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    Default Member Questionnaire (OctoberForest)

    Type me yoooo
    What is beauty? What is love?
    (Firstly, I'm sorry if I'm dumb, or ignorant, or annoying: I'm just trying to learn. )

    I often feel...unqualified to answer these questions. Perhaps it's a certain time in my life (I'm 15) where I'm unsure of most things; and therefore such an open question would lead me to second-guess or constantly re-evaluate my decisions, even if they are instinctive.

    Beauty is so subjective; but I think it's also sometimes on a sliding scale of subjectivity. Sometimes we can feel a common feeling of beauty is something that is so much more than aesthetically pleasing: whether it be a song that speaks how we feel; a piece of artwork that comforts or awes; or the smile of a loved one. However, not every song will speak to me like it does to you; not every piece of artwork may soothe my brain like it does yours; and hell, you may not have any loved ones, so the latter is not beautiful to you. So while we can feel a common ground in the sense of beauty, beauty is inherently too subjective to be defined as a completely common factor within - as that's what beauty is: within. It also may take many shapes and forms and feelings and thoughts: I cannot attest for anyone else on what they find beautiful, for I have only one true perspective: my own. This may seem counter-intuitive to what I wrote earlier; but I still think that people find a lot of common ground in some senses of beauty; but their own true sense is indescribable and non-reciprocal to others.

    Love...I'm often confused about love - the only thing I know for certain is that it's a chemical reaction in the brain - but it links to beauty in a lot of ways, I think. I'm wary to say more of it because I don't feel like i'm old enough to make too many comments on love (and "tru luv!!") what can I say, I'm confused a lot of the time.
    What are your most important values?
    I'm not sure if I have many...they always seem to change with new information or new ways of thinking...however, keeping an open mind is one of my biggest values. With an open mind, one is always re-evaluating and learning and thinking; the mere concept of being open-minded also signifies humility and intelligence. Thus, it can be said that all of my values stem from one core one: if you keep an open mind, you treat people as individuals, as you pay no heed to stereotypes or other's impressions of the person before you've met him. And although it is human nature to latch onto an ideology, with keeping an open mind you can separate what is dogma to what is the truth; what is harmful, what is good. And also, you can fully accept that sometimes people just accept is, like I said, human nature: and i'm not going to pretend i've never made a mistake; nor will I pretend that everything I think or say will be the absolute truth. Always learning, and human mistakes are human nature; open-mindedness forgives this.

    (i feel like I've said that phrase too much...bleh)

    So yeah, I guess I'm pretty big on thinking for yourself, being open-minded, and treating people as individuals; and not as a race, a gender, a social background etc.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Not really. I don't like religion as a whole (the actual teachings, not the people) and feel as if it's interesting to study to see how much influence it has had, or what its core values are; but indulging in it seems quite dangerous. I feel no need for religion; nor do I feel any need to believe in a god.

    I'd call myself agnostic. I don't know enough about the universe to make a judgement; nor does anyone. Perhaps the universe is way too complex for puny human brains to even begin to comprehend. Perhaps another universe is a cause of this one; or this one, a cause of another. Maybe it expands, gets to a point of maximum expansion, then shrinks again. But then where did everything originally come from? Something can't come from nothing...or so we think. Then again, by that logic, a creator can't come from nothing; rendering the belief in any god invalid.

    But I can't make these statements because I do not know. Maybe God is the energy; the relentless lifeforce that makes this Universe work. Maybe he is the creator; maybe neither. I simply do not know, so I don't attach any belief to anything. All I have is speculation; which is what the above is.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Of course! Having a healthy body and a healthy mind is important; both are too complex to not have functioning properly: so many things rely on it. Besides, learning about nutrition is extremely interesting.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I wish I could find a way where I didn't have to do it. I wish I could invent a system that made them unnecessary...but I'm too lazy and too dumb

    So yeah, I find them monotonous and dull.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I recently read Revolutionary Road. What a fantastic book

    Yates's prose is the best thing I've ever read. As I was reading alone, I realised how fantastic some of the sentences were and how I'd love to be able to write like that, and it just made my mind whizz. For people to manipulate language to evoke such understanding and realisation in a well as that, the book has some really insightful knowledge into the human psyche; the choices we make, the thing we use to justify these choices, what happiness is.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I felt like crying today because I looked at my school picture and I was really ugly. lol.

