Results 1 to 35 of 35

Thread: Alpha Quadra Index 30 (as done as it's gunna be for now)

  1. #1

  2. #2


    [anchor]IPi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI(ISFp) Index

    [anchor]IPT[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Type Descriptions, Functions
    [anchor]IPN[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Spiritual, Mental, Psychological Topics
    [anchor]IPF[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Social, Relationships, Emotional Topics
    [anchor]IPS[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Physical, Sensational, Enviormental Topics
    [anchor]IPr[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI NonFictional Type Examples Examples
    [anchor]IPf[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Fictional Type Examples
    [anchor]IPm[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Pictures and Videos
    [anchor]IPc[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > SEI Index
    SEI Miscellaneous Threads
    Last edited by bg; 08-18-2011 at 11:03 PM.

  3. #3


    [anchor]EPi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE(ENTp) Index

    [anchor]EPT[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Type Descriptions, Function Topics
    [anchor]EPN[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Spiritual, Mental, Psychological Topics
    [anchor]EPF[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Social, Relationships, Emotional Topics
    ILEs and relationships
    An ILE friend and his lack of ethics
    What types have ENTPs dated successfully with and worse with?
    ILEs - what are you looking for...
    ENTp and ENFp
    ILE's friendships and clubbing
    ILE Sucks.
    Do any ILEs ever feel like...
    A Personal Ad that attracted an ILE
    ENTP and their expressions of interest
    Attention ENTps!!
    strange ENTp story
    ENTp's getting attached...
    haha ENTps
    ENTps and psychological distance
    ENTPs and bad judgement when it comes to people
    ENTps and why you don't want to really piss them off
    ENTps Falling in Love
    ENTp emotions
    ENTps and drama
    ENTPs and feeling emotions
    ENTps are totally screwed when it comes to relationships ...
    ENTp relationship and friendship issues
    What is the best way to talk to ENTps about unpleasant perso
    Question for ENTPs
    ENTp’s and psychological distance
    help! i'm an ENTP in love with an ISTP...
    [anchor]EPS[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Physical, Sensational, Enviormental Topics
    [anchor]EPr[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE NonFictional Type Examples Examples
    [anchor]EPf[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Fictional Type Examples
    [anchor]EPm[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Pictures and Videos
    [anchor]EPc[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ILE Index
    ILE Miscellaneous Threads
    Last edited by bg; 08-18-2011 at 11:04 PM.

  4. #4


    [anchor]EJi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE(ESFj) Index

    [anchor]EJT[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Type Descriptions Topics, functions
    [anchor]EJN[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Spiritual, Mental, Psychological Topics
    [anchor]EJF[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Social, Relationships, Emotional Topics
    [anchor]EJS[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Physical, Sensational, Enviormental Topics
    [anchor]EJr[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE NonFictional Type Examples
    [anchor]EJf[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Fictional Type Examples
    [anchor]EJm[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Pictures and Videos
    [anchor]EJc[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > ESE Index
    ESE Miscellaneous Threads
    Last edited by bg; 08-18-2011 at 11:04 PM.

