Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
^Ni speaks in form of a badge. It is used as demonstrative and humorous purposes: xII. I think LII-Fi fits best. In other words: You have deteriorated your base function and lost you identity to your role. Sounds serious and I think you should get some help ASAP.

It would be interesting to see how results are calculated. Should I start to reverse engineer it in order to gain understanding? It truly bugs me to have 4D Te in demonstrative spot. It is like have shown to have much potential and still humorously fail at everything, do lots of stuff that no one cares about and give out things that are useful for free. Oh, well... like I care about myself.

This test measures MBTI functions, not socionics functions. I have strong 4-D Ni in socionics but it's unvalued. I'm not mystical or psychic or anything like that. I tend to mock those sorts of things. The demonstrative function is said to be the 'mocking' function. I do have a good sense of time and ability to anticipate where things are likely to be headed, which is different than just forecasting the future. I don't try to predict it or make statements like "this *will* happen." It's more a sense of based on what has already happened over time, I anticipate that what is likely to follow is __________________. But whether or not that actually happens is anybody's guess. I also find myself thinking about the meaning in my life and my place in the world alot. I have this ongoing existential anxiety. I think it might be more likely in types with strong Ni but I'm not sure.

Also, regarding subtypes, I figured out Ni subtype from the end of this article. Copying and pasting that text below. Note that this system uses 8 subtypes.

The next step - isolation of eight subtypes

This task becomes urgent when the group increases to 7-8 people. For distinguishing eight subtypes we add an additional scale - primary/secondary, which reflects the hierarchy of personal needs.
It should be noted that theoretically there must be seven such dichotomies (including the three already known dichotomies). However, the description of the entire spectrum of subtype dichotomies is not the object of this report.
Any type of behavior that has as its priority the satisfaction of common group needs can be both primary and secondary. Primary needs are needs of a concrete, current nature (food, health, shelter, family, intimacy and so forth). Secondary needs are deep, lofty (a quick promotion, social status, spiritual peace, knowledge and so on). Questionnaires with the use of this scale have yet to be created.

Experimentally these subtypes are derived through their internal role within an octal group of identicals.
Dominating, along the primary axis generates the intragroup role of the motivator (psychologists call this the informal leader), and along the secondary axis role - the engine (formal leader).
Creative, along the primary axis acquires for itself the role of contactor, and on the secondary the role of group innovator.
Normalizing along the primary axis is the conscience of the group, and along the secondary its coordinator.
And finally, primary harmonization leads to the role of decorator, and secondary to the role of expert.

Most frequently our school determines octal subtypes not through dichotomies, but through the examination of the strength of one of the eight functions of the socionics model. Here I derive the following patterns...
Strengthening function forms demonstrative-artistic behavior. Corresponds to primary domination through emotional pressure, the skill to inspire or frighten. Primary domination in animals is connected to bright colors, cries, expressive mimicry and gestures.
Strengthening function forms the lingering behavior. This method of domination is secondary. This is the business leader, who persistently and emphatically gets his own way.
Both these models of behavior are frequently encountered together, being combined through the role mask. This bears out the fact that domination, although it is manifested through two varieties, is nevertheless a one-piece process.

Strengthening function forms excitable behavior. This treats creativity as primary and instinctive. It gives nonstandard, rapid solutions during extreme, critical (for survival) situations.
Strengthening function forms affective-labile behavior. This is secondary creativity, connected to intellectual fantasy, nonstandard ideas, directed not towards output based on dead-end situations, but to the solutions of future problems.
Both these functions frequently work together as two sides of a united innovation-introductory process.

Strengthening function gives alarming-over-anxious behavior. This is the primary-axis setting, which does not require formal commitment to traditional rules.
Strengthening function leads to the formation of formal-pedantic behavior. It is secondary in nature in response to the satisfaction of common group needs. It is based on regulation, instruction and official laws.
Both these models of behavior can act together, strengthening each other. Conscientiousness and pedantic relation to one's responsibilities are considered two sides of normalizing behavior.

Strengthening function is responsible for the formation of asthenoneurotic behavior. This is primary, vital harmonization, connected to the value of solid comfort.
Strengthening function forms shut-off, self-submerged, up to autistic behavior. This is secondary harmonization in terms of a spiritual-mental plan.
Both these models of behavior are equivalent, i.e. they are frequently developed together and strengthen each other. It is well known that for the meditation of the mind it is necessary to relax the body.

If we advance ourselves further according to our algorithm, then the next step of the elaboration of subtype will be 16 subtypes. These, I have encountered thus far only with the need for providing a solution to the problem of selecting a professional orientation, when it is necessary for a person to select a career from different spheres of activity. This most complex level will be examined in our subsequent works.

I think I relate most to Ni, followed by Ne, then Si and Ti.

I'm not sure why Ni is said to have 'autistic' behavior though. But I will admit to being kind of Asperger-y. Definitely self-submerged. And striving toward 'expertness.'

I would like to see a LII-Se. That would be interesting.