    It's just quite depressing, not liking the way how you look: and I can't blame the media for unrealistic body expectations, because I'd be happy to just be a 6/10. Hell. (Oh god, I know you can't place any sort of objectivity onto subjective beauty: but like I said, my perception is screwed; and the general consensus seems to place me as average. Idk if they're being kind or not, and idek why it matters so much, but it does.)

    Plenty of things make me smile: a joke, a realisation, a good thought, anticipation, pure joy, etc, etc. The chance to learn something new; sharing good memories with friends, all that jazz. An amazing journey of thoughts and emotions; a particularly smart goes on.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I'm not sure whether a sense of belonging is purely down to the environment; it all seems to be a state of mind for me. Of course, I like nature - I'm in love with forests and mountains - but I also like cities, rural environments...I enjoy a sense of novelty, and adventure, and serenity. These places seem to give space for thinking and breathing and even comfort; but that could just be a state-of-mind influenced thing. A lot of people who don't live in the greatest places still feel like they belong. There are a lot of factors; but it does seem to boil down to an overall state of mind.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I'mma just copy and paste what my friend said (I can't write about myself.)

    "You're funny. Intelligent. Amazingly perspective at times. Very open minded and not judgmental. You have a thirst of knowledge and a craving to understand the world. You have a tight grip on reality but know when you need to loosen up. However because of this you can get distracted and cease talking to people. Sometimes you let logic get in the way of emotion and you tend to dismiss your emotion because of that. You don't open up to people because of that.

    You try your best to not lash out of people and avoid confrontation when you can. When you do get in an argument, you try not to let your emotion get in the way and argue your points almost stubbornly. Despite this, you can feel doubtful of yourself, and feel self-conscious afterwards."
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    That they'd be susceptible to not thinking for themselves, and miserable. I'd teach my child to think for themselves, and to analyse and question everything. Love and a community is immensely important, of course, but with critical thinking, a child could ask: is this community actually good? Can it change? Are its agendas right? Such values as love and forgiveness are important; more so when paired with knowledge and critical thinking.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I shall chastise him with the valour of my tongue.

    Well, I'd like to analyse what they said first...context and all. If they are truly wrong, I won't hesitate to have a little debate about it; and i'll most likely be relentless, yet I'll try not to be too much of a dick about it. Sometimes I think I go a little all out and I may or may not feel bad about it afterwards, even if I know I'm right...I'll only use what I see to be a logical standpoint; and even though it's illogical to be sorry for others being upset by logic (lol) I'd still feel bad afterwards.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I prefer to see people as individuals, like I said, but I cannot deny that within a group there is a certain mindset - how could it not be so?

    I often feel removed from society. I exist within it but do not always wish to conform to its ideals. I want to work to make it better...yet still feel not completely attached to it. It's like I exist in my own little bubble of thoughts and ideas, and society just exists and something i'm aware of but do not partake in.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    Morales, outlook, intelligence?

    We go to the same school and just sort of gravitated toward one another. I don't really have any friends outside of school.

    I behave myself around them: I think I may keep the, um, "deeper" (wow, much pretence, such arrogance, wow) parts to myself. I sort of go quiet and in a bubble when upset, despite wanting to tell someone about it. The awkwardness of adolescence (or, perhaps just me) dictates this as to be unattainable for now, though.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Cordial; a lot more reserved than friends.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post

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    I don't subscribe to the information metabolism model, so I'm not going to say you have dominant Ni or anything like that. I'm only saying you have alot of Ni. I'll show you where:
    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Type me yoooo
    What is beauty? What is love?
    (Firstly, I'm sorry if I'm dumb, or ignorant, or annoying: I'm just trying to learn. )

