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Thread: Movie genre preferences and personality traits

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default Movie genre preferences and personality traits

    I will post links to Big Five studies later (or some other time), and also try to aggregate conclusions (others can also do so of course). If people describe their movie genre preferences here too, we can discuss socionics correlations too.

    With one of my recent projects, utilising about 150 of my "top rated" movies on rateyourmusic (which does allow the rating of movies), I compared my data with the exact same number of the "greatest" movies as rated by RYM overall.

    I took into account my average rating for each genre, as well as RYM's, and also the ratio of movies I had rated in relation to the number of appearances each particular genre appeared in RYM's overall list.

    In approximate order, genres I enjoyed more than average (in terms of my average rating multiplied by the ratio I mentioned above), of genres I had rated frequently, were: Action, Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, Comedy, Adventure, Romance, Science Fiction, Mystery, Biopic, and Satire. With less frequently rated genres (in order), it was as follows: Screwball Comedy, Whodunit, Spy, Space Opera, Melodrama, Film Noir, Dystopian, Coming-of-Age, and Slapstick.

    (I put Screwball Comedy and the Whodunit genres in bold because they are top by virtue of not appearing in the comparable greatest movies list for RYM: they are essentially being multiplied by infinite).
    (There were also some even less frequently rated genres I liked more than average, but I won't include those).

    Genres which frequently appeared in the RYM greatest movies list that I disliked more than average (in order) were:
    Psychological Drama, Crime, War, Drama, Psychological Thriller, New Hollywood, Black Comedy, Historical Drama, and Thriller. With less frequently appearing genres (in order), it was as follows:
    Anime, Psychological Horror, Experimental, Jidaigeki, Neo-Noir, Legal Drama, Surrealism, Gangster Film, Low Fantasy

    (The Anime, Psychological Horror, and Experimental genres are in bold as none of my top-rated movies had that genre assigned to it).
    (Again, there were some even less frequently appearing genres, but I'm not including those).

    Some notes:
    -This method doesn't take into account which genres I rated most or least except via the ratio. Drama for example was the genre that I had the most ratings for, but that does not mean I "like" it, according to this approach.
    -Movies can have several genres assigned.
    -Many of these genres are subgenres or meta-genres of others, so this could distort things a little. For example, Comedy is a genre I like more than average, but Black Comedy (defined as a subgenre on RYM) is one I dislike more than average. I think the ratings/totals for Comedy would include Black Comedy as a subset.
    -Obviously, this method presumes that my ratings so far are a fair representation of my taste. It also presumes that the RYM best movies chart is representative of the general population, which it most certainly isn't.

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    The results summarized in Table 1 support the claim that men and women have differential viewing preferences; romance and action are the most sexually differentiated film genres. Rather interestingly, the sex difference in taste for horror movies is quasi-inexistent.

    Fans of comedy, action and fantasy film genres scored higher on the dimension of Openness than non-fans.
    Participants who listed films belonging to romance and action categories were markedly more conscientious than those who didn't list any films belonging to those categories. On the contrary, adepts of comedy films were less conscientious than their counterparts.
    Fans of horror and fantasy films were less extroverted than non-fans.
    Participants who listed films belonging to horror and romance genres were more neurotic than those didn't list any films belonging to those categories. On the contrary, action fans were less neurotic than non-fans.
    Fans of horror films scored lower on the dimension of Agreeableness than non-fans.

    Females who listed films belonging to the action and comedy genre were more open than males who also reported an enjoyment of those films. Males who listed films belonging to the romance genre were more open than females who also reported an enjoyment of those films.

    There was no significant multivariate main effect of the interaction of gender and personality on horror or fantasy genre preferences.
    Our results indicate that people who list our selected comedy titles amongst their preferences are significantly more open than those who don’t; they are also slightly less conscientious. Following Kraaykamp et al’s (2005) line of thought, this can be explained by the fact that comic films generally include humour and originality –challenging conventional thinking-, and do not have predictable plot-lines.

