when i was a small child i would collect worms in the backyard after every rain, but my dad forbid me from doing it after he saw that i kept them as pets and kissed them.

i had a speech impediment that caused me to drop the first letter from every word, ie. "mouse" would be "ouse" and for that reason i went to special ed learning as a toddler where i was prompted to look at words and pictures and pronounce them. and in that way i learned to read when i was 3. in a kind of hardcore way because the doctor walked in to see a 3 year old reading something he had laying out about medicine he referred my parents to an iq test. it makes me wonder about hyperlexia after hearing that another indicator is weirdly early memories and i always KNEW that my memory of being 6 months old in my mother's arms was real.

less flattering neuro quirks i possess are maladaptive daydreaming (just a tiny bit now. but like talking to myself in public when i was a teenager)
and wolfbiting/finger skin gnawing (i stopped after i was in coma. started up again on purpose because i was yearning so badly to be my 'old self' again hehe. it's a much milder habit now, though.)

i've only seen the gulf of mexico and no other portion of the ocean. i swam in it and my primary takeaway was the ridiculousness of swimming in water so salty.

i keep editing this post and i realized i'm not enjoying myself anymore but i'd like to say more, so maybe i'll make another one.