    The way you inwardly consider multiple perspectives on everything in an attempt to see the bigger picture is characteristic of Ni, not Ne.
    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    I often feel...unqualified to answer these questions. Perhaps it's a certain time in my life (I'm 15) where I'm unsure of most things; and therefore such an open question would lead me to second-guess or constantly re-evaluate my decisions, even if they are instinctive.
    More of the same.. second guessing, reevaluating, trying to see more perspectives, trying to see the greater perspective. You do this throughout the whole thing, really.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Beauty is so subjective; but I think it's also sometimes on a sliding scale of subjectivity. Sometimes we can feel a common feeling of beauty is something that is so much more than aesthetically pleasing: whether it be a song that speaks how we feel; a piece of artwork that comforts or awes; or the smile of a loved one. However, not every song will speak to me like it does to you; not every piece of artwork may soothe my brain like it does yours; and hell, you may not have any loved ones, so the latter is not beautiful to you. So while we can feel a common ground in the sense of beauty, beauty is inherently too subjective to be defined as a completely common factor within - as that's what beauty is: within. It also may take many shapes and forms and feelings and thoughts: I cannot attest for anyone else on what they find beautiful, for I have only one true perspective: my own. This may seem counter-intuitive to what I wrote earlier; but I still think that people find a lot of common ground in some senses of beauty; but their own true sense is indescribable and non-reciprocal to others.
    The way you use language is very... complex, technical, and interconnected. That's the way Ni types speak. Usually Ne types speak in a more settled way. They don't really justify the ins and outs of everything in an interconnected way.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Love...I'm often confused about love - the only thing I know for certain is that it's a chemical reaction in the brain - but it links to beauty in a lot of ways, I think. I'm wary to say more of it because I don't feel like i'm old enough to make too many comments on love (and "tru luv!!") what can I say, I'm confused a lot of the time.
    You have a very material, factual view on love. Love is a combination of chemical processes... Many people have more objective perspectives on love than you do. Etc. It's a matter of evidence and material objectivity, it's Te here. If I had to give you a type I'd say ILI.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    What are your most important values?
    I'm not sure if I have many...they always seem to change with new information or new ways of thinking...however, keeping an open mind is one of my biggest values. With an open mind, one is always re-evaluating and learning and thinking; the mere concept of being open-minded also signifies humility and intelligence. Thus, it can be said that all of my values stem from one core one: if you keep an open mind, you treat people as individuals, as you pay no heed to stereotypes or other's impressions of the person before you've met him. And although it is human nature to latch onto an ideology, with keeping an open mind you can separate what is dogma to what is the truth; what is harmful, what is good. And also, you can fully accept that sometimes people just accept is, like I said, human nature: and i'm not going to pretend i've never made a mistake; nor will I pretend that everything I think or say will be the absolute truth. Always learning, and human mistakes are human nature; open-mindedness forgives this.

    This open mindedness is common to types with Se. One can only remain completely open to the moment of experience; the true nature of the moment can never fully translate beyond that moment. So there are no real categories, or stereotypes... only the experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    (i feel like I've said that phrase too much...bleh)
    This feeling of uncertainty and lack of confidence is common to Ni types, who tend to overthink different perspectives and subject themselves to criticism.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    So yeah, I guess I'm pretty big on thinking for yourself, being open-minded, and treating people as individuals; and not as a race, a gender, a social background etc.
    Ni & Se again
    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Not really. I don't like religion as a whole (the actual teachings, not the people) and feel as if it's interesting to study to see how much influence it has had, or what its core values are; but indulging in it seems quite dangerous. I feel no need for religion; nor do I feel any need to believe in a god.

    I'd call myself agnostic. I don't know enough about the universe to make a judgement; nor does anyone. Perhaps the universe is way too complex for puny human brains to even begin to comprehend. Perhaps another universe is a cause of this one; or this one, a cause of another. Maybe it expands, gets to a point of maximum expansion, then shrinks again. But then where did everything originally come from? Something can't come from nothing...or so we think. Then again, by that logic, a creator can't come from nothing; rendering the belief in any god invalid.