    Participants who mentioned film titles belonging to our horror category tended to be less extroverted and agreeable than those who didn’t. They were also more neurotic. With regard to Agreeableness, our findings fit neatly with the prevailing paradigm: agreeable people are deemed to dislike any film displaying brutal images, since these are at odds with the attributes of warmth and kindness such individuals possess. Results for Extroversion and Neuroticism are intriguing: extroverts supposedly favour sensory arousal that arises in the context of horror films. Could Finn’s (1997) assertion that extroverts prefer social interaction and are, as a result, less prone to visual media consumption serve as a valid explanation? Neurotic individuals’ motivation for watching violent and disturbing movies is rather impenetrable. Indeed, it could be assumed that such people would shy away from potentially damaging images, seeking refuge from stress in light-hearted genres (Conway and Rubin, 1991).

    Turning our attention to the action genre, we find that respondents who listed film titles belonging to that category were generally more conscientious than those who didn’t. It is plausible that it is the relatively predictable plot-line present in most action movies that appeals to conscientious individuals’ preference for familiarity. They were also less neurotic; a finding that supports Conway and Rubin’s (1991) aforementioned claim. Finally, fans of action films also scored higher on the dimension of Openness too. There was no instance of compatibility between high scores on the dimensions of Openness and Conscientiousness in the previous studies we were acquainted with. A possible explanation for such compatibility might be that action films combine a familiar, predictable format – appealing to conscientiousness viewers - with serious or original content – enjoyed by rather open viewers-. This key finding merits further attention in subsequent research.

    In the realm of romance, people who listed films belonging to that category were most often more conscientious and neurotic than those who didn’t. This phenomenon is easily explainable: romantic films often have a rather similar characters and predictable endings; they also offer comfort in the sense that they carry the message that love always blossoms, even in the most unlikely situation.

    Finally, our results indicate that fans of fantasy films are more open and less extroverted than non-fans. Their scores on the first trait may derive from the fact that the fantasy genre often involves original, intellectually stimulating plots and characters. Fantasy fans’ low scores on the second trait are harder to interpret. It is possible that fantasy films are closely connected to the realm of the imagination, which introverts cultivate more than extroverts do

    There is a significant interaction between gender and personality with regard to film preferences

    Do males and females who enjoy the same films have similar personalities? According to our findings, this seems to be the case with regard to the all dimensions of personality, Openness excepted. Scores on the latter vary importantly between male and female fans of action and romance, and, to a lesser extent, comedy. Females who cited films belonging to our comedy and action categories were more open than males who liked the same films. The reverse was true for romance, for which Openness scores were strikingly higher for male fans than for female fans.

    Such findings support our aforementioned results pertaining to gender differences in film genre and personality. Females aren’t generally prone to liking action films; a higher degree of Openness is likely to facilitate enjoyment of them. The same line of argument is valid for males in the case of romantic films. Moreover, the small effect was observed for comedy fans could potentially be explained by the fact that in the comedies selected, the main protagonists were males and that may have impeded self-identification processes for female viewers.

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    Well I love horror and it's correct that I score more neurotic and less extraverted

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    General Discussion
    This chapter reported on two studies of the relationships of The Big Five personality traits with movie-watching motives and films preferences. Of greatest interest in the studies was the extent to which Big Five personality traits and uses of film motives contributed to the prediction of individuals’ preferences for different genres of film. The results have important implications for the understanding of the psychology of film preferences.

    In accordance to theoretical expectations, the results of studies 2 and 3 offer interesting insights into personality and film preferences. The studies provided support that the Big Five personality dimensions and the uses of film dimensions can put forth an influence on consumer preferences for specific films. Further findings from this study provide insight into the relationship(s) between the personality characteristics and movie-watching motives. These results are discussed below.

