus

  1. #1

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    Default Brandon Boyd & Incubus

    Incubus fans: How would you type Brandon Boyd and Mike Einziger?

    Brandon is certain an NF- extremely idealistic, empathetic and very interested in human nature. I would say either ENFP (though it's doubtful) or INFP. I'm inclined to think he's an INFP because his lyrics are very introspective.

    Mike is definitely an E and I'm pretty sure NF too; I think Incubus are an NF kind of band. Not sure about P or J but I'd nail him ENFP.

    What do you guys think? Any typings for Dirk, Jose, Kilmore and Ben?

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    Default Incubus-- hate them

    I heard an interview with some guys from this band and want to know what type you guys think they are, the lead singer's name is Brandon Boyd. Here is a wiki article with a pic of the band:

    Anyway there seemed to be an Fe/Fi clash with the interviewer and the bandmates, with the band being more Fe. They were really annoying.


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    Me too [hatred]. Never type of them again.

    INFp for the lead singer, I think.
    IEI subtype

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    You think they're bad? Joy listens to 'em.

    ...Oh, wait

  5. #5
    Khamelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    You think they're bad? Joy listens to 'em.

    ...Oh, wait


    Music is 60good/40meh. People, don't really care because I only pay attention to artists personalities if they catch my eye, and Incubus doesn't that much. But they're cool.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  6. #6
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    I think they're a very good band musically speaking. At their concerts, they're music is actually better than the record and they have unique songs with their non-mainstream songs are a lot better. I agree with Vague that the lead singer is IEI from what I've observed. I have met them in real life and they look like stand-up guys overall, however I agree that they do have a condescending attitude in interviews.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  7. #7
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    singer is enfj

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    Default Re: Incubus-- hate them

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    I heard an interview with some guys from this band


    Turn off the loveline

  9. #9

    Default brandon boyd?

    I think he might be an INTP.

    they are also those qualities you described..but less...

    INFPs have a really high social energy compared to INTPs

    who are way lower energy...

    you could say...slightly more...grounded...thanks to the T

    I'm an my experience...with real people and their types...

    that's what I believe brandon boyd to be.

  10. #10


    ah yes, here I found Brandon Boyd writing a shit-ton about himself.

    Notice that he keeps his words very clear, and correct.
    umm...he seems like a bit of a knowledge-stuck-up (which is typical of my duals, hehe)

    and notice that he really likes to use a lot sarcasm...
    he also seems to ponder upon thought itself...which is another INTP characteristic.

    I've decided already.. he's definitely an INTP. and I will bet you 50 bucks on it.

    My name is Brandon Boyd. I am a Los Angeles native, a Vegan sympathizer, an artist by day and come nightfall I sing in a band called Incubus. I am suspicious of religion, advertising and know-it-alls. My teeth will one day fall out from overconsumption of licorice. My closest friend on the Earth is a dog from France. I sleep diagonally until I have company, then I sleep lengthwise. I am straight, yet I adore sparkling mineral water. I have a bionic right leg as a result of a freak gardening accident. My right eye goes lazy after about 3am. If you feed me after midnight, I multiply. My name, when translated literally, means 'Broom-Hill' which I find horrifyingly exotic. I live in an old building that at one point in the 1900's was a working brothel. As a result, the ghosts of under paid and over worked prostitutes roam my hallways. So, there is a lingering smell of cheap perfume on the second story of my home after 3am, which might explain my occasional lazy eye. I am allergic to milk and as a result have never had an ice cream party. You may have just heard the sounds of very small violins playing behind that last comment, but don't feel bad for me; I have sorbet parties at every Equinox and spend about half a day thereafter happily cleaning the 'sticky' out of my fingernails. My right knee is named Chet and my left is Garrison. Everything I wear once belonged to someone else with the specific exception of socks and underpants.

    I am quite certain that in the above rant/ Myspace 'About Me' section there is a sizable window for you curious and or skeptical observers to peer through. I have always cringed at the thought of describing myself and my multiplying creative endeavors, but it seems as time wears on, that the personal 'Bio' is a necessary evil in the vast catacombs of the "I wish I didn't have to, buts..." of our strange culture. So with that veiled apology out of the way, I shall now recall (for those who desire to know more) a not so brief remembrance of my time in art thus far...

