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Thread: Milla Jovovich

  1. #41
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I thought that Milla’s portrayal of Leeloo was just about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I would merge with that girl in a heartbeat. Who cares if I can’t fully understand what she says?

    Judging only from that portrayal, I’d say she is SEE. SEE’s can be “out there” extroverted and still be surprisingly vulnerable. The feeling I get from watching her is that I want to take care of her, protect her, keep her from doing some crazy thing by mistake. At the same time, I admire her Se physicality. I feel like I could leave her alone for a while and she’d be fine when I returned, assuming she didn’t try to find out where the electricity in those wires was coming from. I think what I’m feeling here is Activity.

    I have long associations with both female LSI’s and SLI’s, and I don’t think she displays the Ti love of logic and order of an LSI, and I’ve never met an SLI who has her Se-force or is as sexual or as vulnerable as Milla.

  2. #42
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    Obvious LSI.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I thought that Milla’s portrayal of Leeloo was just about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I would merge with that girl in a heartbeat. Who cares if I can’t fully understand what she says?

    … I’ve never met an SLI who has her Se-force or is as sexual or as vulnerable as Milla.
    Sounds like thirsty projection.

  3. #43
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    Sounds like thirsty projection.
    Water, water everywhere,
    Nor any drop to drink.

    My life has gotten tougher since I've become more selective in choosing females.

  4. #44
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    Ti. mb LSI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My life has gotten tougher since I've become more selective in choosing females.
    it's interesting which females in my IR test you'd prefer more

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    it's interesting which females in my IR test you'd prefer more
    where's this IR test

  7. #47
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    it's interesting which females in my IR test you'd prefer more
    @Sol, I can tell you exactly what I think of the female sociotypes. But you have to remember, I was raised in Delta in a family of Logicals, with no feelers in sight, and so my natural tendency to choose a mate similar to one of my parents has led me far astray.

    In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to myself, in a dark wood, where the direct way was lost. It is a hard thing to speak of, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood was, so that thinking of it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death: but, in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there.
    I cannot rightly say how I entered it. I was so full of sleep, at that point where I abandoned the true way. But when I reached the foot of a hill, where the valley, that had pierced my heart with fear, came to an end, I looked up and saw its shoulders brightened with the rays of that sun that leads men rightly on every road. Then the fear, that had settled in the lake of my heart, through the night that I had spent so miserably, became a little calmer. And as a man, who, with panting breath, has escaped from the deep sea to the shore, turns back towards the perilous waters and stares, so my mind, still fugitive, turned back to see that pass again, that no living person ever left.

    Aesthetically and intellectually, I am attracted to SLI's. Unfortunately, they are my Supervisors, and so they tend to dismiss me as an idiot. Besides which, sex with them is incredibly boring.

    Sexually and intellectually, I am instantly attracted to LSI's. They tend to be incredibly smart, and sex with them is the best. They are, like, sexual Artists, which is not something you'd expect just from looking at them. Unfortunately, we are Mirage, which means that all interactions feel as if they are conditional, which IME is not true of Duality.

    For public companionship, I am drawn to female Semi-Dual EII's. They are sensible and intelligent and seem compliant in the sense that they accommodate themselves to me while not actually yielding at all. However, I'm not sexually attracted to Infantiles.

    For just having an easy, good time, I am drawn to my Activity partners, female SEE's. However, two extroverts can't both be in the limelight at the same time.

    I'm presently training myself to approach ESI's. I have to train myself because I had no early training with them. My early attempts involved treating them like my sisters or one of my ex-GF's, which was basically an unmitigated disaster. So, I'm proceeding slowly and carefully.
    There are basically two types of ESI's. The Se-sports model, which I find instantly attractive and which seems to be impossible to pin down because they see something strange and they RUN AWAY, and the Fi-nesting model, which seems like a camouflaged bird with lots and lots of insecurities.
    Despite all this, ESI's feel very compatible to me. Easily compatible, with no tendency to lose ourselves in the other. I think we tend to complement each other on a functional basis.

    Sol, I'm just waiting for the right one to come along. I'm seeing more and more ESI's every day, and interacting with them more and more. I'm waiting for one with a good brain and a good face. I'm not attracted to most women and that includes most ESI's, so one with a face that I like is essential.
    It would be nice to meet her casually, so we could just start interacting slowly and naturally, but you never know how you will meet someone. We shall see.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-07-2019 at 04:13 PM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I can tell you exactly what I think of the female sociotypes
    I'm more interested in how you perceive people typed by me. Did this by the recommended procedure which should reduce nontypes factors.

    VI impressions as "I have long associations with both female LSI’s and SLI’s" are the most important when you type people which are not close IRL. We know a little about them to use logics and in case of actors their roles influence additionally.