    For study 2, just under half of the hypotheses of (8 out of 17) were supported. A positive significant association was found between Extraversion and Affiliation Use of Film, which falls in line with the notion that this interpersonal use of film is expected to be more common in individuals who are high in Extraversion. Although research has yet to examine the Big Five personality correlates of Nostalgia Use of Film, a significant negative association was found between Extraversion and Nostalgia Use of Film. This result could fall in line with the proposal that individuals high in Extraversion scores have an inclination to experience positive affect, thus are more likely to gravitate towards movies that improve or maintain their good moods (Knobloch & Zillmann, 2002). Furthermore, this should be reflected in their higher levels of the appreciation for uplifting, fun-evoking movies, as opposed to emotionally intense movies. Contrary to the hypothesis, a significant relationship between Extraversion and Hedonistic Seeking Use of Film was not found.

    Significant relationships were found between Agreeableness and Affiliation Use of Film, Hedonistic Use of Film, Aggressive Use of Film and Sensation Seeking Use of Film. As predicted, Affiliation Use of Film was positively associated with individuals who were higher in Agreeableness scores. This supports the idea that Agreeable individuals like to watch movies in the company of others. Hence, the results imply that individuals high in Agreeableness are likely to display a preference for the consumption of “uplifting” movies (Kerrigan, 2010), allowing them to maintain positive emotions via the consumption of fun, happy, and pleasurable movies. As predicted, a negative association was found between Agreeableness (which is a negative marker of trait aggression) and Aggressive Use of Film. Counter to expectations, a significant negative association was found between Agreeableness and Sensation Seeking Use of Film. Thus, further research is necessary to explain this finding. Additionally, a link between Agreeableness and Hedonistic Use of Film was not established.

    In line with the hypothesis, a negative association was found between Conscientiousness and Aggressive Use of Film. This personality trait is another negative marker of trait aggression, and the data reveals significant correspondence with the notion that individuals high in Conscientiousness scores are less inclined to watch movies to release aggression. Conscientiousness was found to be negatively related to Sensation Seeking Use of Film and Boredom Avoidance Use of Film. These findings were not consistent with theoretical expectations, so further investigation into these patterns of results must be conducted in future study.

    It was hypothesised that Neuroticism would be positively associated with Nostalgia Use of Film, Catharsis Use of Film and Escapism Use of Film. Nonetheless, these associations failed to emerge for the Neuroticism personality type. Thus, these null effects suggest that Neuroticism and its relationship to movie motives remains to be established, and further investigation is therefore encouraged. As predicted, Openness was positively related to Sensation Seeking Use of Film and Artistic Use of Film. It was correct to predict that individuals high in Openness have the desire to experience intense and arousing emotions and to consume movies for aesthetic appreciation. Negative associations were also found for Hedonistic Use of Film and Nostalgia Use of Film. These findings do not fall in line with the hypotheses, so it is important to undertake an additional study into the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and film uses. Furthermore, the investigation failed to find a significant relationship between Openness and Escapism Use of Film, Information Seeking Use of Film and Boredom Avoidance Use of Film.

    The results of study 3 support a number of the hypotheses, but also raise several questions deserving of further research. Nonetheless, more promising results were revealed in Study 3, whereby the majority of the hypotheses (15 out of 20) were supported. In the first instance, the results showed that Openness was the main significant predictor for preferences for Arty films. These findings fall in line with those of Palmgreen et al (1985), whereby individuals high on Openness watch films in order to feel creatively empowered and have an “artistic experience”. As predicted, Escapism Use of Film was a significant predictor for Arty film genre. Watching films provides an enjoyable escape mechanism (Lehman et al, 1927), and most importantly, movies in general enable people to abandon the humdrums of everyday life (Hoolbrook & Hirschman, 1982).

    Surprisingly, Aggressive Use of Film explained some portion of the variance (although very small). One would expect that people who watch films to release aggression are more likely to watch violent movies. Thus, the Aggressive Use of Film motive and its positive relationship with preference for Arty films raises interesting questions.

    Sensation Seeking Use of Film was the main significant predictor for Horror genre film preference. In line with previous research (Hirschman, 1987), sensual/sensory 119 arousal is characterised mainly by preferences for violent, sexual or exciting content, supporting the notion that people who seek stimulation would consume exciting films, such as Horror movies.