    A pretty typical viewpoint of Ni, which sees religion as arbitrary.. not globalized enough. Particularly coupled with Te a person becomes agnostic, more interested in what really impacts them - evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    But I can't make these statements because I do not know. Maybe God is the energy; the relentless lifeforce that makes this Universe work. Maybe he is the creator; maybe neither. I simply do not know, so I don't attach any belief to anything. All I have is speculation; which is what the above is.
    Ni applied to spiritual matters eventually realizes more of a global religion... merging science with religion, and things like this. It can find an overall social/economic meaning in religion.
    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Of course! Having a healthy body and a healthy mind is important; both are too complex to not have functioning properly: so many things rely on it. Besides, learning about nutrition is extremely interesting.
    Some Si as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I wish I could find a way where I didn't have to do it. I wish I could invent a system that made them unnecessary...but I'm too lazy and too dumb
    So yeah, I find them monotonous and dull.
    This sort of time management; systemizing and organizing it mentally is typical of Ni.

    There's alot more but I think I have done enough to feel confident.
    Just to be a dick:
    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    EDIT: Going by your astrology chart I'm gona say Te & Ni are your main functions, mainly Ni, with some Se and Si. ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post

    It'll be interesting to see if anyone else jumps in here...

    Is the indecisiveness thing (how I want to consider every perspective) part of my Ni; I can't choose because of the Ni?


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    For what it's worth, although you have alot of Ni, you also have Se.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    For what it's worth, although you have alot of Ni, you also have Se.
    It's odd...where you pointed out Ni, others have pointed out Ne; likewise with Se and Fi.

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    Ne doesnt shift perspectives inwardly. Ne tries to find a balance between multiple obligations. It's external... It's more of a negotiator than a systemizer.
    Last edited by rat1; 12-10-2013 at 03:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    Ne doesnt shift perspectives inwardly. Ne tries to find a balance between multiple obligations. It's external... It's more of a negotiator than a systemizer.
    Hmm, OK...

    I mean, perhaps the Ne in me (whether or not I have a lot of it) is manifesting in the way that I want more opinions on this questionnaire - not that I disregard yours; it'd just be good to see multiple perspectives.

    Based on what you see, what would be a reasonable typing for me?

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    That isn't Ne, it's Se. If it were Ne you'd be settling on an idea. For you the appeal of multiple perspectives is not rooted in an idea, because you have no idea; the appeal is of the experience... placing you at the center of attention. You are sort of ambivalent toward your Ni and desire Se.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    That isn't Ne, it's Se. If it were Ne you'd be settling on an idea. For you the appeal of multiple perspectives is not rooted in an idea, because you have no idea; the appeal is of the experience... placing you at the center of attention. You are sort of ambivalent toward your Ni and desire Se.
    But the multiple ideas will help me cement the idea, no?

    I'm not all that willing to be at the centre of attention; I genuinely do want multiple perspectives.

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    Yes, and Se can form a feedback loop with Ni.

    So you gather raw experience and then inwardly form it into an interconnected picture. That's not Ne, it's Ni & Se.

    Ne is more about externally arranging elements.

    Ne doesn't need to seek out something to sort through it inwardly. The information it deals with is already there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    They will, I just don't think you really have an idea.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting raw experience... wanting to be in the spotlight.
    I do...ENFp. From consideration, I believe I have decent Fi...I want this confirmed or denied. I've used the experience and my slight knowledge of the theory to sort of decipher my type...but I believe i'm, like I said, too here-and-there to be completely solid. I am changing too much, really, and since I'm young I don't have a great grasp of myself.

    Not denying Se; I just haven't really identified with it much.

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    Stop doing socionics forever. Thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    Stop doing socionics forever. Thanks
    Can't "do" socionics till I learn it.

    Edit: Just saw your edit. I understand what you're saying~

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    Since you can't do socionics, don't do it. Ignore socionics entirely... leave this board.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    Since you can't do socionics, don't do it. Ignore socionics entirely... leave this board.
    Think I may just lurk around, try and learn, y'know...

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    I'm being compassionate when I make that suggestion, but of course do as you will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    I'm being compassionate when I make that suggestion, but of course do as you will.
    Um, sure...

    Thanks for the help

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    Gonna bump this thread up again. Sorry y'all.

    Apparently I have alpha quadra qualities; thoughts?