  5. #5


    [anchor]IJi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII(INTj) Index

    [anchor]IJT[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Type Descriptions Topics
    [anchor]IJN[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Spiritual, Mental, Psychological Topics
    INTJs and depression
    Virtue of the LII
    LII and Anxiety Medication
    LII's stance on obedience and rebellion
    LII Insight Much Appreciated!
    LIIs being laid back
    LIIs - What do you want to do with your lives?
    Overcoming the INTJ achilles heal..
    why do INTJ's have bad communication skills?
    Great LII's conclusions about what can be believe in
    Why Can't/Don't INTJs Just Get Over it Already?
    A question about INTj's
    Any tips to increase the EI of an INTJ
    LII's indifference; deciding what to do with your (life)time
    LII - if you're in a rut and don't know why or how:
    INTjs and "The Quest"
    what frustrate you(intj) at this moment?
    LII reading
    Settling in to my personality type (INTj)
    Are INTj's slow?
    INTj grammar
    INTj and memory
    INTJs and creativity
    INTjs on life.
    Humor and INTjs (and other Alpha Quadras)
    INTjs and Religion
    The INTJ devotion
    INTj's self-reliance/control
    are INTJ's really weird?
    INTj: cause, or symptom?
    INTjs: the most narcissistic type?
    On the emotional intelligence of INTJs
    what INTJ enjoys
    INTJs inability to push their talents
    What do INTjs do for fun?
    INTjs and success
    INTj's, do you always feel like this too?
    INTjs and frames of reality "being in touch w/real worl
    INTJ and Purity
    INTJs and stress
    INTjs: Are you optimistic?
    INTjs: Are you good at maths?
    The tiny habits of INTJ
    Are all INTjs absent-minded...
    Written by an INTj
    A day in the mind of an INTj
    INTJ tendency to think rather than doing
    INTJ Bloody INTJ
    INTj's and "the Holy Trinity"
    [anchor]IJF[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Social, Relationships, Emotional Topics
    INTjs, define "friend".
    Question for INTjs
    Do any men truly like INTJ women?
    Where are the INTJ guys?
    the best romantic gift for INTj
    pursuing an intj: suggestions?
    To you LIIs...
    INTjs and sorrow
    When LII's experience emotional pain
    INTJ grieving too long for lost fiance?
    I am evil!
    LII Social Strengths Exposed
    INTJ seeking advice on relationships
    intj relationships...a few questions
    The INTJ, and romance
    INTJ men-I need your input please
    Tips for the LII in attracting an ESE
    describing ESFjs to an INTj
    INTjs and your need for an iNtuitive person to talk to
    INTJ and ISTJ relations
    INTj + SpeedDating = ???
    INTj's falling in love
    are intj real leaders?
    I am a cold blooded intj
    How do INTjs see ENTps?
    INTJs and their relations to others
    INTJ as romance material
    INTjs and social convention. Fellow INTjs wanted, other opin
    INTJ's difficulty in forgiving
    INTJs: At what age did you lose your virginity?
    A question for INTjs
    How to get romantic with an INTJ?
    INTJ seeking advice
    What do you do when you hurt an INTj's feelings?
    INTJs-Revealing one's emotions....
    How to get close to an INTj:
    INTJ with INTJ (relationship advice)
    How do INTj's flirt?
    INTJs are vulnerable in the emotional area ?
    INTJ social skills--can someone help ?
    I am an INTJ, need help dealing with ENTJ or ENTP girl ...
    Self-obsessed groupie INTjs
    [anchor]IJS[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Physical, Sensational, Enviormental Topics
    [anchor]IJr[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII NonFictional Type Examples Examples
    [anchor]IJf[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Fictional Type Examples
    [anchor]IJm[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Pictures and Videos
    [anchor]IJc[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > LII Index
    LII Miscellaneous Threads
    Last edited by bg; 08-18-2011 at 11:05 PM.

  6. #6

  7. #7


    [anchor]Qi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > General Alpha Quadra Discussion Index

  8. #8


    [anchor]Pi[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > Alpha Polls Index

  9. #9


    [anchor]Li[/anchor]Alpha Forum Main Index > Alpha Leftovers Index

  10. #10


    neat it works

  11. #11
    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    4 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)


    Wow! If you could fill in every one of those categories with links - even one link - that would be awesome. But somehow I doubt that's possible (without making many of the relevant threads yourself).


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Wow! If you could fill in every one of those categories with links - even one link - that would be awesome. But somehow I doubt that's possible (without making many of the relevant threads yourself).
    well after going over the entire list of threads I made before, this seemed like the most reasonable way to sort them. There should be at least one thread for every category. Some will probably need to be subcatagorized... (LII has like a million threads )

    hehe it's alot more fun coming up with ways to sort and organize than it is to do the actual work. I think I'm out of excuses though... it's time to start actually sorting the threads.

    I just need to get Tereg to temporarily up the character limit... I need for each category to fit within one post. and the entire alpha index to fit within 10 posts (so that it's viewable with the minimum number of posts per page setting (the anchors won't work if they are on different pages))

  13. #13


    Alpha Socionics Topics

    Oh Dear, Alpha Introverts
    Video on Archon, my brother, and SEI mune?
    Alphas and Awesome
    Alpha SFs and Se
    alpha sketchpad
    Alphas: Do you see some Delta interactions as snakey?
    video of me rambling about socionics, ILIs, and charles darwin
    Alpha: the potentially CRAZY quadra?
    Alphas and Affection
    correct alpha typings
    SI Dual Seeking vs Fe Dual Seeking

    I wrote an Alpha Story. I think...
    The random dissociation thread.
    Developing the Base Function, Rolling with the Role Function
    Where have all of the Alphas gone?
    Quadra Theme Song
    What is your EQ score?
    Alpha is the best quadra
    Alpha music
    To You (ENTps and more)
    Alpha Romances on Movies/TV
    Hey Alphas, I have a present for you!

