I lived in a foreign country as a teen, my mothers country. It's a shithole, hated it and will never return.

I'm entirely self taught in all subjects that I know as I had to drop out of elementary school due to rough childhood and my parents didn't help me with learning at all. I initially started my self learning by devouring a 1997 Oxford Encyclopedia religiously, as it was my only entertainment. Got high school equivalency as an adult and my knowledge of all subjects minus math surpass most people I meet, including college grads. My math is raw ass however and I forget how to do it often which requires me to brush up on it very frequently to retain it.

I met Ryan Reynolds when I worked at Starbucks a long time ago. He ordered a black coffee, give a tip, and left.

I was a hair away from becoming an LDS missionary, in the middle of the process and everything, but bailed last second to move across the country to work for Scientology instead as at that point my faith was nonexistent and was only still LDS due to wanting to maintain my friendships. I strongly miss the social life of the LDS church, nothing compares.