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    Feel free to stick around and learn a little, but I wouldn't expect you to be able to type yourself properly. There's too much changing at 15. Cognitively, you're like a stirred drink at the moment, give the particles a few years to settle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Narc View Post
    Feel free to stick around and learn a little, but I wouldn't expect you to be able to competently type yourself properly. Cognitively, you're like a stirred drink at the moment, give the particles a few years to settle.
    That's fair enough. Damned adolescent brain.

    Thank you, though. I'll lurk around :3

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    rat's a bit of a stick in the mud and very touchy.

    I instantly like your posts, for the record. you seem like a nice kid.

    also so far I think you could be any quadra but beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    rat's a bit of a stick in the mud and very touchy.

    I instantly like your posts, for the record. you seem like a nice kid.

    also so far I think you could be any quadra but beta.
    Hm, yeah, he did seem a little unsettled...trying to think of what I said that offended him but it's coming up blank.

    Thank you very much

    Of all the types I'm considering, i've narrowed it down to: ENFp, ESFp, ISFP, INFj (perhaps the last one is a bit of a stretch) I mean, I'm probably xxFp; but like Narc says, I'll have to wait till I'm a little more...settled. :3

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Of all the types I'm considering, i've narrowed it down to: ENFp, ESFp, ISFP, INFj (perhaps the last one is a bit of a stretch) I mean, I'm probably xxFp; but like Narc says, I'll have to wait till I'm a little more...settled. :3
    That's a rather wide range of types; you're looking at , , , , and , all of which (save IEE and EII) are from completely different quadras. Looking into the IM elements and getting away from the dichotomies is a good start if you want some better possibilities to work with.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    That's a rather wide range of types; you're looking at , , , , and , all of which (save IEE and EII) are from completely different quadras. Looking into the IM elements and getting away from the dichotomies is a good start if you want some better possibilities to work with.
    I think I still have MBTI theory in the back of my mind: lurking away, influencing my decisions when i'm trying to adapt to socionics.

    Since I now have types to consider, I'll look into the quadras. I was lost before. (as long as those types seem reasonable to me, that is..?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    I think I still have MBTI theory in the back of my mind: lurking away, influencing my decisions when i'm trying to adapt to socionics.
    Most of the people here were once infected with the MBTI virus

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Since I now have types to consider, I'll look into the quadras. I was lost before. (as long as those types seem reasonable to me, that is..?)
    I'd especially recommend you to look at the valued pairs Ni/Se, Ne/Si, Ti/Fe, Te/Fi maybe one springs out and you're sure you don't value it (or do). I could for example rule Ni/Se out what left me with four types because I was sure to be a logical type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    Most of the people here were once infected with the MBTI virus
    Good to hear other people feel a sort of disdain to it too it seems to be less about understanding the theory and more of loading stereotypes (false ones at that) onto people...I've been typed as Ne so many times, when i may not be. Other people have told me I've been typed as Ne because of the bias that exists - y'know, if you're random and intelligent (not saying this is true, this is what other people have said. I hope they're right ) you must be Ne! It seems as if Sensors are inferior lifeforms, which pisses me off. They're actual equal people here!

    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    I'd especially recommend you to look at the valued pairs Ni/Se, Ne/Si, Ti/Fe, Te/Fi maybe one springs out and you're sure you don't value it (or do). I could for example rule Ni/Se out what left me with four types because I was sure to be a logical type.
    Hopefully I'll be able to at least rule some out. I never could in MNTI theory - all the functions seemed to have a place; never dominant in one, ideally equal in all...though I know this is false; my introspection is probably not realistic...

    cheers :3

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Good to hear other people feel a sort of disdain to it too it seems to be less about understanding the theory and more of loading stereotypes (false ones at that) onto people...I've been typed as Ne so many times, when i may not be. Other people have told me I've been typed as Ne because of the bias that exists - y'know, if you're random and intelligent (not saying this is true, this is what other people have said. I hope they're right ) you must be Ne! It seems as if Sensors are inferior lifeforms, which pisses me off. They're actual equal people here!
    I exactly know what you mean and feel with you . It's more the forum users fault than MBTI's fault but IMO MBTI and even more Keirsy highly incites to such behaviour.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Hopefully I'll be able to at least rule some out. I never could in MNTI theory - all the functions seemed to have a place; never dominant in one, ideally equal in all...though I know this is false; my introspection is probably not realistic...

    cheers :3
    Socionics is pretty rigid and every IE has his exact place. I wouldn't argue with someone who doesn't appreceate it because of its rigidness.
    I was confronted with MBTI the first time with 16 and I also couldn't relate to certain functions or types. Because interests are changinc a lot at this age people can see them in many types (I don't want to say that interests are bound to types)
    If you're interested just start to read different articles in the article section. There's the possibility that type, valued IEs(functions) etc. will peel out.