    > Aesthetically and intellectually, I am attracted to SLI's
    > Sexually and intellectually, I am instantly attracted to LSI's.

    main good IR effect is irrational friendly sympathy
    to _feel_ better with logically smart people more than with emotional ones (in Fi or Fe styles) is expected for F types

    > They tend to be incredibly smart

    LSI for LIE should not be valued much for T reasons, perceived without delights. TS have simpler minds and Ti has other functional value.

    > and sex with them is the best

    For sex are important emotions. If you like T type more than any F in sex - the reason can be better IR, as T types are lesser emotional. Suplementing IR give emotional inspiration as activate the energy of your unconciousness. T itself may give not much to sex.

    > Despite all this, ESI's feel very compatible to me. Easily compatible, with no tendency to lose ourselves in the other.

    while with dual you "lose ourselves in the other" as your uncousciousness is activated and so you lose normal self-control, lose borders. you review yourself and your life. your mind changes. not to alien but new side. and you also get an inspiration for those changes to come. you introject your dual, you become him, - you lose your previous Self in the other. duality predisposes to love, to new perception of two people dissolved in each other and which became a union of two equal parts. you share interests, thoughts, emotions, sensations. you two become as a one

    > Sol, I'm just waiting for the right one to come along.

    I'd watch your video to suppose other types than base Te. As mb you need a woman of other type.
    Parrents is bad explanation for what happens. I also noticed your easier relation to objectivity compared to me, - not what is expected from base Te.

    IR test may add useful about your type. If to do it as recommended.

    > I'm waiting for one with a good brain and a good face.

    most people have good brain of IQ ~100. the ones with uni degree have a little higher as ~110, - they just know more and studed to solve some tasks. FS types are not the smartest people in technical sense which is thought as main in today culture.
    if you seek "good brain" more than "good emotions" - this is about F types. if you like T type in sex the most - mb the same reason

    > good face

    On a face is expressed human's type in nonverbal. You'll find a face as more pleasant at a human with nicer expressed emotions - IR will affect this significantly. If there are troubles to find good enough face at ESI - that type mb not your dual.
    From physical side alike 80% of women are good, at least in fertile ages. You may have high sexual interest to them. Just get significant romance emotions and then this inspires to become it higher. If you like LSI more than ESI - possibly ESI are not what you prefer as soul friends, not your duals, not who inspired you the most - this mb the reason why LSI seem as more sexually interesting than ESI.
    You mb not the 1st who mistyped yourself for several years. This has higher chance than influence of parrents types. My parrents were base Fe/Ti and I never was attracted romantically to those types. Among 3 emotionally significant women, two were ESI and 3rd was IEI. I also had slight emotional interest to women of other types, but never to ESE as my mother. ESE seems as not bad sexually, but not interesting emotionally for relations. Emotions is what I always seeked the most from women, - emotional inspiration, pleasant one. It's what base T types seek the most. While you seek for "good brain", which for me is good enough at the most women and at worst I may notice is the lack of education. F types with any education are not so smart in logics for me - I easily notice their issues in argumentations, simpler life views. But it's ok - just do not be too dumb, be normal one and talk not as farmer. For love, emotions, sex, good home - you do not need more. At worst she'll be more boring to talk with in case you'll want to discuss "higher" stuff. Only if you prefer T types as have F type - then for sure you'd need "smart ones" with "[logically] good brain", but not those who are good in emotions, relations, arts or interestingly talk about people.

    > I'm not attracted to most women and that includes most ESI's, so one with a face that I like is essential

    You should accept as pretty enough most of women of duals, at least. If those are duals, indeed.
    It's an illusion that you are more picky. You need more good emotions to a woman and then she'll become more attractive in physical sense too. You are blocking emotions - it's where you are picky and then this may influence on the rest.
    It's easier to get good emotions to dual woman than to other types. Emotions of close soul friendship.
    The additional problem is the age of women which are esier to get in relations, as you are past common marriage times. After 35 yo women are lesser interesting and this makes harder the initial choice. You'd should forget this, anyway. Later you'll change your perception significantly after warm feelings to her would appear.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    where's this IR test
    in my signature is bloggers list. there is the link to the test

  10. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luciforms View Post

    I think at 2:50 we're witnessing a more Fi-valuing type, maybe? And Exxj makes sense to me. I think ppl forget how much energy Exxj types can have and how Exxps are not the only charismatic or 'playful' types. She's a paid performer. It's her job to get ppl to look at her all day.

    The way she expresses herself/explains is also a bit like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

  11. #51
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    I take back my vote. LSI. Her eyes are like the female version of Chris Pine's eyes.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    Can't tell whether she's 3w2 or 7w8.

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  15. #55
    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    She looks vicious... instant "avoid" vibes for some reason.

  16. #56
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    SLE maybe

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