Quote Originally Posted by DarkWhite View Post
...When I did the MBTI typing everyone sworn to me I am Ne+Fi event though I've always relate more to Ni, than Ne.
I also think NeFi since my immediate impression is IEE. But look at the excerpt below to see how IEE manifests NeFi below and see what you think.

Quote Originally Posted by DarkWhite View Post
I still have a bit problem with this Fe thing... I don't relate much to it. I am very individualistic type, I've never been very good in groups, I don't feel comfortable in them, I feel at my best when I can work alone, or just with one close person. .
IEEs seem to be the most introverted of the "Extroverts".

Here is how IEE uses NeFi:

Extroverted Intuition (Ne, )

IEEs are predominantly motivated by their feelings of interest and boredom. They are attracted to novel ideas, unusual or peculiar goings-on in day-to day life, and new experiences. They may have a tendency to frequently engage themselves in novel life "projects," which can and often consist of novel concepts or fields of thought, new activities, and new lifestyles (this list is not all-inclusive). These types of projects often take the form of activities that are uncommon, concepts that are unknown or avocations that have not been done or tried before. Regardless of the nature of their interests, they often have a tendency to try to accumulate as much knowledge about the field as they can, and sometimes to improve the field by finding new ways of conceptually framing its basic principles (needs an example). Eventually, once there is nothing left to discover, or when they simply become bored, they will follow their curiosity and find a new topic of interest.

Many IEEs require a certain degree of freedom from obligation in order to do their work and pursue their sometimes idiosyncratic interests, to the point where they may dramatically eschew conventional lifestyles. Some IEEs may have an irrational dread of working at a desk job or an office where they do not have the opportunity to pursue their whimsical hobbies. However, they often overestimate the torturous ordeal of having to perform specific chores that are not in line with their interests, and many IEEs that are acclimated to the reality of their obligations may not share this trepidation at having to fulfill them.

IEEs are often spontaneous and sometimes quite distractible individuals whose natural energy level leads them to be working on something or doing something most of the time (in contrast to dominant types whose natural state is one of inertia and contemplation). However their work is often periodic in nature rather and tends to be on whatever projects they have involved themselves in at the moment, or whatever they are interested in doing at the moment, rather than a consistent schedule or routine. Many IEEs routinely have spur-of-the-moment ideas or curiosities, and may be inclined to look up random information or do arbitrary things that have occurred to them in lieu of whatever they might have been working on previously.

IEEs, perhaps more than any other type, often have a tendency to seek out multiple perspectives and viewpoints on controversial matters. They are rarely tied down to any particular ideology and often have an implicit sense of faith that others are as intellectually open as they are. IEEs frequently have a innately optimistic disposition (despite how bleak they perceive the facts of any situation to be), and often earnestly believe in the value of a process of thorough, respectful, and politically correct discussion of controversial matters, and often that through a such due process of formal exposition of viewpoints, most reasonable people will come to a consensus as to the essential facts and truth of the debate.

IEEs often tend to mentalize and verbalize matters of personal development, individual qualities, and significant personal experiences, and often develop connections best with others through disucssing matters of personal development that are close at heart to them. They may have a sort of innate tendency to spontaneously try to help others find an appropriate outlet for their particular talents, focusing on the potential positive aspects of their character; they may become engrossed over what people might become rather than what they are currently, and thus have a tendency to be able to see the positive side of everyone.

Introverted Ethics (Fi, )

At first glance, IEEs are usually friendly, propitious and accepting people. They often enjoy interacting and learning from all types of people and tend to enjoy cultivating a sincere atmosphere of passive good will, where others can feel comfortable and accepted for who they are.

Like SEEs, IEEs are usually aware of and highly influenced by their emotional responses towards other people, things, or situations, but unlike SEEs they are less likely to be driven by their emotional reactions quite as viscerally; instead, their emotions are more likely to drive them to be a bit avoidant. They are often disturbed by conflict or aggression, and rather than espousing a confrontational or accusatory attitude, when possible they often prefer to politely smile and avoid being drawn into contentious arguments. They may be also somewhat fettered by and avoidant of situations replete with feelings of social awkwardness or situations in which their autonomy over their activities or choices is threatened.

They may be inclined to keep track of a large network of social acquaintances with whom they feel a significant connection. Many IEEs share a common pattern in that for them mental stimulation is often interpersonal; they may extensively enjoy interacting with many different people and find a situation boring if there are no interesting people with whom to engage in conversation.

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I copied the above because its shorter than whats on this site, but if you find that interesting you might want finish reading how IEE uses the rest of those functions here: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/IEE-ENFp/

And also, if that looks interesting, read the longer descriptions here on this site (the Ne description is long, anyway): http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...iyevskaya-ENFp

And if that seems like you then you will want to see this page if you haven't already, with several articles by different authors describing IEEs, including one on the female IEE: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...ry/42-IEE-ENFphttp://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...ry/42-IEE-ENFp