    Here's a link about quadras with some more specific descriptions if you are interested

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    I exactly know what you mean and feel with you . It's more the forum users fault than MBTI's fault but IMO MBTI and even more Keirsy highly incites to such behaviour.
    Goood and yeah; with the descriptions it's easy to see how people infer what they infer.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    Socionics is pretty rigid and every IE has his exact place. I wouldn't argue with someone who doesn't appreceate it because of its rigidness.
    I was confronted with MBTI the first time with 16 and I also couldn't relate to certain functions or types. Because interests are changinc a lot at this age people can see them in many types (I don't want to say that interests are bound to types)
    If you're interested just start to read different articles in the article section. There's the possibility that type, valued IEs(functions) etc. will peel out.

    Here's a link about quadras with some more specific descriptions if you are interested
    Thank you

    I've been talking to some people about what functions I value...ENFj, ENFp, and ENTp have been mentioned. I have to say, I do value Ne, Ti, Fi and Fe...but I'll have to look more. (damn procrastinator)

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    Goood and yeah; with the descriptions it's easy to see how people infer what they infer.

    Thank you

    I've been talking to some people about what functions I value...ENFj, ENFp, and ENTp have been mentioned. I have to say, I do value Ne, Ti, Fi and Fe...but I'll have to look more. (damn procrastinator)
    Were these people, people with mainly a socionics or MBTI background?

    IMO Fe and Fi are pretty similar in MBTI and Socionics while Se and especially Si are very different in MBTI and Socionics. Te and Ti are somehow similar in MBTI and Socionics but in MBTI Te seems harsher than Ti while in Socionics it's laid out how both can be very harsh in their own way.
    In Socionics valued doesn't mean strong e.g ENTp he has strong Ne,Ni, Ti and Te and weak Se,Si, Fi and Fe but he values Ne, Ti and Fe,Si even though the latter two are weak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post

    It'll be interesting to see if anyone else jumps in here...

    Is the indecisiveness thing (how I want to consider every perspective) part of my Ni; I can't choose because of the Ni?

    If you want to know where this indecisive/doubting quality of yours comes from then I'd suggest that you take a quick look at the enneagram too. I'm confident to say that my opinion is that you are a 6 in that. It's off-topic but my impression is that you seek to understand yourself further and as such it may be of interest to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    That's fair enough. Damned adolescent brain.

    Thank you, though. I'll lurk around :3
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your questionnaire. You seem to be a very sincere and genuine person. And it is true though, the brain of teenagers is different from that of adults (especially since you are in lower parts of teenage years), a lot of neurons will be shut down and more and more of the axons of your neurons will become covered in myelin in order to make the neural pathways more efficient. Socionics is geared towards adults so I imagine that it may be tricky to find your type.

    It feels so nostalgic to read it so I apologize if I talk too much about myself. You do remind me of myself when I was 13-15. Eerily so. Around the age of 16 I became successively more socially proactive and it led me to "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" on top of that natural inner state of sadness, melancholia and contemplation. Born as a philosopher. One major difference though is that I never shied away from confrontation but I suspect that growing up with an ESI mother, an SLE father and an SEE sister may have something to do with it.

    It seems to me that you are an IEI. I cannot see any other type for you, and in particular so since I do not see any indication of along with hints of valued in the way that you explain that you understand things through "systems". I'm surprised that you didn't mention IEI as a possibility for your own type. Why is that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    Were these people, people with mainly a socionics or MBTI background?