    The two other variables that accounted for a portion of the variance were Affiliation Use of Film and Boredom Avoidance Use of Film. The results imply that Horror movies are enjoyed in the company of others, whilst the Boredom Avoidance motive suggests that people watch Horror movies for the purpose of passing time (Potts et al, 1996). Boredom avoidance is also linked to Sensation Seeking Use of film, which has been found to relate to preference for Horror movies.

    Hedonistic Use of Film was revealed as explaining the largest portion of the variance for the prediction of Mainstream genre film preference. This supports the notion that individuals who watch a movie with the motive of seeking pleasure will have an appetite for the consumption of “uplifting” movies (Kerrigan, 2010). Thus, mainstream films should propel individuals to maintain positive emotions via the context of the themes i.e. fun, happy and “feel-good”.

    Another significant predictor for preference for Mainstream films was Agreeableness. Although research on Agreeableness and its relationship with film preferences lacks empirical evidence, one would assume that Agreeable individuals (who are often described as altruistic and straightforward) would perhaps be expected to watch films more for hedonic purposes, as they are generally more likely to experience positive emotions. Hence, “feel-good” Mainstream movies may best fill this criterion.

    Although modest predictors, it was surprising to see that Aggressive Use of Film and Openness were correlated with preference for Mainstream movies. One would not usually assume that people who have the motive to release aggression will choose to consume a Mainstream movie. Furthermore, Open individuals are more likely to watch a film for the purpose of aesthetic appreciation, something that Mainstream films do not usually offer. Thus, these results raise a number of questions deserving of further research.

    Finally, in regards to romantic compatibility, all of the hypotheses were supported, offering valuable insight into romantic compatibility and its role in film preferences. The intra-correlations for Arty, Horror and Mainstream films were all significant, which reinforces the proposition that individuals in relationships share similar ideas and beliefs (Byrne & Nelson, 1965a).

    An important research question posed by this study was the extent to which the Big Five personality traits and the uses of film dimensions are related to film preferences. The results indicated that overall, when both measures are considered, several variables account for the role in predicting film preferences. For the Arty film genre, the variables of Openness, Escapism Use of Film and Aggressive Use of Film accounted for 13.3% of the variance. For the Horror genre of film, Sensation Seeking Use of Film, Affiliation Use of Film and Boredom Avoidance Use of Film accounted for 22% of the variance. Finally, for the Mainstream genre of film, Hedonistic Use of Film, Agreeableness, Aggressive Use of Film, Openness, Catharsis Use of Film and Escapism Use of Film accounted for 32% of the variance. Overall, this study indicates that both the Big Five personality measure and the Use of Film Inventory can, to some degree, predict consumer choice in movies. However, it should also be noted that although these variables are an important factor in predicting film preferences, other factors must be essential.

  5. #5
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I have no real preference:
    Crazy comedies (quality ones), mind twisting stuff (=can be anything).

    My IEI sister is very found of gore... I find them bit disturbing.

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Relating Personality Types with User Preferences in Multiple Entertainment Domains
    Iván Cantador1, Ignacio Fernández-Tobías1, Alejandro Bellogín1,2
    1 Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    2 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, Netherlands (pdf link)

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Relating Personality Types with User Preferences in Multiple Entertainment Domains
    Iván Cantador1, Ignacio Fernández-Tobías1, Alejandro Bellogín1,2
    1 Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    2 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, Netherlands (pdf link)

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    Horror more Ni base.

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    Se base here. Can only sit down and actually watch action and crime stuff. Lots of violence, realism, and not just talk and reflection but action of some kind put between the realistic dialogues, tend to be my favorite and will probably catch my attention for real. I have no patience to watch animes, nor drama and other genres that most people like, since I was a teenager

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    psych thriller, sci-f- and fantasy

  11. #11
    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    I chose not to watch movies at all some years ago as I see more benefit for self-development in focusing on few selected favorite interests and ignoring everything else than trying to be a bit of everything.

