Quote Originally Posted by Mediator Kam View Post
I love how romantic this whole story is.

I also value the respect and "chaste-ness" of your guy's interactions. It reminds me of Victorian times
Thank you! It is special. Worth changing for, worth shedding my useless values and pre-conditions for falling in love. And discovering the whole duality idea - it gave a much-needed explanation for this incredible pull, but, to think that this very, very easy relationship could be ours [once we navigate some difficulties to get there] makes me feel hugely and undeservingly graced. But I guess that's why they are called graces - they aren't deserved. I give to God what I can, but He gives so much, much more back! You can't out-give God.

Yes, his respect and chasteness - it is better than gold! So yes, we have some "gold"-related difficulties, financially it won't be so easy, but with two working at it - and, harmoniously, as duality "promises" - we can set things aright together. That material good pales in comparison to his many years of faithful discipline, and also shared faith, worth so much. To trust someone - that is worth more than gold.

Thanks for your thoughts.