    The first piece of art I can remember is actually now hanging in my kitchen. It is a self portrait my Mother did while she was in Art School. She was very pregnant with my older brother and thought it would be funny to paint herself as the Virgin Mary. So this painting, for all it's cracked and aging beauty, looks very pious and intimidating. It hung in the guest bedroom of my Grandfather's house that my brothers and I would bunk in when staying there. On more than three occasions, I woke in the middle of the night and saw the eyes of this painting alive and looking down at me! My Mother ( the Virgin Mary) in a very ominous voice would say, "Go back to sleep, Brandon!"

    I started scribbling in very small pads with very small pencils as a child. I have since been scaling up exponentially. In Medium, content and size. As my mind grows, so do my sights on what is possible creatively. This has allowed me to reach into pen-ink, paint, pencil, photography, music, literature and lifestyle. All of which are as important as the next.

    The kinds of art that have stood out to me have never really followed any particular pattern. I guess my eyes and my heart gravitate towards unusual, dark, absurd, sincere and beautiful works. I obsess over line work and flow.

    I have no formal training; other than a few semesters at community college and some classes at the YMCA. I would very much like to return to school in the near future and absorb the myriad different techniques I have been missing out on! That being said, I was raised in a creative environment, and that does wonders for a young person's mind.
    I have always had a hard time in describing my creative style. I find the same dilemma when asked what type of music I play. But if I had to, I would say that I am doing my best to turn my mind inside out and see what it looks like framed. Once you get past the gooey bits and the debris, there is the occasional sparkly gem that glows like the edges of Barbara Walters in one of her interviews.

    My creative process is both complex and simple. The complexities arise when I try and understand what I am doing when I am doing it. It's like trying to describe the sensation of love; one is better suited just experiencing it for oneself. But it becomes simple when I let go into the process and don't question it so much. Kind of a surrender into right brian, as it were. But for clarity's sake, I have waves of creativity, followed by times of drought. In these times, I have learned that just reading, listening to music, and surfing a whole lot help to pass the time before the next creative pulse arises. It's been this way in my life for as long as I can remember.

    I work predominately out of my kitchen. It looks like a kitchen, but it's actually...well, a kitchen. Things are cooked there, and things are consumed. But just as much paint is thrown into amorphous abstractions onto paper and canvas that reveal my inner perv and my longing for contact with extraterrestrial intelligences (not to be confused with one another) as there is corn chowder stirred and swallowed!

    I like to allow any and all influence into my world. Cultural or geographic. Political, or emotional. As far as I am concerned, anything is game. I find that large parts of my work are observational in the sense that I am merely living as I chose and the art, in whatever form it takes, is the unconscious filter of my experience.

    I think that to live a life of expressivity is paramount. To me it is the embodiment of freedom. I don't have a particularly specific statement that I am trying to convey; like the Romantic's Manifesto, or something akin. I am more interested in existing in a continual state of creativity. To be able to see the art in every occurrence. To find beauty in the mundane and in the otherwise trite and or trivial. My life, as it were, is not unlike one of my drawings; a continually evolving, bulbous, mass of thought, after-thought, absurdity, intention and enthusiasm. Scribbled happily in ink without pencil lines and signed at the bottom.

    I am currently working on a new series of paintings on canvas in acrylic that I will have no idea how to talk about until they are hung and dry and my shrink is standing back from them with an inquisitive scowl.

    I just did a quick proofread of this communication, and I am struck by how often I used the word, "I." To my count, it is repeated 63 times in this glorified Personals Ad. Cheese and Rice! You'd think I was a fucking rock star with these levels of self absorption. Fuck it. I think that'll do for now. If anybody has anymore questions beyond art, music, haunted paintings, relevance, used clothes, literature, tiny pencils on tiny pads of paper, heartbreak, disillusionment, love, death, addiction, leather goods, lactose intolerance, the future, optimism, nihilism, idealism, plagiarism, environmentalism and the smell of turpentine, please don't Google my name or ask your "friend who knows about music". Call me at your Mom's house, I'll be there having a sorbet party on March 20th.

    Your friend and lover,
    Brandon Boyd

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    Default Brandon Charles Boyd

    Brandon Boyd: Ni-ENFj (Harmonizing subtype) [EIE-IEI]

    Here’s what Robert Christgau had to say—

    ‘Morning View [Epic/Immortal, 2001]
    This late entry shot up on the outside of our annual Young White Males in Extremis sweepstakes over Static-X (nuevo no wave), P.O.D. (plodding in riddim), Five for Fighting (I forget), and heavy favorites Staind, who seemed so sincerely depressed I couldn't bear to add to their woes. Incubus's wrinkle on awful points up how old-fashioned the death-metal and rap-fusion approaches to hard rock have become. The new menace is prog-variegated structures, tempo shifts, lyric interludes, DJ flava, and (daringly) love songs. This nets a lovely eight-minute closer featuring Steve Vai's "ko-kyu," which sounds like a koto to me. It also nets many mediocre pop songs with pretensions. C+’

    Last edited by HERO; 02-15-2012 at 07:40 AM.