    I realized yesterday
    Sense of Direction
    Are you a picky eater?
    Movies for Alpha Quadra People
    Alpha books
    Welcome to Alpha
    Alphas and social expectations/norms
    Favourite Comedy Sketch

    alpha goals
    Fuck Gamma's!
    "Funny e-mails" and alpha
    the Question thread
    The perfect dinner party.
    NT Game

    Where is everybody else in Alpha Quadra?
    The Alpha thread of Epiphanies and Everyday Wisdom.
    The Great Alpha Migration
    Alpha Insanity Appreciation Thread
    Post Pictures that Prove Alpha is the Best Quadra
    Tolerance Thresholds
    The more things change the more they stay the same
    scene kids = alpha?
    videos of alpha's perception of other quadras
    Masturbation (not to offend!)
    How do you differentiate between ESFj and ISFp?
    Si in LIIs and ILEs
    Alphas: What Do You Do?
    Ambition and Alphas
    Totally frustrated

    What were your favourite books when you were a kid?
    Non-Social Differences between ENTp and INTj ( ILE and LII )
    Addressing Perceptions of Alpha
    "Like a mom with benefits"

    What the fuck is caregiving?
    Si to the MAX!
    A Picture that Represents Alpha
    Alpha Dream
    Favourite Hobbies...
    Alpha SF Brainstorming
    Alpha Music
    alpha movies
    Alpha World Peace
    What motivates you?
    ISFP Fe Subtype ESFJ Fe Subtype
    Fictional Alpha Characters In Literature
    People Think I'm Strange When I...
    Si appreciation thread
    What does being Alpha mean for you?
    Th3 Alpha R3v0luti0n (translated: The Alpha Revolution)
    The Grand Alpha-bet.
    The next Big Alpha Topic
    Intraquadra Shift
    I think my heads gonna explode from all this Fe!
    An Evening with Friends
    How rebellious are you?
    alpha words
    Alpha videos
    Attention Alphas
    Alpha quotes
    Let's Clear This VI Mess Up
    Oh, glorious Fi!
    Alpha and career management
    Why do you want to do that?
    Pictures of Alphas you know.....

    Advice Needed, Unique Situation re ILE-SEI Duality
    Field Guides for Alpha Quadra

    Milk your Fe for me

    Alpha = postwhores
    Alpha and subtypes
    Alpha job
    TV Shows for Alpha Quadra People
    Example Of Fe
    Alpha words and images
    Mother Son duality
    Real duality: INTj and ENTp.
    Shawshank Redemption as an example of
    Subtype and Erotic Attitudes within Alpha
    Question for Alphas
    intellectual curiosity
    So Alpha ...
    Anti-Fi Rant
    Why sometimes LII and SEI can't activate each other
    Infantile Alpha + Aggressor love scene (INTJ-ESFP)

    What is your goal in life... if you have one...
    Differences in i/e
    The Roles of Alphas in Fiction
    When your mind drifts...
    Alpha Philosophy & Religion
    is there anything alpha won't make fun of?
    So Alpha?

    Implementing Ti and Ne in humor?
    Wandering Alpha Ne
    Alpha Quadra subtype relationship interaction descriptions
    Alphas and "The Journey"

    accepting kindness
    Alpha is the laziest quadra
    Alpha Gallery
    Corporate Structure & Socionics
    How Alphas perceive other quadras
    How does alpha quadra prefer to spend their free time?

    ha's not THAT flaky....
    What is your pet peeve?
    Developing the Sensing Function

    Alpha Sexuality/Relationships
    I need your help alpha NT's!!!!!