    IMO Fe and Fi are pretty similar in MBTI and Socionics while Se and especially Si are very different in MBTI and Socionics. Te and Ti are somehow similar in MBTI and Socionics but in MBTI Te seems harsher than Ti while in Socionics it's laid out how both can be very harsh in their own way.
    In Socionics valued doesn't mean strong e.g ENTp he has strong Ne,Ni, Ti and Te and weak Se,Si, Fi and Fe but he values Ne, Ti and Fe,Si even though the latter two are weak.
    The two who went for ENxp were of a socionics stance; the other just jumped in with "an EIE who talks a lot"

    As well as that, I also noticed how a lot of people can mistake Ti/Fi, especially in extroverted intuitives.

    Ah, I see! That makes more sense now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Inguz View Post
    If you want to know where this indecisive/doubting quality of yours comes from then I'd suggest that you take a quick look at the enneagram too. I'm confident to say that my opinion is that you are a 6 in that. It's off-topic but my impression is that you seek to understand yourself further and as such it may be of interest to you.

    Someone else also pegged me as a 6 - a 6w7, actually (if I recall correctly; if I don't, it sort of reinforces my 6ishness ;D) having never really heard of the enneagram, I googled and saw the main sounds so much like me it's not even funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inguz View Post
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your questionnaire. You seem to be a very sincere and genuine person. And it is true though, the brain of teenagers is different from that of adults (especially since you are in lower parts of teenage years), a lot of neurons will be shut down and more and more of the axons of your neurons will become covered in myelin in order to make the neural pathways more efficient. Socionics is geared towards adults so I imagine that it may be tricky to find your type.
    Thank you :3

    Times two, actually - you've inspired me to look for neurone activity in adolescents and adults. Reading case studies atm...

    Quote Originally Posted by Inguz View Post
    It feels so nostalgic to read it so I apologize if I talk too much about myself. You do remind me of myself when I was 13-15. Eerily so. Around the age of 16 I became successively more socially proactive and it led me to "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" on top of that natural inner state of sadness, melancholia and contemplation. Born as a philosopher. One major difference though is that I never shied away from confrontation but I suspect that growing up with an ESI mother, an SLE father and an SEE sister may have something to do with it.

    It seems to me that you are an IEI. I cannot see any other type for you, and in particular so since I do not see any indication of along with hints of valued in the way that you explain that you understand things through "systems". I'm surprised that you didn't mention IEI as a possibility for your own type. Why is that?
    That's OK

    I'm not entirely sure that my natural inner state is a slight feeling of sadness, though I know what you mean, as I have experienced what you described. However I'd liken my inner state - quite a lot of the time, that is - to neutral. I can quite often feel at peace with myself, and I had a revelation today as I gazed around my friends and my school that I actually feel in place. It was a nice sentiment, to know that I feel contented with my current path in life. Despite this, I do contemplate things that lead me to a slight state of sentimentality for things that may never friends say I think too much; even though I can never quite describe correctly. Inner emotions, the way they are felt, are rarely reciprocated outwardly anyway.

    The reason why I didn't entirely consider IEI is that I don't feel like I could be introverted...I spend a lot of time alone; but with my friends I can be quite talkative and "in the moment" (though I always drift off, when we're having a debate or just talking I can sometimes completely focus on the present...I feel like I can only do this for so long before I go off somewhere else, if you know what I mean) This could be social extroversion, and I don't notice it because I spend a good divide with people/without, but I don't feel like i have enough information (there I go again) to even type myself as intro/extro. I feel like I'm just well balanced on that scale and am either slightly introverted or slightly extroverted: and my age, along with a multitude of other factors, has sort of jumbled this too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OctoberForest View Post
    The two who went for ENxp were of a socionics stance; the other just jumped in with "an EIE who talks a lot"

    As well as that, I also noticed how a lot of people can mistake Ti/Fi, especially in extroverted intuitives.

    Ah, I see! That makes more sense now...
    If you really want to type yourself you have to read about Model A it's the core of socionics.

    I'd also recommend you Filatovas type description they're easy to read but be aware that Filatova skips four functions and only writes about Base, Creative(both strong and valued) and Role, Point of Last Resistance (Both weak and unvalued)

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