  12. #12
    inconnu's Avatar
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    Yeap, EIE is very possible.

  13. #13


    Brandon Boyd is Beta NF -- I suspect EIE. I've been to one of Incubus' shows -- they're okay.

    He reminds me a lot of that douche Mystery though:

  14. #14
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    He is commonly considered Fi subtype ESI. Not that thats the final word or anything. He is listed in the Type Examples Video article.

    This is the video the thread links to. Very candid look into how Brandon behaves, some of his personal history and his artistic process in his own words.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    He is commonly considered Fi subtype ESI. Not that thats the final word or anything. He is listed in the Type Examples Video article.

    This is the video the thread links to. Very candid look into how Brandon behaves, some of his personal history and his artistic process in his own words.

    I don't take that list as authoritative.

    In terms of the ESI typing, judging by the video above about the H.O.P.E. artwork he did -- inconnu's post -- he seems to be process over result, even going so far as to state this at the end -- which, if Reinin is taken into account and is still considered valid, would rule out ESI.

  16. #16
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Neither do I take it as authoritative. Maybe thats why I italicized the word "final"?
    Last edited by wacey; 12-02-2014 at 02:13 AM.

  17. #17
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    The Reinen dichotomies are useful, but even Gulenko says they needn't be used absolutely.

    Brandon states that he was a quite, shy person communicatively as a young boy, even though that has changed now and when on camera. Not that being an introvert has much to do with socionics introversion extroversion. Are EIE commonly thought of as shy people? I'm not sure, I'm actually asking for feedback.

    Brandon also discusses needing a create outlet for his urge to create which he found in visual media and music. His artwork with the double lithographs are one page of split ink is affecting the other and in my eyes look very Se valued. The pictures that result are loud and garish, but demonstrate a kind of force of will and movement. Also note the images of objects coming outwards out of peoples mouths where the force of someones inner world/feelings/sentiments are literally spewing out of the subjects mouths which might also be indicative of Se mindset. The colours are bold and the shapes are large and obvious lines. Or the images of pieces of brandon's body coalescing into the figure of himself, then exploding outwards? I'm interpreting as contact Se, being such impactful artwork.

    Discussion thread of creativity and ESI:

    Link to Brandon's Artwork:

    On the other hand.....

    While explaining his art, paraphrased:
    "[He is sitting here faceless and alone, forming around the fire he has built. As a planet we are basically an island in space, as far as we know we are the only ones that exists. We are an island this is the only place we have to live and have to grow. So it would occur that we need to protect this place, this gift and guard it because it is the only place to go]".

    Wikisocion on introvert intuition: The individual likes to predict the further development of the situations and topics that he is interested in. The individual applies his highly developed sense of vision not as an end in itself, but as a way of promoting the development of his more central interests and activities.

    On playing music live:
    "Playing live doesn't get old. Its immedialty chaotic, its a good feeling cause there is no safety net, other then your experience, anything could happen at anytime, what you bring to it is all you have".

    Wikisocion on extroverted feeling in the ego block:
    The individual is always in tune to the emotional flow surrounding him, and responds to it spontaneously and directly. He seeks out and creates activities where people are totally engaged in what they are doing. Something's value is directly tied to how much it arouses his or another's passion.

    At the moment I see him as a toss up between ESI and EIE.
    Last edited by wacey; 12-02-2014 at 05:28 AM.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Brandon states that he was a quite, shy person communicatively as a young person, even though that has changed now and when on camera. Not that being an introvert has much to do with socionics introversion extroversion, are EIE commonly thought of as shy people? I'm not sure I'm actually asking for feedback.

    Discussion thread of creativity with ESI:

    Brandon also discusses needing a create outlet for his urge to create, which he found in visual media and music. His artwork with the double lithographs in my eyes seem very Se, as one page of split ink is affecting the other. The pictures that result are loud and garish, but demonstrate a kind of force of will and movement. Also note the images of objects coming outwards out of peoples mouths also seem indicative of a contact Se mindset, where the force of someones inner world/feelings/sentiments are literally spewing out of the subjects mouths. The colours are bold and the shapes are large and obvious lines. Or the images of pieces of brandon's body coalescing into the figure of himself, then exploding outwards.

