Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
How do you separate the "chaff" from the "wheat" as it were? I mean, I'm the mirror of your dual here. I look similar, talk similar, and even think in similar terms. Yet my dual is your mirror. How do you tell the two apart? How do you zero in on my mirror when I'm still right there? These relations, so easy to make a grave error. How do you know that you've hit the jackpot? We can both easily fuck up here and if @Adam Strange and his experience has any weight we'd both ultimately make each other unhappy somehow. We were so close! Yet so very far away from the Nirvana of duality...

And the friend zone, how do you go about that? Inquiring minds wish to know. I'm sure I'm an E5 so yeah, feed me info, I can't not like that. I need to know... What went wrong?
To be honest, I'm hardly looking for a relationship. Even if i were, it would be with someone i already had known for a while and liked a lot. So, separating the two isn't significant in that way to me. I hardly prefer LIE over ILI to begin with. For instance, LIE is more combative. In that way, ILIs can be easier to get along with.
That said, the difference isn't that hard. LIEs react quicker and offer up more information. ILIs seem more avoidant. Their judgments about relations are more thought out but they are easier to persuade. LIEs have a sensitivity to social groups. They'll go out of their way to tell people what to do if it disrupts what they think is appropriate, especially if they think someone else in the group that they respect thinks they should. ILIs have duals that are ti polr. So they might criticize someone for acting out, they don't really care. They criticize activities and LIEs criticize logic. ILIs just direct the logic and are more likely to direct (help people) with thinking while LIEs are more likely to help people with which activities are better. ILIs might say "don't do that, it's a waste of time while LIEs say. "if you're looking for the best way, do this thing).
As for the friend zone, all people get friend zoned by me eventually. Generally by being too pushy and ignoring my preferences. I'm very direct so if i want something I'll say so. Also, i want to be the one to control my relationships. Sometimes the person does nothing wrong and I'm just bored.