    Enneagram types for Alphas
    Looking for examples of Ne
    Another Duality Question...Strength of Dualities
    Alphas & Learning Languages
    Subtype theory

    I realize I have no alpha friends
    Gimme Ti!
    Ti ONLY thread
    Videos of Alpha Quadra Members
    Alpha VI Thread
    Example of Quality Discussion
    Structuring reality and creating correct systems of thought
    Things members of the Alpha Quadra can't stand
    The Switch
    Ne: 'Need' for outside information?
    Alpha How Do You See Beauty (Cache Restored)
    What does he/she see in her/him?
    How to manage time for Ne, while dealing with practical stuf
    Fe and Eye Contact
    show me the "awareness of how the world really is"
    Alpha Quadras in Literature?
    Why do people see me as alpha?
    hit my polr
    How to dump Alpha women
    INTP=INTj and INTJ=INTp?
    Creating your own structure/system and being 'drained'
    Who do you think makes best leader among TJs?
    "Mud Baths": Alpha Quadra
    Alpha and poetry

    Who's your favorite superhero?
    What to do when you are bored?
    ALPHA-GAMMA Conflicts
    the ability to touch people physically and being touched
    What's the point of quadras?
    most meaningful differences between ENTp and INTj?
    One night stands
    Type Schmype
    I dont "GET IT"
    ENTp and INTj with people they don't like.
    Is socionics useful?
    INTj and ENTp, part three
    Synthesized Feelings
    A poll - visual thinking
    What's your type and what do you do?
    entp-intj... again

    Alpha Moods
    INTJ and ENTP: A fun story for the whole family (profanity)
    Gonna wing it and try to seduce an ISFj
    alpha authors
    Schizoid Personality Disorder

    INTj and ENTp: Part two FOR THE WIN!!! (vulgarity warning)

    Romance in Alfa
    The humour in Alfa.
    motherly types: healthy?
    Dangers of Socionics and its potential evils
    A money thing.
    Alpha Quadra Values
    The One and the Many

  14. #14


    Other Stuff

    Why can't you all be more like me?
    Alpha subforum moderators
    Bippiti Boppiti Boo
    My thread.
    Gulanzon Appreciation Thread
    Gibber, Land of the Gibberish
    What colour jelly beans taste the nicest?
    Let's play vidjer games, what do you SEI?
    HM Queen Elizabeth II appreciation thread
    Favourite Song
    Hai sup! New member for your viewing pleasure
    Why can't you all be more liek me?
    I need to share some very important information with you.
    Introvyrt Stryfe
    None of you talk enough.
    I'm becoming Bi-quadral.
    Sometimes I feel socionics is kinda like this....
    Alpha has gotten boring
    New forum and website proposal plan ...
    Hello! I am one of you guys now!
    Carla the Cynic
    I need hugs :'(
    Making Breakfast
    This one's for you Kam.. ♥
    LOL at the title of this subforum
    theMime. are you there?
    Hello Alpha
    LII/INTJ Appreciation thread!
    Breathless by the Coors.

    ^update 5^

    What I like about being me
    Grow Strawberries
    I hate Gammas lol
    Talk about nothing here!
    Talk about U2 rock concerts here!
    Talk about theoretical particle physics here!
    I just noticed a spider bit me while I was sleeping last night
    The forum.
    1001st Thread in Alpha
    Your butt
    A Blog
    I want a small child
    Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream
    What is your earliest memory
    We need an award for introvyrt stryfe!
    Putting creativity into a new evil plan...
    I'm bored.
    Turn me into an ISTj.
    A shitty questionnaire.
    Guess the film
    Operation This Might Be A Big Deal But I Need To Confer With Everyone Else
    the AWESOME thread!
    Recruitment time!
    to teh alpha nt girls
    Things have changed.
    Books you've always wanted to read but never have
    Kam made me emo
    I have my life story.
    I miss Carla
    Mime's Life Story. (I wanted in on the action.)
    Allie's Love Story. (I already got in on the action.)
    I HATE YOU MONDAY!!!!!!!
    Phaedrus is now alpha
    A discourse on Stryfe...
    Who the fuck is left?!?!?
    What in the world is Introvyrt Stryfe?
    We miss americancer

    ^^^ update 4^^^
    Post your lamest pics..of you!
    OMFG landed a sweet job today!
    The Bug Update
    water appreciation thread
    Hey guess what I found out
    I'm ISFp now
    Asperger syndrome: Do you intjs relate to iT at all?
    The Alpha Study Chamber
    Kam and Allie need to get it on and breed baby Alphas.
    Anamericancer has gone loopy!
    It's a two-dog afternoon in Australia.
    Sudden downpours are awesome!!
    The adventures of my hubdand...and the dentist.
    If you could be a vegetable, which one would you be?
    The TheMime Appreciation Thread
    ~Alpha Vacancy Vote-In Thread
    The Suomea awareness (and appreciation) thread
    The dolphin Appreciation Thread
    Bee Appreciation Thread
    alpha sleepy time
    Drawings for the Alpha refrigerator
    The Ms Cancer appreciation thread
    nothing to see here
    Kamangir Appreciation Thread
    The cracka (ESFj) appreciation thread!
    The SEI whale!!!
    When you're not in here.....where do you go online?
    Cute Puppies
    i'm joining alpha
    Gamma quadra making the world a better place!
    How many words ...
    I have left Alpha
    More pretty pictures from a wedding this weekend
    Can I just say...
    Carla appreciation thread
    dolphin appreciation thread
    A little nonsense
    The 16 Types
    To Whom It May Concern:
    A Better Explanation
    Natural Selection
    How To Handle a Rabbi
    How To Handle a Rabbit
    very offensive description of LII

