Si edition:

I have some difficulty swallowing, I need to drink some water with many dry foods that others seem to eat easily without any drink. I was also afraid of swallowing pills as a child, my mother had to crush even tiny ones, got courage to end this habit later but sometimes they get stuck somewhere in my throat.

As a child I had a habit of picking between my teeth, sometimes to blood, it felt itchy in a good way and was quite addicting, I only stopped because I worried I may damage something.

Sometimes strong stress causes interesting physical sensations, I remember that I felt like something was burning inside my head when I've done something bad in elementary school, some time ago some very important event made my hands go numb, later it repeated in some less stressing situations, like that first occurrence activated this reaction for some time.

Since maybe 3 years I have this thing that I recall some smells out of nowhere, like a deja vu but only about smell.

I can't stand any bitter food. Grapefruits, coffee etc., just

Sometimes when I'm sleepy or bored I read with only one eye, the non-dominant one is just unfocused and ignored, feels like less effort than the usual way.

My only health problems are myopia, headache around once a month, some dull pain above my ankle and pain I think in my esophagus that radiates to the back and jaw with similar frequency, also some weird pulsating under my skin in random places. It's been happening for years and doesn't get worse so rather nothing to worry about.

Sometimes touching some parts of my body gives me some weird stingy sensation in my throat, happens rarely and randomly without reason.

Once when I was a child I was eating dinner and I felt my elbow got unusually wet, I looked at it and saw a lot of blood, it was a bit shocking as I have no idea how it happened, I didn't feel any pain.

My mind is very creative when I'm falling asleep, I often get some great ideas then but I want to sleep and don't feel like getting up to write them up, so much potential gets wasted

When I'm alone and I think about something exciting I'm running and jumping a lot, it feels natural to express emotions this way.

When I have to wake up early I always skip breakfast, I just don't feel hungry in the morning, sometimes even nauseous if I slept too short. It doesn't affect my performance in any way, in fact I usually feel more hungry and tired later in the day if I ate breakfast, maybe I'm genetically made for fasting or something.