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    Also why is pop all faint red? Or just plain white
    Everyone dislikes or is likely to like pop? Idk what how to interpret those results but it does make me suspicious of the whole thing if it is social desirability effect or whatever else
    that “popular” music is not popular (?)

  13. #13
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I like rom-coms and I hate horror. I don't even like realistic movies all that much. Actually, my favorite thing to watch is the "Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner" cartoons by Chuck Jones, and after that, science videos on YouTube.

    I am LIE-Te, e8w7, sx/so, but I also grew up with a lot of unpredictable and uncontrollable violence during my childhood, and therefore I have a hard time having a reasoned and moderated response to immersive, realistic-looking violence. Cartoon violence, however, is fine.

    In this area, I wish I were more like the SLEs, who seem to be able to "level up" against physical threats, never escalating more than is necessary.

    In movies, I've noticed that I tend to immerse myself in the role of the main character and that my internal physical state mirrors, or even amplifies, those feelings of the protagonists. When I watched the Normandy beach scene in "Saving Private Ryan", about halfway through, I realized that I had climbed halfway back over my theater seat to get away from the bullets.
    In real life, my response to physical threats that cross some subtle line is to go nuclear. This is not an appropriate response and I am loathe to admit it, but it's what I seem to do. I think I have papered over some pretty bad trauma in order to, most of the time, appear normal.

    Post Script:
    In reflecting on what I wrote above, it's almost as if I'm the character Deadpool (an EIE), who normally laughs at violence and threats because he experienced so much of them already (they are what made him Deadpool), and he defends himself against his feelings by joking about them.
    "Yeah, you can rip my arms off and you can punch me in the face, but you can never affect the TRUE me. Nyah nah nah and you look ridiculous."
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-23-2024 at 06:01 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I like rom-coms and I hate horror. I don't even like realistic movies all that much. Actually, my favorite thing to watch is the "Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner" cartoons by Chuck Jones, and after that, science videos on YouTube.

    I am LIE-Te, e8w7, sx/so, but I also grew up with a lot of unpredictable and uncontrollable violence during my childhood, and therefore I have a hard time having a reasoned and moderated response to immersive, realistic-looking violence.

    In this area, I wish I were more like the SLEs, who seem to be able to "level up" against physical threats, never escalating more than is necessary.

    In movies, I've noticed that I tend to immerse myself in the role of the main character and that my internal physical state mirrors, or even amplifies, those feelings of the protagonists. When I watched the Normandy beach scene in "Saving Private Ryan", about halfway through, I realized that I had climbed halfway back over my theater seat to get away from the bullets.
    In real life, my response to physical threats that cross some subtle line is to go nuclear. This is not an appropriate response and I am loathe to admit it, but it's what I seem to do. I think I have papered over some pretty bad trauma in order to, most of the time, appear normal.
    How can you be Te base and sx8?

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    Quote Originally Posted by misanthropex6 View Post
    How can you be Te base and sx8?
    DamnifIknow. But every test I've ever taken, and I've take a lot of them, says the same thing. Te base and e8w7 sx.

    e8w7 is supposed to be "the Justice Fighter", and I think I turned out that way because I was denied justice as a kid, and I either put everything on the line and fought back, or I went under. And I didn't go under.

    I will say that I'm not like any other LIE that I know, and I know almost thirty LIEs. I'm harder, more practical, more assertive, and I think I scare them a little bit, which is not good because it interferes with me getting what I want.
    At the same time, I'm much too victimy to be an SLE, even though IEIs seem to like me in a limited way. So,

    I have pictures posted somewhere on this forum, along with the results of many tests, so you could judge for yourself if you think I'm LIE-Te e8 sx. I just don't know where they are right now.
    Maybe I can find some links.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-23-2024 at 06:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    DamnifIknow. But every test I've ever taken, and I've take a lot of them, says the same thing. Te base and e8w7 sx.

    e8w7 is supposed to be "the Justice Fighter", and I think I turned out that way because I was denied justice as a kid, and I either fought back with everything on the line, or I went under. And I didn't go under.