    ^^^update 3^^^

    Myspace and Facebook......opinions + lemme see urs!

    Could you help me with these alpha VIs?
    Depression, Anxiety.... life in general
    the ultimate alpha topic
    Carla appreciation thread
    Serious statement
    So a Priest, a Nun, and a Rabbi walk into a bar...
    Alpha plan for World Domination
    hello, friends
    The best way of disposing of a body undetected? (legally)
    Alpha: The Musical
    The Alpha Mascot
    Alpha <3
    Alpha and concern for improving the community
    My project
    Snooty Bitch
    [color=#22229c]Story time
    ^^^update 2^^^

    Amazing Discovery
    who are you in seinfeld?
    I'm a bastard
    Miss-the-Girl Syndrome
    What bad hobits do you have?
    I don't want to be ISFp anymore
    Means of relaxation, a serious issue

    ^^^update 1^^^

    When there's nothing left - motivation for academic success
    control issues
    i'm looking for a better word then HATE
    Happy Valentine's Day Fellow Alphas (not just the INTjs )
    Limitations of the body... (my confrontation of an issue)
    being passive aggressive hijacking threads
    Dumb Question
    good for a laugh Friends as lovers
    burns in my heart when never have a gf...
    Wonderful INTJ's (ISFP point of view)
    Forum transmutation fear (F.T.F.)
    Dont let anyone get you down ?

  15. #15



    Possible Famous Alpha Types
    How to Feel Like Crap
    Bitch I'm a maverick.
    Republican VP Palin is ESFJ

    Is Bjork Gudmundsgotti really an ESFj?
    My Enneagram Type
    Those ILE Movie Types Type this ass.
    Brian Culbertson

    No use fighting it anymore...
    Thinking I am more ENFp than ENTp now...
    McCain an Alpha?

    Pushing Daisies--Alpha Show
    Condi Rice
    Do you think I could be an ENTp?
    I Just Discovered
    Why Wikipedia is Alpha

    Is Jennifer Love Hewitt an ESFj?
    Is Amanda Bynes ESFj?
    UDP's type
    Henry Kissinger
    INTj political leaders
    Maximilien Robespierre, 1758-1794

    UDP is INTj?
    Molly Sims ESFj? Batman: INTj
    Is Australian and Hispanic culture ESFj in nature?
    Japan - Land of ENTps
    Is Sophia Vergara ESFj?
    France - Land of ESFj
    Is Einstein INTj/ENTp?
    Is Hilary Duff an ESFj?
    Is Michael Ventris INTj?

    General Alpha
    Alpha love styles
    Alphas: What is your goal in an argument?
    Alphas: old or young souls?
    Alpha SFs: Do you like shiny things?
    Alpha NTs: Do You Like Philosophy?
    Who are your favourite superheroes? Are you a picky eater?
    Alphas - Are you a Morning or Evening Person?
    Alphas and social expectations/norms
    Blondes or brunettes?
    Another Hair Thread
    A 3rd hair thread
    Women : how do you drive ?
    Favorite Alpha Pet
    Other than Alpha which quadra do you like best? Alpha's only please!
    Who are your favourite muppets?
    Drinking out of the milk jug when no one's lookingFreestyle dancing when no one's watching
    We need an award for introvyrt stryfe!
    New Test Experiment: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS (Alpha version)
    Brain Hemispheres Test (Alpha)
    Alpha and subtypes
    alphas and gay inuendo
    Alpha Headcount
    Alpha Dramatics?
    The Alpha Quadra: Analysed at last!

