Quote Originally Posted by sorrowsofyoungwerther View Post
Hotel- I found one past thead....: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...992-Alan-Watts.

Mu- I did think he might be an IEE briefly as I picked up on a lot of Ne...but thought he sounded like a Ti leading and a strong thinker.
I introduced his talks to my LII friend, thinking she would find him interesting and she pointed out several flaws in his thinking.
Yes, for many strong Ti type the flaws in his thinking should be easily apparent. Much of the Ti that people see in him comes secondhand from his study of Taoism and other philosophies, he isn't creatively working with these Ti structures, I think they're just something he's repeating via script. And it's largely empathy and curiosity that drives him in his study of them. When his own thinking is observed I think the structure is flawed and limited.

I merged the threads.

I think he knows himself better calling himself a philosophical entertainer, which is sort of exactly what he is.