Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
Why shouldn't overstayers be deported? It's kind of the norm. I didn't know that he was saying climate change was a hoax. Obamacare is a failure, from what I understand from here?

There are so many illegal immigrants already that I think in some ways just working on the deporting of them rather than a wall is better idea.
the problem is that there are so many illegal immigrants here (around ~11 million) that it's hardly logistically possible to actually deport everyone. more importantly (imo), it's simply inhumane, since so many have families and established lives here in the states. many families are a mix of undocumented immigrants and legal citizens. so what are you going to do, send the undocumented parents home, while their young children who were born here stay in the US? also, illegal immigrants provide cheap labor for many businesses - this isn't something i'm defending by any means, but unfortunately it's something that a lot of businesses exploit. point being, suddenly sending all undocumented workers back to their home countries would be a blow in this sense, and again, unrealistic.

Obamacare isn't a failure, no, and it's been upheld by the US Supreme Court. it's certainly not perfect and the US healthcare system still has many problems, but it's certainly been an improvement, ensuring millions of people who previously weren't covered, helping many get inexpensive health insurance, keeping all people age 25 and below on their parent's insurance (the cutoff used to be age 18), banning the practice of refusing coverage due to "pre-existing conditions", etc.

are you over there watching Fox News or something??