    Your favourite variant of SEI

    ILEs: What's your MBTI Type?
    How big is ENTp Big?
    female ENTps

    Do INTjs intitiate relationships?
    LIIs: your views on abortion
    LIIs: INTJ or INTP?
    Male INT J's Do You Like women With Facial Hair.
    ATTN: LIIs
    UDP is INTj?
    Are there more male INTj's than female INTj's?
    Female ESFJ's Do You Like Men With Facial Hair.
    Lolz and Randomness

    <2<2 or <2<3?
    I lvoe my volleyballl team
    machintruc's : what's your favourite variant of machintruc ?
    Alfa Glasses
    This is the POLL that will end all POLLS
    Is Ms. Cancer descended from Genghis Khan?
    An Apology.
    is Allie better censured/censored?
    Who can be Kam's assistant?
    ~Alpha Vacancy Vote-In Thread
    The SEI's are being corraled, and YOU decide!
    Leader for Palace Construction!
    Who Will Be The Leader Of Alpha


    ENTps, do you find it easy to conceive of ideas that improve +Si?
    ENTps: what is Ne to you?

    Logos... noOOOooOOOooo!
    Shadow Skill's Blackwind Diaz
    Breaking it Down: How Alpha Thin

    INTjs, do you find it easy to market your theories?
    Have I no capacity for pity?
    Alpha and SWAP.avi

    Does Objectivism = Alpha philosophy?
    Asceticism, austerity -- needing an ESE? | Spirituality
    Rinoa Heartily as ESFj (FFVIII)
    Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
    Evil Alphas
    Getting ESFj attention over the net.
    My ENFj girlfriend
    My INTj girlfriend

    Pathlogical ESFj executed
    Is Machintruc INTj-XXXx?
    Is this ESE-LII duality?
    Forcing Responses
    INTJs and the Cross-type theory
    Squall and Rinoa: Duality at work?

  16. #16
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ILE (ENTp)
    16 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)


    BG, you have done a great job. Seriously, take it easy
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    BG, you have done a great job. Seriously, take it easy
    lol I'm having fun, don't worry

    it's just that I'm working this out as I go along so it's probably a bit chaotic to watch.

  18. #18


    ESE done

    SEI done

    ILE done

    LII done-ish

    Dualities done

    notes to self...
    • sort LII into subcategories
    • add material to physical, sensory, enviormental
    • figure out what to do with Emotional (currently in relationships, social but might work better in spiritual, mental, psychological)
    • distribute typings out into types
    • combine real, fictional, and pics+vids as subcategories under a single main examples category
    • clean up the back links to the Indexes that go with each category... (maybe something minimalist along the lines of these )
    • add mirror and activity relationship pairs to Quadra Relationships + an other for outside quadra ralationships

    shitty! lost all of the duality threads when I went to submit the edited list and had the bad luck to catch tereg updating. was deleting them off the unsorted list as I was editing, so those are gone too. *Fixed

  19. #19
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    On a Hill
    6 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)


    Please note that I made use of the Alpha Index today and it was good. Thanks a ton BG.
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  20. #20


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    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    ILE "Searcher"
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    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  22. #22
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Holy catfucking christ, this is amazing. Never have I seen such a feat of forum organization...have I promoted you lately?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    these links dont work anymore

  24. #24
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    For the technically-minded here, I don't suppose there's some way to automatically convert links to the new format? It would be rather a lot of work to go hunt down all those old threads and update the links to them by hand...
    Quaero Veritas.

  25. #25
    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    For the technically-minded here, I don't suppose there's some way to automatically convert links to the new format? It would be rather a lot of work to go hunt down all those old threads and update the links to them by hand...
    Yeah this is a great resource and it'd be a shame to lose all of it just because the formatting changed. So my suggestion isn't quite automatic but you could do a simple find-and-replace in your favorite word processor. If there were enough links, someone with a little coding knowledge could probably write up something to do the replacing and parsing automatically.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    I'd be happy to write a script to fix it if an admin is willing to give me the source text and paste in my updated text.

  27. #27
    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    So aside from RandomSequence, no one else wants to undertake the conversion?

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

  28. #28

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    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


  34. #34
    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    I suppose there's no point in reposting the sections that Bionicgoat never finished. It'd be better if some admin could copy my posts' content into Bionicgoat's posts, since spanning a page break as they do causes some of the jumps to not work correctly.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    I suppose there's no point in reposting the sections that Bionicgoat never finished. It'd be better if some admin could copy my posts' content into Bionicgoat's posts, since spanning a page break as they do causes some of the jumps to not work correctly.

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