Hi! I am new to the socionics theory and I would like to know my type. I'd use some help from you guys, who know more about this than me . Would anyone please help me?

I am a 20 years old student of journalism. I've used to write since I was a little kid and still I find a big hobby in this way of self expression. At university we have our own magazine, Tv, radio and with my classmates we produce our own reports, articles, creative works, speeches and much more. Besides university I like acting, music and singing. I act at amateur theater, take singing lessons and sing in the band. I like to be creative, expressive and active, but I have a tendency to be lazy and irresponsible. I usually get very easily excited, but I struggle to finish things, or continue doing them, when they start to be stereotypical. I need things to stay original and somehow unusual so they wouldn't bore me after a short time. That is also the reason why I tend to be unsatisfied a lot in my ordinary life. Sometimes the reality seems to be too common, grey, ordinary... I wear my head in clouds a lot of the time and then usually falling back to the ground hurts me. I am always looking for new opportunities, possibilities...Just to make the grey reality a bit more colorful. I loved to create my own fantasy stories and fantasy lands when I was a child and I loved to escape into my own "dream lands". Now when I am older I try to be more realistic and down to earth, but my high levels of excitement and expectations always somehow lift me up from the ground back to my cloudy dreamy space. Around people I try to act realisticly and critically. Most of my friends know me as optimistic, childish and fun-loving person, but I tend to be disappointed and depressed a lot. I don't express this side of mine, but I like to be alone from time to time to get deep into my feelings and get the inner tension, or sadness, that I feel a lot outisde. I like to express my feelings via poetry, or music. I love to use this poethic, moody, gloomy sides of words and put them together. Even though on the outside I a lot act as the optimist I'd say my feelings and thoughts tend to be pretty melancholical. I also need some time alone to think...I actually love thinking and to analyze, philosophize, it helps me to understand the world around me and my own self. Sometimes I tend to push too hard on logic, arguments, facts and don't notice the simple things, or feelings around me.