    Link to Brandon's Artwork:

    While explaining his art, paraphrased:
    "[He is sitting here faceless and alone, forming around the fire he has built. As a planet we are basically an island in space, as far as we know we are the only ones that exists. We are an island this is the only place we have to live and have to grow. So it would occur that we need to protect this place, this gift and guard it because it is the only place to go]"

    Wikisocion on introvert intuition: The individual likes to predict the further development of the situations and topics that he is interested in. The individual applies his highly developed sense of vision not as an end in itself, but as a way of promoting the development of his more central interests and activities.

    This is very EIE thing to say, as in protection of the future because essentially this is all we have. At the moment, I see him as a toss up between ESI and EIE.
    In terms of his artwork -- many of the pieces especially the ones of subjects spewing things out of their mouths remind me of Starfall's interest in similar pieces of art. I recall a painting of two people of kissing with tentacles erupting from their mouths that she has had as an avatar. I think the forcefulness of the paintings may be indicative of Se, but in terms of the emotions conveyed I'm not sure whether that would be Fi or Fe.

    I've read somewhere in the literature that EIEs can by shy -- and of course social introversion does not equate to Socionics' conception of introversion. If I am an EIE -- I can attest to being quite shy and withdrawn growing up. Much of this was due to a number of things -- primarily social anxiety in my early years and eventually loner-ish by choice for various reasons. Gilly I think mentioned something to a similar effect himself. I don't have that problem now -- or at least to a much lesser extent does it affect me, however I don't particularly care that much to be a gregarious person. I can perform that when I wish -- in certain contexts -- but it doesn't interest me usually.

  19. #19
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    In terms of his artwork -- many of the pieces especially the ones of subjects spewing things out of their mouths remind me of Starfall's interest in similar pieces of art. I recall a painting of two people of kissing with tentacles erupting from their mouths that she has had as an avatar. I think the forcefulness of the paintings may be indicative of Se, but in terms of the emotions conveyed I'm not sure whether that would be Fi or Fe.

    I've read somewhere in the literature that EIEs can by shy -- and of course social introversion does not equate to Socionics' conception of introversion. If I am an EIE -- I can attest to being quite shy and withdrawn growing up. Much of this was due to a number of things -- primarily social anxiety in my early years and eventually loner-ish by choice for various reasons. Gilly I think mentioned something to a similar effect himself. I don't have that problem now -- or at least to a much lesser extent does it affect me, however I don't particularly care that much to be a gregarious person. I can perform that when I wish -- in certain contexts -- but it doesn't interest me usually.
    Thanks for sharing that. Your explanation was very helpful in that it was exactly what I was pertaining towards regarding extroversion/introversion.

    I'm not entirely sure what emotions are being conveyed in Boyd's artwork, yet a quick gut instinct would be that they are Fe-centric. It seems to be about the authenticity of the individual's intimate experiences escaping the subjects physical boundaries: love, joy, anger, rage, hope, fear, disgust, the core building blocks on which all other experiences derive from; emotions to raw to be kept inside. Also, Se contact as well as I was suggesting at first.

    He has a aesthetic style all his own. Wikisocion says this of ESIs:
    They know how to create for themselves and others a certain image, how to work with the clothes, very innovative in this, create their own original style rather than following the current fashion.
    Last edited by wacey; 12-02-2014 at 06:13 AM.

  20. #20
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    yep, ESI-Fi (as is that Mystery guy)

    his interviews are full of static constructions (Ij temp.) with elements Fi-Ni permeating throughout his artwork

  21. #21
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    I type Brandon Boyd SEE, not ESI -- a hottish one for the record.

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    Brandon Boyd - My suspicion was IEI but* .. can totally see EIE. @Northstar ?

    * This is almost fully based off the lyrics of one single song. Yet, EIE can be socially reclusive ('fed up with ..' as the lyrics indicate), so it is possible. Unfortunately I'm turned off by the guy/band so I have zero tolerance for looking at other lyrics or videos of him. Probably EIE.

    If EIE, he is off the fluffy kind, not dark kind. Not my jam. Actually, there is a typology Youtuber EIE like this (Meghan Levota - sp), who I have no compulsion towards, hmm..... so perhaps EIE yes.

  23. #23
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    Yeah, seems EIE actually, based on the two interview videos I watched.

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