Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
Maybe I just like attention?
Now that you've got some, I sure as hell hope for the both of us that you know what to do with it. That which you got right more certainly than anything else is that which you've shown the least certainty towards. Which segues smoothly into the next issue:

Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
I'm going to continue posting videos and providing modest commentary
You can't continue "providing modest commentary" because you never began. You've compared yourself to Mozart, Jesus, and Einstein, you've said you came to retype everyone who was supposedly mistyped as if you were some sort of savior of Socionics, and then you said your ultimate motivation was to make money. As I said before, Pod'Lair beat you there. And as far as the ridiculous messiah persecution mania on your end goes, you haven't been persecuted like Mozart as much as you've been pelted with rocks like Chad Kroeger, you haven't been crucified like Jesus as much as you've been beseiged like David Koresh, and you haven't been... hell, I don't even know what type of supposed victimization you're going for with the "Einstein" thing...

Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
the reason why I provide such little evidence to support my claims is because it is difficult for me to put in words why I think someone is a particular type.
You'd save your ass a lot if you at least made an attempt. You've been gallivanting around the boards, retyping everyone without any consideration for the system itself, let alone the members. If you don't actively attempt to clear the opacity of the black box operation you're running, someone's gonna try to smash the whole damned thing open for you.

There's a lot of people on here whose conclusions I disagree with, but I've seen, in one way or another, a certain methodology of theirs that differs from mine in such a way that their entire operations slice across mine perpendicularly, and I have particular things I check for in regards to my own typings based on what they end up with. Without going into further details, this is one thing that has been a thorn in my side in regards to me using the SEE configuration in regards to self-type for years, and there's a reason I phrased my sentence in that manner. I don't "think" of anyone as a "type", I find whatever type configuration I find to fit best for a person, and I use it. The difference is large, and it's fucking important. Finding the difference out for yourself, if you're currently unaware that there is one, can be the first of hopefully many steps in the journey of you learning to cool it with the wild speculative long-jumps to nowhere or worse.

Having said that, and due to multiple events in my world that, in part, comprise this crazy assed thing called life, I'm gonna publicly relax my Se-SEE typing just in time for you to constructively and proactively make a case for something. You've got one week. Rock me, Amadeus.