Quote Originally Posted by gambit View Post
So, um,

1 & 3 (leading & role) are accepting
2 & 4 (creative & polr) are producing

5 & 7 (suggestive & limiting) are accepting
6 & 8 (mobilizing & demonstrative) are producing

So if I understand this right, applying it to your model, it seems that you could further delineate this (if you haven't already) into
Accepting desires that function usage from others.
Producing desires that function usage from them-self.
Then, as an example to show how I understand that, I could say the mobilizing is positive reinforcement produced by the individual self and the suggestive is positive reinforcement produced by others.

This would solve the introversion/extroversion potential problem and you could specify how duality relates logically speaking; but you'd probably have to explain how accepting/producing differs from extroversion/introversion, so that people don't get confused, just to state the obvious.

Please let me know if this is off.
Accepting and producing functions are Model A observations.
Quote Originally Posted by Model A
  • Accepting functions - learn about the world, they are the first in the blocks to receive inform[ation from the outside. Their task - to get a model of reality, their goal - an understanding that comes around.
  • Producing functions - means of changing reality. Being in a model after the accepting function, they find the solution of tasks set before them, so they do not reflect reality, as accepting, and generate a distorted picture of an imaginary world, which is a solution of their tasks.
Also I want to note Contact/Inert functions
Quote Originally Posted by Contact/Inert
  • Inert (reference) functions - rather rigid in their work, they are almost immune to internal changes. They require an external impulse of sufficient strength to them that something has changed. They are characterized by fairly long response, and often commit the state to which led the external impact. Thus they tend towards relative permanence.
  • Contact functions are very mobile and able to well manage their internal state. Through them a primary reaction to the impact from the outside happens (?). They produce an initial processing of information received, they also generate a final decision. Thus, their activity is determined by what happens around or current tasks, among which they can easily switch.
Thought of as the most important for outside stimulus are contact, accepting functions. These are the functions which are the most reactive to outside stimulus, these are the 3rd and 5th function which are in the super-ego and super-id. I think Aiss related this to me, but the article for this is not translated, and I'm not sure where it is at this time.