    I will say that I'm not like any other LIE that I know, and I know almost thirty LIEs. I'm harder, more practical, more assertive, and I think I scare them a little bit, which is not good because it interferes with me getting what I want.
    At the same time, I'm much too victimy to be an SLE. So,
    You're probably mistyped in one of those systems. It's not too wise to trust too much in these tests, always better to read the actual descriptions of the types made by typology names to better understand them. Te base can only be enneagram 1 and 3. 8 is conjunction with Se base. Otherwise it turns contradictory. sx8 in particular is an enneatype rarely seen in SLEs actually, but actually more common and logical for SEEs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by misanthropex6 View Post
    You're probably mistyped in one of those systems. It's not too wise to trust too much in these tests, always better to read the actual descriptions of the types made by typology names to better understand them. Te base can only be enneagram 1 and 3. 8 is conjunction with Se base. Otherwise it turns contradictory. sx8 in particular is an enneatype rarely seen in SLEs actually, but actually more common and logical for SEEs.
    If I'm mis-typed, I'm mis-typed consistently.

    Regarding your link to the Sexual 8, here is how I see myself:
    And again:*
    And a masculine/feminine test:

    and here is how my latest GF sees me, since she sent me this picture (she, and actually all my GFs, tells me that I think too much about sex):

    And here are a few pictures of me:,,,,,,,

    And here is a link to my personality profile, which says that I do resemble SEEs and SLEs much more than LIEs normally do:

    Here is my enneagram test:,

    And a link to my instinct test. Sx cares about one good relationship, So cares about the team, and Sp cares about stuff. Even though I have a lot of stuff, I don't really care about it. All I need is my brain and a credit card, and I could rebuild tomorrow.

    Now you know everything about me.

    Post Script:
    When a person has an enhanced extroverted function, as I do with my Te, it tends to enhance all the extroverted functions, which in my case is Se and Ne, and I can fake Fe for about ten minutes, which is just long enough to convince the audience to put their money in.


    I think that the first picture is how I'd like to be; a lover and protector of an awesome woman.
    The second picture is how I see my relationship with the world. The astronaut says, "I've come back, and I'm coming for you."
    LIEs have been said to resemble kings who have lost their kingdom and are fighting to regain it.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-23-2024 at 07:12 PM.

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    "LIEs have been said to resemble kings who have lost their kingdom and are fighting to regain it."

    don't you think that this whole kingdom and warrior symbolism is rather typical for the beta quadra and not gamma? gamma are democratic, so why would they even see themselves as king or knight in the first place. reminds me of how Jack claims to be an ILE yet has as profile picture with a crown here. you ain't fooling me beta knights!
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    I am pretty sure I am beta and I love anything with lots of drama, violence and sex.

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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    "LIEs have been said to resemble kings who have lost their kingdom and are fighting to regain it."

    don't you think that this whole kingdom and warrior symbolism is rather typical for the beta quadra and not gamma? gamma are democratic, so why would they even see themselves as king or knight in the first place. reminds me of how Jack claims to be an ILE yet has as profile picture with a crown here. you ain't fooling me beta knights!
    Hey, I didn't say it. Michael Pierce said it. You should take your questions up with him, not me.

    Personally, I look at the world and try to understand how it works, so I can do things with it. And the best things to do are done through other people, and other people do their absolute best work when they decide that helping me to accomplish my goals will help them accomplish their goals.

    I know that's not a very "kingdom and warrior" thing, but I do pursue some of my goals like military campaigns. There is an objective, there are resources to bring to bear on the problem, and there are time and cost constraints on solving it.
    Most military analysts (like this guy:, by Phillips Payson O'Brien) will tell you that wars are won or lost on logistics, not on strategy. Business is exactly the same.

    Here is a link to a discussion regarding what wins wars: It isn't glorious causes or bravery.

    Michael Pierce, incidentally, actually self-types as an IEI.

    Here you go: Statement at 3:13.

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-25-2024 at 02:06 AM.

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